View Full Version : Michael Yon Arrested at Seattle Airport

6th Jan 2010, 08:30
HotAir: Michael Yon arrested at Seattle airport (http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/05/breaking-michael-yon-arrested-at-seattle-airport/) :ugh::ugh::ugh:

6th Jan 2010, 08:44
He writes stuff.

Diablo Rouge
6th Jan 2010, 08:44
He is an independent war correspondent noted for not adhereing to 'the party line' and stating instead what he sees at first hand.
Perhaps not highly regarded by governments, but liked by those in combat.

6th Jan 2010, 09:10
The guy is a legend, tells it how he sees it. If his pictures do not become part of the definitive history of our involvement in Afghanistan, I will be much surprised.

He is one of the few people that is truly highlighting the scale of the sacrifice our lads are making. Certainly better than the MOD.

6th Jan 2010, 09:39
Glad to hear all went well in the end!
Yon is a fantastic reporter, and tells the story in an unbiased way. Maybe the U.S authorities have a bad attitude as he tells the truth about any shortfalls of U.S forces as he sees them.
He has huge respect for British troops, and constantly praised their professionalism.....Which was repaid by the UK government refusing continued embeds with our troops:ugh:

6th Jan 2010, 11:17
Which was repaid by the UK government refusing continued embeds with our troops

Perhaps he should have told them how much he earned :hmm:

Talk Reaction
6th Jan 2010, 11:17
We don't need embeds, we've got Ross Kemp!!

Duncan D'Sorderlee
6th Jan 2010, 13:19
I've never seen them both in the same room!

