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View Full Version : ppl ??

14th Jun 2009, 19:20
how much does it cost for this ??
also how long did it take you to complete ??
and what age is the minimum you can take it please ??
thanks kyle

15th Jun 2009, 10:32
Search for your local airfield on google, shouldn't take long...

Look at the website which should include a list of prices.. a few places offer package deals for a slight discount and others just charge by the hour.

Minimum required hours are 45 to get your PPL but it all depends on your abilities. May take a lot longer than 45 hours... so if you do the sum (Local club hourly rate x 45 = Minimum price) Not to mention exam fees and resources you will need to go flying, (books, medical exam etc..) then add at least 10% on top of all that (including travelling fees) you will get a rough ball park figure of the cost...

PPL will be issued to people over 17 and you can fly solo at 16 (as long as the relevant exams and medical have been passed)

You will also need basic knowledge of using a internet search engine.....