View Full Version : Where can I have my aircraft repainted?

17th Apr 2010, 10:41
Can anyone out there recomend a good paint shop ( preferably within the UK) that they have used and been pleased with the results.

How much can I expect to pay for a full bare metal strip down, corrosion treatment, prime and two colour top coat on a cessna 172 size aircraft?

Thanks, Tri.

Saab Dastard
17th Apr 2010, 13:44
Here's a couple of fairly recent threads on topic, from the Search facility:




17th Apr 2010, 14:09
Stripping to full bare metal shouldn't be too expensive in Iceland right now.:}

17th Apr 2010, 18:19
Have a nice day out and fly down to Flymoore Aviation at Dunkeswell. He does good work and is very painstaking. They did my AA5 Tiger very well.

As far as cost is concerned you might just as well ask how long the piece of string is! Until a sensible visual estimation of the a/c and particularly the corrosion has been made I don't know a paint shop that will give a realistic estimate. Guesses yes, but until all the nooks and crannies have been looked into estimate will what it will be.

What you need to know is that when they get all the plastic bits off they won't double the price for the "unseen" problems, and in my experience Alan Moore won't do that, unless the problems are really serious.

A and C
17th Apr 2010, 22:44
Mick Allen at Turweston is the best I have seen, He is not the cheapest but he offers real value for money.

He has painted two of my aircraft and after four years they still look like they just left his shop.

18th Apr 2010, 06:32
Edmundsons at Thruxton would get my vote.

19th Apr 2010, 14:40
Thanks to everyone who replied.