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View Full Version : PPL Study Package or Seperate Equipment

17th Feb 2002, 19:27
I am contemplating whether or not to buy the PPL study package with the trevor thom books or to buy my equipment seperately and buy the Pratt books because ive heard they are a lot easier to understand. Any comments on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


17th Feb 2002, 20:13

I am commencing training for my PPL soon and have forked out a fair amount of cash for equipment.

I bought. .PPL Study Package. .PPL Confuser. .Shirt. .Tie. .Epaulettes


and now

[quote]. .I am contemplating whether or not to buy the PPL study package . .<hr></blockquote>

Is this a windup? You have got a tie & epaulettes and are looking to learn on a twin...

You're Tricky Woo, and I claim my £10 prize.... :) :) :)

17th Feb 2002, 20:17
i said i was going to pay out a lot of money for that equipment. cannot rmember saying i had but if i did then that was my mistake.

Dont mean to be harsh but it sounds to me like your going out of your way to be a smart arse!

17th Feb 2002, 20:22

I am commencing training for my PPL soon and have forked out ...


17th Feb 2002, 21:17
ok well, if you want to save money, then forget the headset, tie, shirt epaulettes and the confuser for the time being. You won't need the confuser until you actually start taking your exams and the headset you won't really need until you've qualified and prefer to use your own.

The PPL study package will save you a fair amount of money to begin with as I think it's something like £50 or maybe more to buy the bits seperately.. .The only things you'll need on your early lessons will be map, kneeboard, pen, spare pen, sunglasses, checklist & a watch. I might have missed something out on that little bit, if I have, I'm sure someone will give me a nudge and let me know.. .Personally I would, before any of that, have a trial lesson with a local flying school to see if you actually enjoy it and feel it's for you.

With regards for your medical which you've asked about, if after your trial lesson you do really want to persue this and are wanting to take it to CPL or ATPL level, then go for a Class 1 so you know whether or not you will be able to follow it through to the end.

I've never read the Pratt books so I'm unable to comment on them, although I do find the Trev Thom books quite easy to understand.

Also forgot about learning in a twin for starters, try the basics first a nice C152 are fun to learn in, and cheapish on the hourly rate.

17th Feb 2002, 22:56
Thanks djk. Youve summed up all my questions in one.. .But oone more small question which i would like to ask.. .Ill take the class 1 medical but do u know how much it costs and how i go about taking it. By this i mean do i have to write to the caa to get an application form or ring them...

Thanks again djk your help has been greatly appreciated.

17th Feb 2002, 23:12
flyer boy,

nurries, I have no idea how much a Class 1 costs, your best bet is to read some of the threads in the Medical forum. I think I've seen somewhere that it costs about £500 although I can't be totally certain on that and that for the initial medical you have to go to Gatwick to have it done.

18th Feb 2002, 02:22
An initial Class 1 medical costs £400. It can only be done at the CAA's offices in Gatwick, and takes around 3-4 hours. Call the CAA to make an appointment. I know - I did mine last week!

But you'll only want that if you're aiming to be a commercial pilot. If you're not planning on going any further than Private Pilot, then a Class 2 medical is fine. This can be done by any Authorised Medical Examiner (your flying school probably has a list, and if not I'm sure it's on the CAA website somewhere), and price varies from one doctor to another.

FFF. .---------

Tricky Woo
22nd Feb 2002, 14:30

Not me mate, but someone is definitely extracting the urine. Give me credit for a little more subtlety that this particular flying hatchet.

I also tend to do my dirty work in Jet Blast, where this sort of thing belongs.


27th Feb 2002, 09:20

cheers for that, I couldn't remember is the correct cost was £400 or £500 to thought it safest to put the higher amount just in case I was wrong (which I was) <img src="smile.gif" border="0">