View Full Version : EGLL Controllers who provides your chairs?

Patrick Bateman
22nd Jan 2010, 16:31
Hi all,

I was looking at getting a high quality ergonomic seat and the the ones at EGLL tower look pretty comfortable.

Does anyone know what make and model they are, or indeed who supplies them?
I presume that they are 24hr rated, and do they all have head rests?

Thanks a lot.

Patrick :)

Captain Spunkfarter
23rd Jan 2010, 09:09
Hi Patrick

I'm not sure of the company name, but yes they do have head-rests, although I wouldn't want to sit for 24hrs in one!

They have just been upgraded, here is a picture (http://subjonctif.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/throne.jpg)of the latest model.

23rd Jan 2010, 09:41
I wouldn't expect less for Heathrow ATCOs....

Whilst I was at WD they had a "chair changing" session. The old chairs were removed and replaced with dreadful new ones. The old ones were piled into a skip for disposal so I approached the admin wallahs to see if I could have one - buy one if necessary. I was refused and after some discussion with an ancient crone it transpired that I couldn't have one simply because no form existed for such a transaction. The old Civil Service mentality! I had to watch the skip full of chairs - some almost knew and worth £200+ each - drive off to the local scrap dump.

Red Dragon
23rd Jan 2010, 10:15

Sorry, couldn't resist.


23rd Jan 2010, 14:48
Not EGLL, but we have these: KAB Seating > Ergonomically Designed Seating for Hardworking Environments (http://www.kabseating.com/office/product.asp?product=79&grouptype=app&groupid=8&appid=28)

23rd Jan 2010, 14:50
Capt Spunk, that's the wrong model. It's actually one of these. (http://www.betterlifestylesinc.com/images/pictures/HomeToiletImage2.jpg)

23rd Jan 2010, 21:02
Captain SF, I always knew you were an old queen at heart, but I didnt know you went so far in acting out your fantasies about having young men on their knees in front of you:p

24th Jan 2010, 08:57
Niceone Micky!
Hope you're well,

On the beach
24th Jan 2010, 13:38
Cor, chairs. When I were a lad in the Tower we were so poorly paid that all we could do was dream of having chairs!!

On the beach :8

24th Jan 2010, 16:15
Hi Jez, hows youself?

Life treating me well, I have got myself a job at Grenoble-Isere, but in the interests of aviation safety, it's mostly ground-side.

Airways B
24th Jan 2010, 16:20
Back to the interesting topic of chairs...

Many NATS sites use these Aeron Chairs - Products - Herman Miller (http://www.hermanmiller.com/Products/Aeron-Chairs) Same as David Dimbleby uses on question time apparently.

Not cheap but prove good value over time as they are very strong and generally 'controller proof' :)

24th Jan 2010, 18:43

From Håg of Norway....used a lot over here. Cost a lot too! :ok:

24th Jan 2010, 20:18
Apologies for going off-topic for a mo' there :O

Those Aeron things - or a variation of the - made a brief appearance in the VCR and ISTR that they weren't universally well received.

25th Jan 2010, 23:22
Airwaws B,

Nope. The industry standard post-it "u/s" has been seen.....

26th Jan 2010, 09:19
As has been said before - Heathrow controllers don`t sit on chairs. They lounge on thrones.