View Full Version : Atcos are boring - Official!!

18th May 2010, 09:32
Air traffic controllers are "very boring", what they do is "simple" and they're "nerdy anoracks" - so says David Learmount in The Mail on Sunday.

Don't disagree with him as such, however, I don't recall him mentioning any of this when he's been writing for the dear old Management organ (Pulse Online), over the past few months.......
Never mind, perhaps he'll tell us directly next month.

This is a crisis
18th May 2010, 10:18
Link (hopefully) below

Volcanic ash at 10 o'clock: The world's most stressful job - inside the control tower at Heathrow Airport | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1277581/Volcanic-ash-10-oclock-The-worlds-stressful-job--inside-control-tower-Heathrow-Airport.html)

2 sheds
18th May 2010, 11:25
Pretty rich, coming from Mr Learmouth. In that case, perhaps he would like to reconsider his position in respect of writing for the NATS company rag.

2 s

18th May 2010, 11:32
If that gent had spent sometime with me whilst I was working he certainly wouldn't have called it "boring". What a prize dope!

Anyone know if he has ever held a responsible job, or has he been a journo all his life?

Right Way Up
18th May 2010, 11:58
I would take it as a great compliment that old Learmouth is knocking you guys. He must be jealous. ;)

18th May 2010, 12:17
Indeed, pretty rich, coming from one of 'Grub Street's' scribblers who is at the lower end of the 'Hall of Shame', being merely a technical journalist.


18th May 2010, 12:19
Ah, yawn, ah, what 'he say?.................

18th May 2010, 16:59
So what?

ATCOs do apathy as well...

when we can be bothered...

Lon More
18th May 2010, 17:11
Interesting article This is a crisis James Delingpole tries his hand at the world's most stressful job and finds out what makes British air-traffic controllers the best I wonder what basis he makes that statement on?

Actual info on Liarmouth's professional qualifications are very difficult to find. It's almost as though his career has been sanitised. Seems eminently qualified for a member of the new British government

On the beach
18th May 2010, 17:17
Anyone know if he has ever held a responsible job

Ex RAF C-130 co-pilot. Would that account for his right wing outlook? :ok:

18th May 2010, 18:02
<<Ex RAF C-130 co-pilot>>

'nuff said.

2 sheds
18th May 2010, 18:16
Former editor of "Flight International" - whence he earned his epithet - so now an "expert"!

2 s

18th May 2010, 19:29
James Delingpole tries his hand at the world's most stressful job and finds out what makes British air-traffic controllers the best

The best in Britain!!

Lon More
18th May 2010, 19:39
Years ago, a piece in "Flight" entitled "Peace at last(? possibly Pieces)", by Mr. Learmount IIRC, about how good UK Controllers were.

The truth will out, as they say.

18th May 2010, 20:05
I think he meant 'boring' in the sense of 'cool headed' rather than intending anything derogatory :hmm:

18th May 2010, 22:14
and the "nerdy anorak" comment...?

That ATCOs know more about aeroplane and aviation than him......:ok:
Sorry, ATSAs too

Scooby Don't
19th May 2010, 08:15
Nerdy anoraks??? The cheek of the man.

I have a good mind to introduce a resolution at the next meeting of the ATCO chapter of the Star Trek fan club, demanding a strongly-worded letter (in Klingon) be sent to Mr Learmount. I suggest members of the ATCO chapters of the B5 and BSG fan clubs do the same. Maybe have a competition to see which letter arrives first, thus also settling the argument over the relative speediness of warp drive, hyperspace and FTL drive technology. :}

20th May 2010, 10:29
Learmount really nails it with this gem:

....."probably the worst (controllers) aren't the Spanish or the French but the Americans,' claims a former pilot. They all talk like characters in that Seventies CB radio movie Convoy."

Well, out of the 30 busiest airports per aircraft movement, 21 of them are in the States! His beloved LHR is ranked 13th.

He's clueless.

20th May 2010, 11:12
It is better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt..............over to you David.......

20th May 2010, 11:20
I wonder if Learmount is aware there are airports other than Heathrow - maybe it's just Heathrow controllers he finds boring.

The Many Tentacles
20th May 2010, 11:54
Doesn't mean they're the best though Canoehead, just means they have more planes to make an arse of it with :}

Totally agree with the sentiments regarding Leartit though

Lon More
20th May 2010, 12:05
C130 co-pilot? obviously a man of little ambition or ability. Probably done 99% of his flying in the circuit at HMP Wootton Basset

20th May 2010, 12:33
This could be a whole new thread....

At what point does one consider oneself knowledgeable enough to step forward and be identified as an "expert", such as DL is a renowned "aviation expert".

Sort of interesting article, but with some terrible rubbish thrown in, and some bluidy awful sweeping generalisations from Mr L....:rolleyes:

As to ATCOs boring-ness, or otherwise. Once upon a time, there was a little tiff between one of our pilots and the ATC in EDI (our home base). Company told me to smooth things over. Got together with the ATC folks, we agreed some sort of social event where everyone could meet face-to-face would be a good thing :p

We got a goodly sum of money from our company to fund this, and they did the same from theirs. We agreed to meet at dusk with cases of champagne at the ready, followed by a very fine slap up meal somewhere in town.

Diplomatic relations were resumed, judging by the party.... I seem to remember there was enough champagne that we had to finish it off after the meal so it didn't go to waste.

20th May 2010, 13:04
This is a crisis
What does Blind Controller mean in your link ,what does that handle use for ?

20th May 2010, 17:19
can somebody inform NATS that it has been 20 and odd years since the breakup of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Soviet Union ;) the Germany is united though.... (oceanic flights display)

20th May 2010, 20:40
Yawn, ZZZZzzzzzzzz...

20th May 2010, 21:26
kontrolor - I'd go see your optician. Check out the ownership of said map & repent your mistake :ouch: