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Capt Groper
16th Jan 2010, 07:31
What is your prefered model to use in normal and non-normal situations

There are many, CLEAR, PILOT, GRADE, SADIE, AAM etc to choise from.

Which do you think best represent todays problems in aviation.

16th Jan 2010, 08:36
FORDEC is the model used for the EU/EASA/JAR NOTECHS Behaviour Marker CRM Skills measurement system.
Facts, Options, Risks,-- Decide, Execute, Check.

Look at the NOTECHS system and the Decision Making process is documented well in the behaviours that can be infered from the communications and actions of the crew and crew members.

It is required to be documented (graded) and measured by legislation in all EU-OPS compliant airlines during pilot training OPC/LPC and annual Line check to improve the CRM training for each recurrent training year, and for indiidual improvement.


Capt Groper
17th Jan 2010, 07:47
wap101, many thanks, have downloaded useful info as you suggested.

I now have the European suggested model, are other Civil or Military aviation authorities, i.e. US, Canadian, Australian, any different in recommended practice for handling abnormal / non - normal situations? These could be either technical or non technical.

17th Jan 2010, 09:34
RCCSDAD - I got taught this one years ago, but I might not be spot on with the words...

Recognise, Control Aircraft, Contain Emergency, Safe Flight, Decide, Act, ... and the last one escapes me. Divert maybe?

Again, I'm not sure they're right, maybe someone else can help me out.

Good idea for a thread topic Capt. Doing a CRM paper?

17th Jan 2010, 10:50
great topic.

Following Ecam, Airbus states the next phase is "Situation Assessment"

A technique here is:

State problem
How much time is available
What is the risk

We then use grade = Gather the information, Review the information, Analyse the options, Decide then evaluate. I would like to see one that includes the top and bottom items. FORDEC sounds good but it could be improved IMHO. I guess the trick is not to get too complicated though.

17th Jan 2010, 12:00
I fly for a European airline, and they use DODAR.
(Diagnose, Options, Decide, Assign (tasks) and Review.)

I have heard of DORDAR - the extra R is "Risk Benefits"

Have also heard of DILDO
Disbelief - the standard first reaction.
Insult - ah! the blooody thing!
Laugh-out-loud - sets in just before the nerves hit
Damage - if it doesn't work, use a bigger hammer.
Overreact - many have flown with pilots who hit this stage out of sequence!

17th Jan 2010, 21:15
See the presentations on Critical Thinking, Situation Awareness, and Decision Making (http://aviation.org) via the ‘library’ section (free registration).

A standard reference, although more theoretical www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~johnson/papers/seattle_hessd/judithlynne-p.pdf (http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/%7Ejohnson/papers/seattle_hessd/judithlynne-p.pdf)

From New Scientist: Top 10 ways to make better decisions. (http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg19426021.100)