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View Full Version : Looking for a crash info.

5th May 2009, 22:46
I remember seeing the factual crash movie during my MCC course and would like to know what airplane/airline it was.

Some years passed so that’s what I believe to remember.

1. The purpose of the flight was to check the left side ILS instruments.
2. FO was flying the airplane.
3. FO was an very low time pilot
4. PIC was a Check airman of the company.
5. On the approach there was a discrepancy between left and right side ILS GS indication.
6. PIC slaved right side HSI to left side HSI
7. FO realized that the altitude at OM is too low and initiated GA by advancing throttles.
8. PIC brings throttles back and tells him to continue following the GS.
9. A/C hits the ground.

The left Glide Slope HSI indication was out of order and indicated "ON GS" permanently.