View Full Version : ACF-50 atomiser spray?

4th May 2010, 14:42
I am having some difficulty locating somebody selling the special nozzle which can spray this stuff in the required very fine mist.

david viewing
4th May 2010, 14:58
Don't know about the nozzle but David Jones at Airspeed Derby sprayed it very effectively through my aircraft. So effectively that it leaches out through every seam on to the white paint!

4th May 2010, 16:18
Where abouts are you? I have the full aplication set up inc, all the long rods etc. beware though, it will oooozzz out of every rivet!!


4th May 2010, 16:41
I've had the ACF-50 treatment done, about a year ago, and yes I am aware it comes out everywhere :)

The reason I would like to buy my own kit is because getting it done is a bit of a hassle. I have to fly the plane somewhere, then (on an owner assisted basis) I spend a couple of hours unscrewing the various inspection covers, then the man goes around and sprays it (and rips off some piece of wire which he didn't see) and then I spend another couple of hours putting the covers back on, and then I have to fly back before my home airport closes.

If I could do it myself, it could be done inside 1 day, easily.

The actual spraying is really quick. Well under 1 hour to do the whole plane.

The spray device is 2-3 rods which screw into each other to get the reach, plus a nozzle at the end. Plus a B&Q-style pump-up spray thingy, IIRC.

I am a long way from Essex... well, would have to fly.

4th May 2010, 17:21
I bought the complete outfit from Aircraft Spruce, (it was about $600) it consists of a canister that looks like a calor gas bottle, you put the ACF 50 fluid into the bottle and conect it to a compressor, it then atomises the liquid in the canister. it has a built in spray gun and lotts of different tubes, ends etc.

Your welcome do borrow it. I am based at Damyns hall (EGML) the units not there, but it can be, but the tubes are about 6 foot long so it will be dificult to get them in a plane.

The unit is full of fluid (i recently put 5 litres in) so if you want to arange it, you can fly to EGML, do it all yorself there (i can bring a compressor) then fly home.

or you can make me an offer for it?

Your call
