View Full Version : IFATCA press release

8th Feb 2010, 12:27
Hello everybody
here you have the IFATCA press release, three days ago the conditions in which air traffic controllers are working in Spain have been changed, using a legal instrument called Royal decree:

European Union Presidency Spain Downgrades National Air Traffic Control
IFATCA questions the Royal Decree issued by the Spanish Government and
believes that this will not make up for the past deficiencies of AENA.
The Royal Decree has merely confirmed that the Air Traffic Control system in
Spain, as is the case within much of Europe, relies upon individual Air Traffic
Controllers working overtime to prop up the ATC system. Marc Baumgartner,
IFATCA President, stated that the measures imposed by this decree will do
nothing to provide a long term solution to this critical shortage of controllers.
This decree punishes Air Traffic Controllers for the past economic mismanagement
of AENA.
Forcing any specialists in a safety critical field to work in such a climate of fear and
intimidation that this decree creates is detrimental to the safety of the ATC system.
IFATCA calls upon the Spanish Government to ensure that all actions taken under
this decree are in full accordance with ICAO and EU standards and requirements.
They shall be subject to comprehensive safety assessments and not further stress
the already overstretched ATC system.
In the interest of SAFETY of the traveling public in Spain, IFATCA, as the global
voice of Air Traffic Controllers, calls upon the Spanish government to exercise
restraint, caution and due consideration before enacting these extraordinary
provisions. AENA must return to responsible and reasonable negotiations with its
air traffic controllers, to determine a sustainable way to overcome the critical
shortage of ATCOs.