View Full Version : I want a Nintendo DS

31st Mar 2009, 18:27
Just for this game (http://www.majescoentertainment.com/games/display_game.php?PLTFRM=nintendo-ds&GN=air-traffic-chaos)

31st Mar 2009, 18:32
Is that the new Heathrow sim?

31st Mar 2009, 18:36
yup, if you sit on a roundabout at the nearest kids playground, it quickly becomes a 360 degree sim

31st Mar 2009, 18:45
tried it, its so much harder than the real thing:\

Quincy M.E.
1st Apr 2009, 06:01
Now I know what I'm spending my birthday money on!

1st Apr 2009, 06:30
Nah.... you can cause sooooooooooo much more carnage with the real thing.

1st Apr 2009, 08:50
Moderators please delete this thread.

If Mr Baron sees it, he will want to use it to replace the Tower only rating course at Hurn. Should be able to reduce the course to a week in length, all home study.

We could even persuade applicants to buy their own game... voila self funding ATC students.

The slippery slope is in sight :}