View Full Version : Recommendations for airfields and flying clubs in north west.

22nd Mar 2010, 10:17
I'm well into my NPPL training and I'm moving to the Yorkshire dales, between Settle and Skipton.
I hope to get my license before I move but a combination of poor weather and fast house sale could change that so I may need to complete my training up north.

As the title says I'd appreciate thoughts on airfields and flying clubs around the area. The nearest I've found so far is Leeds but I was hoping for somewhere a little smaller without those intimidating 737s.

NPPL by the way as I'm of an age (60) where it's a yearly medical and at this stage I don't find the limitations of the license a restriction.

Thanks in advance.

Them thar hills
22nd Mar 2010, 22:21
Where you're going to live isn't exactly near anywhere that does training.
To the west there's Barton (ok, southwest) and Blackpool. To the east there's LBA, Sherburn and Full Sutton.
You don't say which NPPL- Microlight or SSEA ? St Michaels is a microlight training field, and Rufforth, Bagby, Felixkirk also train on microlights.
Nearest strip to you is Oxenhope, but there's no training there. Nontheless an interesting strip, not least due to it being 1150 feet above sea level...

23rd Mar 2010, 08:46
You're a bit stuck in the middle there. I lived at Oxenhope for a while but I've never flown in - it looks interesting :O

I think both Sherburn and Blackpool would be worth a look. I've trained at, and can recommend both.

Sherburn is a club, Blackpool is a quiet commercial airport with several commercial training organisations. I can personally recommend Westair and Flight Academy Blackpool. The latter also run non -equity groups which may be of interest when you finish training.

If you would like more details send me a PM

23rd Mar 2010, 08:55
Isn't there a club at RAF Woodvale near Southport?

Probably a bit too far for Postiee, but worth a mention for the benefit of others in the North-West.

Personally, I would look for somewhere East of the Penines as the weather should be better.


Small Rodent Driver
23rd Mar 2010, 10:40
Whilst there is a club of sorts at Woodvale it is basically a private owners group and no flying training is available there unless you join one of the Uni air squadrons perhaps?

23rd Mar 2010, 19:28
Thanks for the helpful replies. Barton or Blackpool look favourite, I'll have to take a trip and get the lay of the land.
My NPPL is for SSEA with most of my training to date in the ubiquitous C-150.

I now see that my criteria for house selection was all wrong. Should have had "distance to airfield" as the number one selection.

Ah well.

23rd Mar 2010, 23:00
Sad to say when compared with the midlands, south and southeast, flying sites are pretty scarce on the ground up north. Even full time farm-strips can be counted on the fingers of less than one hand in Lancashire. As part of a group who attempted to open a strip in Lancashire the amount of flack from the RSPB and similar environmental groups, including Lancashire County Council Environment Section, the Ramblers and of course the local Nimbys including a local Group A pilot saw the project spin into the ground. If you can find a school to teach you will probably will find that there is no hanger space for you’re a/c so renting will be your only option. There is demand up here for sites but the local councils / planning authorities seem to be ‘brow beaten’ by the afore mentioned groups into turning applications down.

23rd Mar 2010, 23:57
A complete dearth of airfields in this, one of the most beautiful and scenic flying locations in the UK. When you have your licence buy a farm and set up a grass strip and hangarage then sit back and wait for the deluge of applications to base there.

Led by me.

Retired Redcap
25th Mar 2010, 15:37
If you do decide on the flog down to Barton and want to stay with the C150 then LAC flying school would be a good choice.