View Full Version : Night shifts spark cancer pay-out

16th Mar 2009, 22:08
BBC NEWS | Scotland | Night shifts spark cancer pay-out (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7945145.stm)

Your thoughts.....

16th Mar 2009, 23:36
There is huge evidence that shift work is bad for health. The circadian rhythm never has a chance to regulate - even someone doing constant night shifts will usually be awake during daytime on days off. As for cancer, if it is a risk factor then it is one of many. Epidemiological studies struggle to establish causality. There may be another factor associated with people who do/tolerate shiftwork that is also a cancer risk factor. As for the flight attendant, a long time spent flying could be a risk factor in itself due to solar radiation. So there are many health risks and it's something that needs to be considered when taking on a job involving shiftwork. But regular, high quality health screening and advice should be available to shift workers in particular.

17th Mar 2009, 00:46
It doesn't surprise me that nights potentially increase cancer risk. I've been doing them for 18 years and can say I feel like the proverbial brown stuff for days after them. You eat loads of rubbish from vending machines, drink loads of coffee , all when your body is expecting you to be asleep.

Having kids made them twice as bad!

Lon More
17th Mar 2009, 01:09
I always felt like crap on the sleep day and for at least the first day off working 4 on, 2 off.

Has any research been done into incidences of cancer amongst ATC staff? In the past we just had one PPI to deal with, now they're surrounded by VDUs.. At my old unit it seems to me that the number of cancer deaths is well above the statistical norm.

Lon More
18th Mar 2009, 10:14
Not good for domestic relationships. (ie. your sex life)

My ex was an assistant on the same team. It actually sparked things up sometimes:eek:

20th Mar 2009, 22:37
When you retire after a lifetime as an ATCO you don't live long enough to get cancer so stop worrying.

20th Mar 2009, 23:22
So why is there a problem with the pension? :E

22nd Mar 2009, 08:02
Because my wife will continue to receive it once I'm gone.

22nd Mar 2009, 22:39
Because my wife will continue to receive it once I'm gone.

What about the pension ? :E