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View Full Version : CRM training used against instructors

pretty high
16th Mar 2009, 21:21
I need help. I ahve taught that was is discussed in CRM training cannot be used against the instructors since we are highlighting the problems an organiztion has for the sake of discussion. Does anyone have a text that I can refer to.:\

16th Mar 2009, 21:44
The idea is that the CRM classroom should be a safe zone in that individual delegates' views should not be referred back up to management so that action might be taken against a person because of something they said in class. But there is no 'law' or regulation that says this is how it will be.

The same ought to apply to the instructor. However, we once nearly lost a contract because one of my instructors said something in class that was reported back to airline management and they took offense.

I do not know of a text to support you, unfortunately.

Roger Sofarover
17th Mar 2009, 14:38
Pretty High

Check your private messages (top right of the page underneath your name).


8th Apr 2009, 08:20
It certainly should be so; but I had the 'misfortune' that adverse comment had been placed on a facebook page. Comments during CRM or MCC sessions should be aired at the time; most courses have feedback forms at the course end - that IS the time to raise perceived anomolies not discussed in open forum:) dbee