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View Full Version : Sydney runway 25

18th Jan 2010, 06:05
Noticed that 25 is being used a lot today,Monday. Have they finished the upgrade?

18th Jan 2010, 07:57
Its still in use for smaller aircraft.

Last week I drove across it, and still looked far from finished around the formwork at the old road under the rwy.

But I could be wrong.

18th Jan 2010, 08:48
I think there was the odd 737.

18th Jan 2010, 09:16
A legal point, if the runway is being upgraded to comply with ICAO recommendations how come it can be used in the meantime? Someone goes off the end .........?

18th Jan 2010, 09:56
It's open for business.

18th Jan 2010, 11:28
Quick review of the YSSY NOTAMs seems to suggest that it's only closed at night (from 2300L), operating with a new said of TODA/STODA (though these figures have been published since October) and with a new ILS (though it is U/S at night time until the end of the week).

Can't say I've looked at the RESA paperwork lately though, so just going with my gut and some interpretation.

But more interestingly, are A380s going to use it? One of the NOTAMs suggests it (detailing A380 ILS Ops). I had no idea that was the case.

18th Jan 2010, 14:54
I think there was the odd 737.

Biggest damn 737 I have ever seen took off on Mon arvo.:}

It had four engines and looked a lot like a Virgin A340-600.:ok:

Starts with P
18th Jan 2010, 20:31
Outside of the hours of 7am to 7pm, it is now available. When winds are forecast to be above a certain speed (crosswind problems on 16/34), it can be made available for the remainder of the day. :ok: