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View Full Version : UFlyMike Lawsuit Against ALPA (UAL)

8th Mar 2010, 15:08
United pilots, your union published an MEC bulletin in Nov about the UFlyMike Aviation Headset without the facts. All attempts to solve this "pilot-to-pilot" with your union have failed. To date, ALPA has refused to publish a meaningful and unbiased retraction. There is now a lawsuit filed against ALPA which alleges negligence and libel.

It appears your union published this document on behalf of UAL management, not as a "voice" of the pilots they represent.

If you want your union to support free choice on headsets and use of headsets which protect your hearing, contact them and let them know.

8th Mar 2010, 15:17
I don't know anything about this particular spat but, if you want to protect your hearing, fly with both cans on and use intercom. ANR is the icing on the cake.

Also: wear ear defenders on walkround and don't visit loud discos :)

Did I take my own advice? Well, no; due partly to company SOPs.

8th Mar 2010, 15:24
I have never ever worn ear defenders anywhere near an aeroplane and have visited more noisy night clubs than I have had hot dinners and my hearing is still in great shape after more than half a century of noisy aviation.

My wife might not agree with me but then the ladies can hardly talk since they pioneered the art of selective deafness!

8th Mar 2010, 15:58
I am on an annual audiogram and still go to lots of noisy nightclubs and my hearing level has not changed for the last 5 years!

Constant use of the intercom in the cruise, frankly, irritates me! I spend the whole time adjusting volume levels and find I am more likely to miss ATC calls. For years we flew without intercom with one earpiece off and the other on. There are some noises I do want to hear which can be a good clue as to what's going on!

8th Mar 2010, 16:00
I don't know anything about this particular spat

I think this UFlyMike gadget is some kinda kludge to use the trendy consumer version noise cancelling Bose headsets in a commercial cockpit. Bose makes a pricey airline headset and doesn't support the UFM aftermarket mod of their low end headphones from what I've read.

There are bulletins issued periodically by most U.S. carriers along with FOM guidance warning against use of non-TSO'ed headsets in part 121 operations. There are varying opinions whether the UFM in combination with the Bose headset constitutes a TSO product. UFM even sells separate earbuds to comply with TSO requirements, when using the earbuds the Bose's function as a (cough, cough) 'mechanical headband' according to the UFM FAQ page:

FAQs (http://www.uflymike.com/id19.html)

The right to wear an addon to a set of consumer grade headphones that is not supported by the headphone manufacturer is viewed by some like the right to bear arms. Conspiracy theories and claims of government persecution are raised in posts I've seen on some of the airline union forums. The guy in the first post seems to be suing ALPA over a microphone product, go figure.

Still, I've got enough on my mind these days with the feds crawling all over us, I think I'll stick to a kosher set of TSO'ed headphones, one less thing to worry about...

8th Mar 2010, 16:53
I'll defer to Bruce Dickinson...

8th Mar 2010, 17:25
I have used the Bose/UFM set up for the last 3 years, works well lasts a long time.

eghi r20
8th Mar 2010, 17:37
likewise....I would never go back to a normal headset :ugh:

8th Mar 2010, 17:48
air bubba the UFLY mike set up is TSO"D!!!!! and for those of us who fly commercial its much better (for some) than the bose X because its a bit lighter and not as binding on the head among many other reasons.. great product.... oh did I mention that a FAA inspector did a ride and used a pair of bose w/ ufly mike!!! said he loved it!! guess they know what is allowed or not!!!

8th Mar 2010, 17:54
With all due respect, this post is intended for UAL pilots who need to know that their pilot union has published a grossly inaccurate document which significantly impacts their pilots.

In that document, their union has stated policy which is not the opinion of the pilot group.

For those shooting from the hip on this post, the headset is fully TSO'd and approved by the FAA. It is NOT a makeshift, inferior headset. It outperforms most headsets in every category.

The lawsuit is about disparaging and inaccurate information being published about a reputable company's product. The document ignores the facts and FAA TSO certification.


West Coast
8th Mar 2010, 19:49
Something larger?

Developed by a SWA pilot, not accepted by UA pilots. Lots of UA pilots got the cold shoulder from SWA when they were on the streets looking for a job.


Excellent piece of equipment. No vicegrip feeling of the DC's, no missed calls of the Telex 750's.

8th Mar 2010, 22:30
I'm not doubting it's a great product with cult-like status and all that. However, when both the company and the union repeatedly warn you in writing that you need a TSO'ed headset and UFM is TSO'ed only if you used the optional earbuds it should raise a little concern in my view. I've never seen anyone with the UFM that used the earbuds, are they just for show in case the fed shows up for a line check?

After NW188 overflew MSP I would think personal electronics, including iPods, non-aviation headphones and notebook computers are under increased scrutiny from a regulatory standpoint. Remember those little homemade plugs that were all the rage a while back? They let you wire the audio output of your notebook computer to the aircraft interphone so you could hear the DVD soundtrack on your headphones while you fly. If you were in a 744 you could set the computer aft of the throttles on all those little knobs and buttons, slide your seats back and both enjoy the movie. Accidentally hit the wrong mic selector button and you were transmitting 30 minutes of soundtrack on guard, or even worse, ATC. Not sure I'd want to try that these days.

A few short years ago worrying about someone checking the TSO on your headset would be laughable. But, nonsense like this is fair game these days, the fact that the requirement for the TSO is explicitly addressed in many company FOM's makes it something an inspector might verify in my opinion. Or, maybe he already uses a UFM in his Mooney to listen to his iPod as some have suggested.:)

I'm curious to see what guidance UAL ALPA gave on the UFM, could anyone give a synopsis here?

9th Mar 2010, 05:30

With all due respect, again, this post is for UAL pilots and not intended as an opportunity for speculation about whether pilots use headsets in proper configuration or what they might do in the cockpit which is not authorized.

This post is intended to alert UAL pilots that their union has published a document which was not accurate and not the opinion of the pilot group they are supposed to represent.

Airbubba, thanks for your understanding.


9th Mar 2010, 13:54
I doubt that PPrune is the best way to reach UAL pilots.
I am a pilot for AA, and if I mention something I read on PPrune to any of my fellow pilots,I get a questionmark look as 99% of them have no clue this board exists.

9th Mar 2010, 14:32
Hey Mike. get real, this a public forum, in a public place. Any comment should be, and for most of us ( the public) is welcome.

As I said get real !.


10th Mar 2010, 04:48

Quote: Hey Mike. get real, this a public forum, in a public place. Any comment should be, and for most of us ( the public) is welcome.

As I said get real !.

Being a public forum doesn't justify unrelated or hip shot comments on any thread, you're comment included.

10th Mar 2010, 06:52
my hearing is still in great shape after more than half a century of noisy aviation.
Eh? What? :)
However, I think I'd be correct in saying you did use intercom for the first part of your flying career :ok:
Re clubs; in the nineties, The Grid in Bahrain was almost painful.

My tinitus sounds curiously like B747 packs - or engine room turbo feed pumps close to which I used to stand for eight hours a day with several other turbine devices zinging away :*

10th Mar 2010, 12:05
This post is intended to alert UAL pilots that their union has published a document which was not accurate and not the opinion of the pilot group they are supposed to represent.

OK, I'll bite, what was in the document that was not accurate and does not reflect the opinion of UAL ALPA pilots?

As others have pointed out, this isn't exactly a closed UAL pilot forum so many of us are not aware of the issues that prompted the lawsuit against the union representing UAL pilots.