View Full Version : Question about IFR and ME ratings...

25th Jul 2009, 05:47
Hi to everyone!

If I get separately an IFR rating "for single engine" and after that an ME rating, Can I fly a ME under IF rules?

I can see in the most flight schools that the MEIFR course is more expensive than doing ME and IFR like I've said before, separately. Also, I've been checking the CAR's in my case, and there isn't anything about a distinction between IFR single or multi. What do you think??

Thanks in advance!


25th Jul 2009, 06:55
No you can't, not legally at least. If you get a MEIR though you can fly SE IFR.

......I've just seen that you are possibly from America, it's hard to tell as they nick all our city names......Anyway if it's American info you are after then discard what I have said, I don't know.

25th Jul 2009, 10:51
Yep I agree with "TheBeak", If you get SEIR (single engine) then its only valid on single engine aircraft for IFR, if you do an MEIR (multi-engine) you can fly both SE and ME aircrafts in IFR, if you get the ME rating alone with SEIR then it will be valid for you to fly Multi-Engine in VFR conditions ONLY and single engine Instrument conditions.

I know its pretty expensive but everyone has been through this route, maybe aerodynamics malaga would be a good cheap option for yourself, pretty professional bunch...

25th Jul 2009, 19:47
Thank you guys!

I will do that in Canada. Also I could guess your answers before I set the post... before I had taken a look to the normative, I didn't see anything which stablish that with IFR rating, only I can fly single engines aircrafts.

Maybe it is in another place of the regulations. Just for information, I've checked that in the part of crew licensing of Canadian CAR's.

Thank you again!


26th Jul 2009, 01:46
What "theBeak" said applies in Canada also.