View Full Version : 1500ft Circuit

24th Aug 2009, 21:03
I realize that the 1500ft circuit for Jet/Turboprop has been discussed on previous threads, as well that various regulatory bodies have different opinions.

It seems to me that throughout the world a 1500ft circuit is practised when at an uncontrolled aerodrome and operating either a Jet or large Truboprop.

Personally I find the 1500ft circuit the safer option when operating at an uncontrolled airport and flying an aircraft that does not like to go slower than 150KIAS (until configured and stabilized on final for landing).

I have been trying to change my SOP’s to reflect the 1500ft circuit for North American operations. In order to do so I have been looking for documentation to support this. If anyone has any links to any safety reports / regulations / official recommendations I would appreciate the help.

24th Aug 2009, 21:41
Personally contacted the FAA circa 1968, as regards flying turbopropeller powered aircraft at 1500 agl in the traffic pattern (circuit, for our European friends:rolleyes:)...and was personally told by the (then) manager of the FAA western region....you're darn right, 1500 agl, minimum, thank you very much.

So...fly accordingingly, in the USA.

25th Aug 2009, 00:41
It got chopped up when the US went from ATAs and CZs to airports in Class B, C, D, E and G airspace.

91.129 says:

"e) Minimum altitudes when operating to an airport in Class D airspace. (1) Unless required by the applicable distance-from-cloud criteria, each pilot operating a large or turbine-powered airplane must enter the traffic pattern at an altitude of at least 1,500 feet above the elevation of the airport and maintain at least 1,500 feet until further descent is required for a safe landing."

The regs for operating at airports in Class C and B airspace reference back to 91.129.

25th Aug 2009, 02:47
Thanks for the reference.

In the Canadian Regulations there is no reference for Turbo Prop or Jet in the traffic Pattern, other than the normal 1000ft.

In trying to convince my small department to incorporate I have searched the Flight Safety Foundation web site for any articles covering this as well with no luck.

In addition to the US reg reference is anyone has any safety articles to reference it would be a help in my goal to change the procedure.

Thanks again for the help.