View Full Version : AFISO Courses

Toxic Thrust
10th Jul 2009, 17:17
Anyone have any idea who is a good bet for an AFISO course in the UK?

I am interested in course duration and approx cost



14th Jul 2009, 16:28
Don't think any such thing exists.

Get the books out, learn a bit about what the job is and take the exams.

16th Jul 2009, 09:18
First thing to learn is that there's no such thing as an 'AFISO'; this term was superceded several years ago when the Area FISO was created so the terminology now is 'FISO(Aerodrome)' or 'FISO(Area)'.
As Spitoon says, as far as I'm aware there are no formal courses for FISO (Aerodrome) licences; one of the non - NATS colleges might be able to do one if there's sufficient demand but they're all heavily committed training ATCO's so it might not be possible for them to run FISO courses too. I believe NATS do a course for FISO (Area) for existing employees.

no sig
26th Jul 2009, 19:29

If you have any sort of operational aviation background you should be able to get through it OK by studying CAP 427/413/452 etc. If not, might I suggest you consider doing the PPL ground school- once you have that under your belt you'd be a good portion of the way there to FISO (aerodrome) with respect to the basic studies. Also, you'll need to think about your radio work, again you might find doing the r/t work at a flying club the way to go.

After you have passed the FISO exam/medical you'll need to find a local aerodrome who would take you on as a FISO under training so you can get a validation on your license. This takes time.

Good luck with it.

useful link:

FAQ Details | Air Traffic Standards | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=43&pagetype=70&gid=820&faqid=492)
Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Licensing | Air Traffic Standards | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=43&pagetype=90&pageid=4748)
Radio Operators Certificate | Air Traffic Standards | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=43&pagetype=90&pageid=10268)