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View Full Version : CRM Instructor

16th Mar 2010, 16:01
Is there anybody who knows a good course on how to became a CRM Instructor? Distance learning courses, classroom, one-by-one and other possible way... and of course, if it is possible, the amount of $! thanks

16th Mar 2010, 16:44
Global Air Training. Cheshire, UK. 5 day course. Approx £2200 including accommodation. Find them at Global Air Training - Crew Resource Management Courses (http://www.globalairtraining.com/crew-resource-management.htm). Don't believe thay do distance learning and looking at your location they my be a bit out of your way :ok:

16th Mar 2010, 16:47
OK which one will you suggest

globalaviation.com (http://www.globalaviation.com/profile.htm)
aviationteamwork.com (http://www.aviationteamwork.com/aboutus/index_atticus.asp)
aviationtrainingservice.com (http://www.aviationtrainingservice.com/courses.html)

or if you have other ... feel free!

16th Mar 2010, 18:06
All of these companies should have CRMI qualified instructors and UK CAA authorisation.

However the best CRMI course is given from actual airline experienced crewmembers who are the Instructors and who are experienced and knowledgeable.

Some companies have psychologists and researchers who know their stuff but do not necessarily have the actual practical experience to give realism to the modules and necessary skill acquisition. Being a CRM Instructor is about instructor skill acquisition and practical experience on the course not just knowledge acquisition.

Go for price, convenience and comfort with the experience of the instructors who run the course.


1st Apr 2010, 18:23
Thank you all.:ok:

16th Nov 2010, 16:43
OK which one will you suggest

globalaviation.com (http://www.globalaviation.com/profile.htm)
aviationteamwork.com (http://www.aviationteamwork.com/aboutus/index_atticus.asp)
aviationtrainingservice.com (http://www.aviationtrainingservice.com/courses.html)

or if you have other ... feel free!

Hi everybody ... suggestion for CRMI

what is the better and the cheapest of the three above? and I would like real deal not the web-page prices

