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View Full Version : Rugby Team in Air-rage Alert @ SOU

12th Nov 2001, 16:55
From the BBC:

"An airline is considering a private prosecution against a rugby team, following an air-rage alert at the weekend.

Five members of Fareham Heathens Rugby Club were arrested and cautioned after an incident at Southampton Airport.

They were on a flight back from a match in Guernsey when they were accused of becoming abusive and damaging seats.

The club's chairman has denied the claims."

This morning's local TV news talked about the spraying of duty-free drinks around the cabin, and damaging about 24 seats. Carrier British European.

:mad: :mad:

12th Nov 2001, 23:37
This was the flight that was inbound to Southampton to do the flight I was travelling back to GCI on.

Caused a lot of fuss with Firecrew and Police meeting the aircraft which all of us SLF could see from the departure lounge.

Cabin crew put on a very brave face but looked pretty shaken up.

This unruly bunch of troublemakers (appropriatley from a team called the Heathens) caused our flight to GCI to be two hours late departing as obviously Police had to interview Crew before they departed back to GCI.

I hope they throw the book at them! These sort of people should not be tolerated.

Many thanks to all the ground staff who kept us informed of delays in a difficult situation and made sure we could still get coffee etc despite the long delay which should have ment the cafe was shut.

Also many thanks to the Crew for putting on a brave face and making the flight back.

13th Nov 2001, 13:19
In last night's local TV news, the Club Chairman, who had been on the plane, said that he was "unaware" of any problem, and that it was his opinion that the crew had overreacted!

[ 13 November 2001: Message edited by: newswatcher ]

14th Nov 2001, 04:55
Story from the Guernsey Press today

"BRITISH European are threatening to prosecute Fareham Heathens Rugby Club after five of their players were arrested following an air rage incident on a flight from Guernsey.

The five players who were involved in their club’s 52-15 defeat at the hands of the Guernsey Rugby Club were released without charge by Hampshire police.
Fareham Heathens chairman Danny Moseley denies that the incident was as serious as the airline suggested.
‘I think the fact that the five players were released without charge speaks volumes. As a club we are seeking legal advice over what to do next,’ said Mr Moseley.
‘I have got every sympathy with the airline over security issues, especially as things stand at the moment.
‘But there has to be an element of common sense. We were no different on the way back than we acted on the way over to Guernsey,’ he added.
Alison Chambers, a spokeswoman for British European, said:
‘Safety is paramount on our flights.
‘Unfortunately on this occasion, they all got a bit rowdy, to the point where the pilot had to declare an air rage incident.’

As I mentioned in my earlier post I think it would be unlikeley that they overreacted as the cabin crew looked visabley shaken on the return to GCI, but put on a very brave face. Hats off to the BE staff from my point of view they were all very professional.

An form of misbehaviour is unacceptable and sholdn't be tolerated.

14th Nov 2001, 16:13
Anyone who has lived and regularly been on flights within the Arabian Gulf will probably have seen the antics of the various rugby teams on flights to/from "away" matches. We're talking Bahrain RFC, Dubai Exiles, Sharjah, Kuwait Nomads, Muscat, Doha and not to mention the Saudi clubs. Generally they are what I would describe as very good natured and fun.

But they can get out of hand, and where to draw the line can be quite difficult for both crew and "sensible" / "responsible" team members.

Same goes for flights with rugby tours and even flights to/from HKG sevens...which I have also seen and experienced first hand.

Shame that, as with many things in life, the minority spoil it for the rest....

If these guys were out of order, then I hope they get the book thrown at them. But if it was just a bit of harmless school boys stuff, then hopefully sense will prevail...


15th Nov 2001, 01:45
My wife was a cabin crew member on a flight from Jo'burg last week on which the Springboks were travelling. Without exception they were polite, and well behaved. Not one had a drop of alcohol, and many would not have butter with their bread rolls, and some even removed the skin from the chicken before eating!! Consumate professionals, concerned with both image and diet. (They did lose to the French in Paris though!)

No-one decries any amateurs having a lot of fun with colleagues and rugby wouldn't be the same without the drinking and general rowdiness ,but there is a time and a place for such, and that certainly excludes when anywhere near an aircraft.