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View Full Version : The best CRM training videos?

31st Oct 2009, 07:34
Can anyone suggest very good CRM training videos, for any of the CRM modules? I have some finance available to upgrade our CRM training, but don't want to buy something that's not really suitable. In particular, helicopter specific training material?

31st Oct 2009, 13:11
Many if not all ‘CRM Training Videos’ relate to accidents and thus reflect the negative aspects of behaviour – what not to do. There is a similar request in Combined CRM Training material

A major aspect of training is to reinforce positive behaviour. This often requires operators to think about their operation and what exactly they require of people; thus in addition to defining CRM training there is opportunity to validate SOPs.

Videos are often interpreted as an easy way out for CRM training; the audience may just watch without having to remember; even with reinforcement, questions, etc the required deep though about ‘their’ behaviour may not be apparent.

I have no simple answer for videos, but if you insist on ‘moving pictures’ then look amongst these resources:

Hearts and Minds - (http://www.eimicrosites.org/heartsandminds/resources.php)
Hearts and Minds - The Tookit (http://www.eimicrosites.org/heartsandminds/toolkit.php)

1st Nov 2009, 11:17
Good point, SP. I see too many facilitators looking for a video and then wondering what to do with it.

And a good set of links. Some interesting stuff. Thanks

The African Dude
1st Nov 2009, 22:05
I saw a great video during my initial CRM course - I don't have a copy of it but have asked the company and am waiting... it was a re-enactment of the Ansett BAe146 engine rollback incident. If I get a hold of it I'll try to get back to you with some more info. :)

2nd Nov 2009, 10:13
Do you operate SP or MP?

2nd Nov 2009, 19:10
The African Dude – “the Ansett BAe146 engine rollback incident”

I wonder what you might have learnt from the video of the incident.
Although I have not seen the video (didn’t know that it existed), I am familiar with the circumstances and the outcome of the event.
The technical aspects should be treated with caution; since the formal report was issued there have been many investigative developments enabling an improved understanding of the conditions, and of course all aircraft have been modified.
At best I might suggest that the event was an example of a crew handling an extremely remote series of failures – multiple engine malfunction, in an appropriate manner, resulting in a diversion and safe landing.
There are of course many others similar incidents, but why do people think that video is the best medium?
The key issues in such events might better be identified with the instructor’s personal interaction with the students, using specific adaptations for their organisation. Human interaction is a major aspect of CRM, but so too is thinking about the situation and understanding the reasons why we hold certain beliefs.

2nd Nov 2009, 20:02
I think the vid is still available through Qantas?? It's actually not that good. It does actually include the crew involved in the event and dos include the cabin crew. The video is the best part of 45 minutes, half of which is a re-enactment in the sim with pretty poor sound. The published report is actually a better training tool.

You will find the vid here: Integrated Team Solutions...Videos and DVDs - Crew Resource Management (http://www.aviationteamwork.com/dvds/crew_resource_management.asp)

I watched some guys using this video (146 operators) without first reading the ATSB report. Fact and fiction as CRM!

3rd Nov 2009, 07:27
Kiwi63. You do not specify whether you are requiring CRM for military or civil rotary. Nevertheless, I would suggest you contact Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. The Nathan campus runs the Aviation transport degrees and post graduate programs available as modular and stand on their own leaning programs. Regardles if you are civil or military, you may qualify to borrow at little cost. It might be worthwhile contacting the University and requesting their CRM library list and lending criteria.

It is probably unlikely you can purchase an off the shelf learning program without spending a lot of money. Generally they are copyright. But you should be able to get sufficient information and illustrative suggestions in terms of dvds, group exercises, action learning plans etc. that will enable you to design your own program specific to your learning group.

It is also worthwhile contacting people that may have run a similar program and request their lesson plans. Thats about networking of course. I suspect that suggestions by PPRuNers above might have you on the right track.

There is a number of CRM individual and group exercises that are available for purchase in manuals/books.

However, they do not stand alone, a DVD is there to illustrate a point and needs to be intergrated into your prior stated learning objectives. Purchasing a new DVD requires that it has context and relevance. It is just a learning tool.

You don't give sufficient information about your task for us to be much more help.

My suggestions come from assuming you are not trying to design a CRM course retrospective of some incident or accident.


3rd Nov 2009, 21:43
Thank you Hawk and other for your helpful suggestions. Sorry if my question was too brief. I am a qualified CRMI, have developed over the past 10 years a full CRM training package starting from analysis of training needs, right through to differing types of support materials, and have developed full lesson plans for each module with specific objectives. I strongly believe in the faciliated type of CRM learning in a group environment (and have a strong bias against on-line CRM by correspndence). I fly and instruct on both FW and RW, with a military background, now GA for 7 years. Both SP amd MP. The only reason I want to try to find some relevant and applicable CRM videos, or indeed any other good support material, for any of the CRM modules, is to enhace what I am already doing. There is absoloutly no intention to use them as 'stand-alone' type learning packages, and I would only use them in a directed, edited, type of session as an enhancement to the class-room activites already undertaken.
Hawk, you mention that there are some CRM individual and group exercises available for purchase in various books: any specific recommendations?
safetypee:thanks for the links to Hearts and Minds, looks like some good stuff in there.
Thanks again to all for your suggestions,

Burr Styers
9th Nov 2009, 15:05
Hi Kiwi63

Looks like you have a good deal of experience in the CRM area, and have spanned quite a few flying disciplines. Is it time to get a litle bit entreprenurial, and make your own CRM movies and market them for the good and benefit of a wider aviation community ?

Information "Push" as opposed to Information "Pull" ?

Just a thought


25th Apr 2011, 17:26
Its been a while since the last comments on this thread...anyone got any more current information on CRM videos, be they aviation accident or other ?!?

Does anyone know how/where to get hold of the National Geographic or Discovery series on accidents ?!?

Thank you in advance :ok:


Bengal Lancer
5th May 2011, 17:59
Lots of good stuff available out there....

Channel 4 in UK produced a series called Black Box for TV.....some good material in there. They will send it to you free of charge if you tell them that it is for aviation safety training and sign an undertaking not to use it for commercial gain.

BBC Education and Training sell videos.....'The wrong stuff' is a bit dated but very good, also 'Fall from Grace' has a lot of CRM lessons.


10th May 2011, 06:27

Check it here (http://aci.110mb.com/)