View Full Version : Flight Crew Abbriviations

26th Mar 2010, 01:22
I recently flew on SAS (Scandanavian) and the flight deck crew were FC and FCM. What do they mean?


Mr Angry from Purley
27th Mar 2010, 19:21
Flight Captain, them i'm guessing :\

29th Mar 2010, 16:48
Thats what I thought but the 'FCM' got me, wasn't sure what the 'M' stood for?? any ideas??

29th Mar 2010, 18:50
In what context were these intials used?

A Very Civil Pilot
30th Mar 2010, 17:50
'Flight Captain' and 'Flight Captain's Mate'.

Might it not be an abbreviation for a Scandie term?

31st Mar 2010, 01:24
Yes, but I'm still trying to work out where the OP saw or heard these initials..doesn't sound like the sort of thing that's said on the PA, as in:

"Good afternoon this is FC Bloggs, with me on the flightdeck is FCM Biggles".......:confused:

Can you tell us more REF, then we might be able to help?

31st Mar 2010, 09:10
Flight Crew (as in flight crew in general)


Flight Crew Member (as in 'member' of a specific flight crew)

maybe? :confused:


Flight Crew Manual (as in our airline)

jetset lady
31st Mar 2010, 10:11
Or how about Flight Crew (FO) and Flight CoMmander? :confused:

31st Mar 2010, 18:55
It was with reference to the flight deck crew, pilot and co-pilot.

31st Mar 2010, 21:42
"It was with reference to the flight deck crew, pilot and co-pilot"

:ugh: Yes, even the flight crew here have worked that out!!!

But without a context we are all guessing - Where did you hear or see the mystery abbreviations "FC" and "FCM".. Public address announcement, Crew Badge, Customs Declaration?

(edited to add: It might be worth asking the same question on the Nordic Forum...maybe it's a Nordic Abbreviation)

1st Apr 2010, 09:24
Slight confusion there - apologies!

It was on the crew manifest.

1st Apr 2010, 11:51
OK, in that context as Debate said FC will be Flight Crew. No idea why one would have an additional 'M'.