View Full Version : Guide for USA pilots to fly in Russia airspace

22nd Feb 2010, 17:19
I would appreciate your help in discovering a guide or a summary information for USA pilots who plan to fly in Russia. Are you aware of any information available on the internet? I am specifically looking for information relating to the choice of altitudes and cruising flight levels. I noticed there is a difference between ICAO altitudes and flight levels and Russian altitudes and flight levels.
Dick Siano

23rd Feb 2010, 05:21

When I used to fly in Russia we used the Russian AIP and Jeppesen.

The Russian AIP had a system that the left and the right page said exactly the same thing Russian on the left and English on the right.


23rd Feb 2010, 07:51
Switch the aircraft to metric and just fly the cleared levels. Aside from that both Lido and Jepp have tables to "translate" from metric levels to the usual format, including tables to go from height (QFE) to altitude (QNH), but i have to say i prefer the Lido presentation of the altitude conversion.

[Edit]Forgot to add, of course EAG charts have those tables too, but EAG charts are so bad compared to the other two that i actively try to de-learn everything about them.

24th Feb 2010, 01:03
Make sure you have a feet to metric conversion chart. Make sure you have east and west metric flight levels to hand. Make sure you put the next "call" position in the fix page. If u have one... Finally listen hard, coz the English can be a bit ... difficult. Dushanbe, or similar, at three in the morning can be a little hard on the ears.

Look out the window, and enjoy the trip.

2nd Sep 2010, 22:26
Found a great handout how to fly meters in Russia!


Skylark3 :ok:

11th Sep 2010, 17:55
Hi Dick,

I've also looked for a decent explanation of ops in Russia but haven't come across one.

Level allocation is in meters, as mentioned; be aware that the Russian level system is pretty much unique to Russia as compared to other airspaces that uses meters as well. So for example FL381 is a cruising level in Russia, but not in China, where FL374 is the next one down.

AIP Russia (if you can get your hands on one) or Jepps would be a good source. Only addition I would give is that ATC is generally good across the continent. Level of English varies, but most of us make the mistake of speaking too fast or unclearly and therefore don't get what we need. In my experience Russian ATCOs are very friendly and helpful but the language barrier is big.

Routing, level, etc. requests can be met with a sharp 'Nyet' - reality is that because they don't have the language to offer an alternative, they don't - but don't be afraid to ask again, with something specific and clear - you'll generally get it.
