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View Full Version : Good guide to CRM skills and training contents

8th Jan 2010, 20:28
Dear all,

I am currently looking for a comprehensive guide about CRM. Now, we all know (or at least think we know) what CRM is basically about, but if you were to measure CRM skills, how would you go about it? What should CRM training include? In previous years I had my share of crm seminars and training I would say that they were all quite different and I can't really see a commonality. Do you know a "definite guide to CRM skills"?

Kind regards,


8th Jan 2010, 21:20
As you stated , all are different . Many of these are ops specific .

12th Jan 2010, 10:23
Are you a Captain working in EASA region?

If you are then I am surprised you do not know of, or use a validated Behaviour marker system to measure CRM skills in your company for annual line checks, OPC and LPC and whilst being trained on your aircraft.

If you do not use a CRM skills measurement system then I suggest you look up the NOTECHS system in google and look in CAP 737 isued by the UK CAA and available on their website. There are a couple of other systems but the NOTECHS system was developed particularly for the JAA region to measure CRM skills. The other system is the University of Texas Team Skills but this is aimed at team performance rather than individual performance.

If you require an EU-OPS assessment of CRM skills training course I can point you in the correct direction. This is required for all companies compliant to EU-OPS/EASA regulations.


12th Jan 2010, 17:01
Well, I was a captain working in EASA region, and I did note that there were some behavioural markers on my line check forms. However, I did not grasp the full background until I found - after some googling and article requests - the NOTECH system and realized they were based on this very system.

Regarding you offer to give me some pointers towards an EU-OPS assessment of CRM skills training course - I would greatly appriciate that. :ok:

14th Jan 2010, 14:40
The JAA Training Organization are now running a 2 days CRM Skills Assessment workshop and a 3 day CRM Ground Instructor course.

JAA TO - Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (http://jaato.com) for details.

There seems to be a lot of confusion around these training requirements. It doesn't help that 'trainer', 'instructor' and facilitator' are all used interchangeably.

Basically, if you train or assess a pilot in any way, be it in the sim or in an aircraft, then you should do a CRM Skills Assessment course so that you can assess and debrief CRM performance.

If you deliver CRM in a classroom then you need the CRM ground instructor course. Pilots, cabin, dispatch, maintenance, ATC - it's the same skill set.

More and more, airlines are avoiding annual CRM recurrent/refresher by doing 'enhanced' debriefs after the sim. If that is the case then the training pilot would certainly benefit from having the ground instructor background.