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View Full Version : CRM Video's e.g. "The Mystery of Flight 163"

Blighty Pilot
27th Jun 2009, 18:47
Evening all,

I am hoping you might be able to help me.
I have trawlled the internet, with no success, for a copy of the above mentioned video to download.

I have been to a couple of Airline selections in the past who have used this video as an ice breaking excersize and I am now part of a team of people who is hoping to use it for something similar at another organisation.

Does anyone have a copy of this video that they would be willing to let me have, or can they point me in the right direction of where to get my hands on a copy.

Thanks in advance.


BP :ok:

27th Jun 2009, 21:00
Granada Media, a world leader in television production and distribution (http://www.granadamedia.com)

these are the people that made the TV documentary so they might have it in their back catalogue

27th Jun 2009, 21:18
Lots of CRM film details here, including the one you want
96.2 (http://www.crm-devel.org/resources/crmadvocate/96_2/96_2.htm)