View Full Version : AC TRUCE at Swanwick

24th Sep 2009, 13:11
It's the time of year again when the AC operational ATCOs & ATSAs at Swanwick undergo their TRUCE (Training for Unusual Circumstances & Emergencies). Once again we are inviting pilots to attend and participate and pass on your knowledge and experience to us.
All TRUCE sessions will be between October and March and are during the afternoons with 1400 starts. There will be the opportunity to visit the main ops room and hopefully sit in on the live sectors. There will be a mileage allowance payable and a dinner at the Lakeside Restaurant.
Due to security constraints, we are having to restrict visits to those who fly for commercial operations.
For further details contact

[[email protected]]

24th Sep 2009, 13:17
dinner at the Lakeside Restaurant.

Boy, does that sound better than it is!

24th Sep 2009, 13:51
sometimes i think my body merely acts as transport for the aramark cuisine to get to the loo. it's nearly always in a rush

Lon More
27th Sep 2009, 00:06
Duplicate posts by the original poster. i thought civil servants always did things in triplicate? Or is it just something to bump up his thread count?

27th Sep 2009, 10:30
i thought one was ac, the other tc. two different truces, at different buildings, involving different sectors/controllers.