View Full Version : Odd signals area

10th Jan 2010, 21:03
Had to post this... spotted over a well known midlands air museum... Not in the signals square, I wonder what this runway marking indicates?


10th Jan 2010, 21:41
Don't know but there is a Cockpit pun just bursting out at the seams somewhere!!!

10th Jan 2010, 21:43
You've cocked up the landing if you get that far down the runway and you're still flying?

Just a thought...

10th Jan 2010, 21:49
"Special Prickautions on landing"

10th Jan 2010, 22:26
Doesn't it dicktate the landing direction? i.e. land in the direction of the shaft towards the cross-member :}



10th Jan 2010, 22:27
Must've been one heck of a discharge though. White stuff for miles around.

10th Jan 2010, 23:10
Well it's not an Officers, as it appears to be circumcized and as we all know to be an officer you have to be a complete p**** :p

Sorry, but the oldies are often the goldies :)

10th Jan 2010, 23:32
Doesn't it dicktate the landing direction? i.e. land in the direction of the shaft towards the cross-member http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/badteeth.gif

Why go to all that trouble? You only need a glans at the windsock!

11th Jan 2010, 00:11
Oh WOW we have ballsed this one up

11th Jan 2010, 07:35
Perhaps it's a weathercock.

Final 3 Greens
11th Jan 2010, 08:53
It's a signal for low flying fast thingies - 'Biggus Dickus' in this direction.

11th Jan 2010, 09:55
It's an invitation to come and visit.

11th Jan 2010, 10:23
"Matz penetration approved".

Crash one
11th Jan 2010, 10:36
Dickheading indicator?

Saab Dastard
11th Jan 2010, 11:12
An invitation for James May to land, perhaps?


11th Jan 2010, 19:44
It's a safety reminder - always maintain firm hand on joystick in case of entering a dive. :}

11th Jan 2010, 21:02
Did ATC issue a SCROTAM ? :hmm:

11th Jan 2010, 21:05
Local pranksters blame RT problem: "I said make a Phoney Crop Circle not a..."

12th Jan 2010, 05:46
Something about a HARD landing?

12th Jan 2010, 07:55
.........or even a hard standing! :p

(I really must get out more. :bored: )

12th Jan 2010, 12:13
With all that snow bout the runway's completely screwed......

pa28r driver
12th Jan 2010, 16:36
well its obvious..........isnt it
high vis vest AND hard helmet required airside
........oh dear whats my life coming to.....tut

12th Jan 2010, 17:07
Designates the airfield as a part of the heritage aerodrome series in memory of Air Vice Marshal James Edgar "Johnnie" Johnson CB, CBE, DSO & Two Bars, DFC & Bar, VD & scar.

12th Jan 2010, 17:17
"its obvious isnt it"

" it's to help with your landing's so you get them NOB ON !

:E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E :E


Them thar hills
12th Jan 2010, 17:47
I'll bet it isn't that size after it's been swimming....:bored:

12th Jan 2010, 17:48
CAA Head office :E

Them thar hills
12th Jan 2010, 17:49
It may have started as a signals tee .......

12th Jan 2010, 18:05
" i have got it"

it's a spot landing target for lady pilots :E

dont overfil
12th Jan 2010, 18:51
Seems to have pulled back at that point.

12th Jan 2010, 19:53
Snowballs. (Why did no-one think of that before!?)

Or iceprick.

13th Jan 2010, 20:56
Not totally serious & boring here, but not continuing in the vein of the puns either, how did they do that? If I wandered off into the local fields & tried to make any snow picture that could only be seen from the air, I bet it would turn out rubbish as I wouldn't be able to see the shapes to know if they were correct

So I was thinking if you make something that big on the ground, how do you know you've got it right? Do you think someone drew it on a piece of A4, blew it up on a photocopier until it was that big, then laid it on the ground as a template & trampled down the snow / drove a tractor around until they had that "design"

Or was someone in the air (hmm... a heli pilot maybe who could get off in those conditions) & radioing down instructions..."Make the left one a big bigger..." etc

The only other possible explaination I could come up with was that it was truely left by extra-terrestrials who thought it meant something important having seen it several times when they reconnoitered? Obviously their chosen landing site for a sample of eathling culture was the railway arches in Leeds down by the river & canal.

"Hey Zlarg, I wonder what this means?"
"Yes, Fluj, we keep seeing it a lot so it must be important to the earthlings"
"What about we write it somewhere so the earth beings know we mean well"

On second thoughts they would also have drawn a picture of an empty bag with an "M" on it too so that can't be right

14th Jan 2010, 08:23
So I was thinking if you make something that big on the ground, how do you know you've got it right? Do you think someone drew it on a piece of A4, blew it up on a photocopier until it was that big, then laid it on the ground as a template & trampled down the snow / drove a tractor around until they had that "design"

Seriously, this design isn't really that big. At least, "big" in comparison to, say, your average crop circle or something. After all, that runway is, what, 10-15 meters wide? I bet you can simply stand beside it and get a very good feel on whether the proportions are right or not.

Plus, it wasn't done all that neatly. I hate to be known here as a pervert who looks at dirty pictures all day, but look at the right side of the drawing. It would have been very easy to improve on that a bit if they only drew one curve a little differently. Of course, if you remove snow to create a picture, it's pretty hard to undo a mistake. You can shovel snow to cover up your mistake but you will still get a different texture.

What I know about crop circles and similar large scale designs, is that they're highly geometrical in design. You start off by putting a marker pole in the ground somewhere, then use measuring tape to find the location for other marker poles, and use a piece of string to create circles around the marker poles. It requires a few people, if only to hold the measuring tape in place, and a detailed design/plan, but it's basic math, really. Trying to do a Mona Lisa in a crop field would be much, much harder.

So my guess is that this was just a spur-of-the-moment prank, with no real preparation, no serious equipment or a well thought out plan. And it worked, apparently.:D

14th Jan 2010, 08:56
If it's that size in snow ...:eek:

Lister Noble
14th Jan 2010, 09:14
I reckon he came down the beanstalk,crouched down and left an impression:}

14th Jan 2010, 09:47
I would say what happens if you try a loop too low over the runway and you happen to be a giant oooch :{


Crash one
14th Jan 2010, 09:58
I remember a certain Spanish Instructor who kept saying "I wanna see da centreline righta betweena youra balls"

14th Jan 2010, 11:54
Backpacker:Trying to do a Mona Lisa in a crop field would be much, much harder.
You mean like this:
or this:

14th Jan 2010, 13:28
Brilliant! I'd like to know how they did that! Not something they did overnight as a prank, I think...

14th Jan 2010, 18:02
Are those real photos or have they been "Photo-cropped"?

14th Jan 2010, 20:16
Real photos. And not the most artistic, either. A farmer in Kansas started the 'art' in his wheatfields, and the Japanese, bless them, have taken it up with enthusiasm in their rice paddies,

Try Googling 'crop art'.

15th Jan 2010, 07:51
Perhaps the Cerne Abbas Giant did it: The Cerne Giant (http://www.catnip.co.uk/cerne/)

15th Jan 2010, 14:11
Fitter2, that was a joke, btw.

Normally Photoshop.

But this is obviously crops...

So I said Photocrop

Geddit? ;)

15th Jan 2010, 16:14
Batninth ruined this thread with serious and boring blah :}

15th Jan 2010, 16:43
Fitter2, that was a joke, btw.

Normally Photoshop.

But this is obviously crops...

So I said Photocrop
Ah ****ehawk, you misled me by your original failure to include an appropriate smiley :E

It is compulsory when making a joke to the humour-sense challenged to hold up a notice saying JOKE! and even then one's motives may be misinterpreted, as a number of interviews have indicated to me.:=

15th Jan 2010, 16:51
It's a sign pointing to a future Concert for "Limp Rick and the No-Balls" :rolleyes:

15th Jan 2010, 16:59

Are you joking? I have to save my smileys, we only get issued with so many, you know...


17th Jan 2010, 13:40
a heli pilot maybe who could get off in those conditions

Those rotor-heads at it again! :eek: