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View Full Version : Fatigue Risk Management Forum

25th Feb 2010, 19:29
This organisation has raised its head in a debate at work. I had a nosey round its website (www.frmsforum.org) and can't see any mention of associating with, dealing with or generally anything to do with the CAA. Which is a bit odd.

Does anyone know much about this organisation? It seems to be awfully company-driven.

25th Feb 2010, 23:20
I believe the FRMS forum is company driven, I have met some of the members, and as far as I can tell there are no unions or flight crew associations involved.

Chris Gains
26th Feb 2010, 06:40
The FRMS forum has members from accross the industry and was set up with help from the CAA. At the last meeting there was at least one person from the CAA and BALPA there.

Hope this helps


Mr Angry from Purley
26th Feb 2010, 09:10
At the last meeting (it was the first also) there was also a Euro Union present also (ECA?).