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View Full Version : EVAC with handcarry

7th Apr 2010, 15:51
YouTube - ?????BELLY LANDING ?????emergency?exit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezYMGM_VtFI&feature=related)

Just came upon this interesting clip. Seems a nose gear collapsed on landing on a NW 747. EVAC ensued with slides, but passengers all carried their hand carry with them. How strict should the crew be in dis-allowing this?

It took place in 2005 so its awhile back. Maybe Imissed a thread about this?

Piltdown Man
7th Apr 2010, 17:12
The idea of pax not carrying their carry-ons is only a concept. The average person would be probably more prepared to sacrifice their first born rather then be parted with their bags. Think of the palaver that check-in and gate staff go through on each and every flight with pax who insist that their oversized, overstuffed 20kg "handbag" would 1. fit the gauge if the gauge wasn't "bent" and 2. fit any and every overhead locker and 3. tell the same staff in no uncertain terms that as everybody else is taking three or four pieces, they will as well.

Now fast forward to the flight. Now imagine insisting that in the midst of an evacuation that the plonker standing in front of you (probably with a fully inflated life jacket) will have to leave their bags behind. Also, apart from the fact that they best place for their bags is now outside the aircraft (where will you put it if they hear your order and comply?), do you really think they would comply? Not a chance.

The only way would be to prosecute a few of these numpties (reckless endangerment?) and levy such swinging fines that people in the future would think twice. Would it work? Maybe. Speaking for myself, I've noticed a tremendous improvement in the behaviour of pax now that they know for sure that "arseholism" will be severely punished and will not be tolerated on our airline. But there again, maybe they are flying with the lo-cos.


7th Apr 2010, 18:01
this is hardly an 'evacuation' but rather a disembarkation.

7th Apr 2010, 21:16
Granted its not a true emergency perhaps, unlike the Ci 738 on fire in Okinawa. But even there people grabbed their hand carry as well. Frankly Id be tempted to take one important bag (if its small and manageable) myself.

But I don't really consider leaving via the slides a disembarkation though. People get hurt going down those slides and its not done unless there is an immediate risk of some kind.