View Full Version : London:Hot Air Balloon flight rules

22nd Apr 2009, 19:33
I hope this is the right forum.

Does anyone know the restrictions/rules about hot air balloon flights from say Alexandra Park in Muswell Hill, or even Hyde Park.

Summer 08 had airship activity over parts of south London. i just wondered what the rules would be on Hot Air Balloons.


23rd Apr 2009, 07:07
It would not normally be possible to fly a free balloon within Controlled Airspace. However, in the past, such flights have been approved very early on summer mornings when the wind would carry the balloon away from main traffic patterns. One balloon, I recall, had a modern transponder on board so we could watch it.

Airships are fundamentally different to balloons as they can be steered!

You'd be best seeking proper advice from ATC Ops at Heathrow.

I'm sure that someone more clued up will respond...

Julian Hensey
5th May 2009, 22:18
Balloon flights have been done in lots of different controlled airspace, but are strictly limited to either letters of agreement pre-arranged with a local ATC unit to ensure that everyone understands if they are going in a certain direction what they may be expected to do if they are permitted into the zone, or secondly by prior arrangement for a one off "special" such as a record attempt or large event. This takes in some planning, but can be on a rolling basis so that if the weather is unsuitable for day 1 the whole plan rolls forward until the weather is good enough.

Bristol ATC have a local letter of agreement with the local balloonists and it works wonderfully - without the need for transponders! There are ongoing negotiations with other units to try to follow this example..