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7th Feb 2009, 20:30
Sky News just had breaking news of a "Jungle Air Taxi" crashing in the Amazon. There are initial reports of four survivors with 16 still missing.

Let's hope that they find more survivors...

8th Feb 2009, 03:47
News article here:

The Associated Press: Brazil: Plane crashes with 20 aboard; 4 survivors (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hJZXD5j6vbSQ5qVmWe24cEe8gdzQD96716FG0)

PT-SEA is an EMB-110 P1 Bandeirante operated by Manaus Aerotaxi.

8th Feb 2009, 14:34
More info in The Aviation Herald (http://avherald.com/h?article=414adbb8&opt=0)


8th Feb 2009, 22:03
28 on board including 2 crew and 8 children. Local news says 4 at the rear managed to get out.

8th Feb 2009, 22:24
It's tough to get those EMB110 doors to fully open when halfway submerged; before ditching it would be well to do to open the two overwing hatches. :{

12th Feb 2009, 22:02
Gentlemen: I am originally from Brazil, though flying as expat for the last 9 yrs. And the main reason I moved abroad - together with the main reason for 100 general aviation crashes over brazilian territory, along 2008 - is that the C.A. authority (ANAC) is much worse than the late DAC (Departamento de Aviacao Civil = Civil Aviation Department; despite its name, was 100% controlled by FAB, i.e. Brazilian Air Force). Its president is a female bureaucrat that understands less than my 2 german shepherds about civil aviation. The sole reason she presides ANAC is political (the position is assigned to PMDB, the party which ensures majority in Congress to PT, the party of President Luiz Ignacio LULA da Silva). The power of ANAC to audit brazilian companies is close to none. The agency is crowded with politicians that know even less than she does (i.e. minus 5). Their structure - though we are the 2nd largest aeronautical infrastructure in the planet, right after USA - is all but pathetic. Corruption is the rule of the day on that institution. Else she issues absurd AIC's almost every week. The latest one is an "alteration" of RBHA 121 (= FAR 121) where she virtually creates a loophole under which any FAB (Brazilian Air Force) pilots will be able to "handle the controls of any civilian aircraft, provided authorized by the P.I.C. and/or by the AOC holder, and provided they have a BR ATPL (it's automatic, ANAC issues it to FAB guys as if it was a movie ticket), once they have attended the same training program provided by the corporation to its pilots" etc etc.; in other words, she is preparing the terrain for a "white coup", enabling military pilots (without the least qualification and/or necessary background) to take over experienced civilian guys' jobs, the same way the military used to do during the 21 yrs of military regime. Please note the dictatorship ended - officially - in 1984, in our country. So keep watching the news, this subversion of RBHA 121 - if not publicly contested by unions and companies - tends to trigger a chain of accidents in our poor rich country, in years to come. I hope at least the JAA and FAA take retaliatory measures to contain this insanity (maybe threatening them with a Group II donwgrade would do). Although being abroad for so long, it is not funny to see my countrymen suffering the efects of such a bunch of political arrogance. :(:(:(

Paradise Lost
13th Feb 2009, 15:26
A310, unfortunately that kind of licence corruption is not just confined to Brazil. Where politics is subservient to the military, inevitably the ex-Air Force pilots award themselves honorary ATP's, and depending on rank they can also dispense with all that unnecessary right hand seat time too!
No need to mention those other countries by name (several in Europe!): they know who they are, IATA knows who they are as do the FAA and EASA. What I can't fathom, is why those collective agencies don't seem to exercise their jurisdiction and ban them from carrying passengers outside their own borders?
An ability to fly aerobatics at low level and high speed in a single-pilot aircraft, does not seem to be the most apposite apprenticeship for hauling pax around in controlled airspace in one of Mr. Boeing or M. Airbus'

13th Feb 2009, 20:44
A310 capt,

By the brief profile that you described of yourself, along with your username, I am most certain you are an ex Varig pilot, who still hasn't got over the fact, that the current goverment rightfully refused to "bail out" the incomptently run airline. Your not alone, there are many "Varigans" out there with the same feelings.
Fact is (and you know it), never has aviation grown as much here in Brazil as it has in the last 5 years. We were seeing full employment for pilots, from under 1,000 hr newbies to direct entry captains, getting hired left and right on all major airlines here in BR. Corporate aviation has expanded like NEVER before. I'm sorry you missed the boat, but if you let your feelings subside and step down from the pedestal, you might just catch the next one, that will certainly soon arrive.
BTW, before you lay down your "perceptions" on aircraft accidents here in BR, you should at least check the FACTS. I can provide the link, but its not working at the time of this post, but please try it later.


P.S Meant it in the nicest and sincere way possible!

13th Feb 2009, 21:54
Somehow we get personal when politics are involved.
I've not seen yet whether the aircraft was overweight or not, and I do believe (?) that's one of the real issues. Pretty obvious that ANAC don't have the staff to cover in situ, but neither has any other authority anywhere in the world. The gap would appear to be in policing of the reporting process.

16th Feb 2009, 18:49
Dear DA7X: Fortunately you said "almost certain", yet your perception was completely wrong:=:=:=. I never flew with VARIG, actually I am another "former victim" of their ancient monopoly and privileges (and - by the way you refer to "variguinhos", I am ALMOST SURE you are a former victim as well :E:}, huh???) Just kidding...other than that, I am sorry but I completely disagree from you point of view, though I already know the link you kindly provided on your reply. ANAC is a CANCER, the way it was created and the way it is being run by :mad:Minister Jobim & Mrs. :mad: Solange, and - somehow - most of us with some common sense knew it would eventually happen, years ago. If DAC was bad, ANAC is much worse. Technical institutions such as a Civil Aviation agency have to be run by professionals, not by politicians (or their campaign monkeys) assigned to the position just because PT needs PMDB to keep majority in congress. Else for your reference I flew 11 yrs on general aviation, both as executive pilot and on cropdusting, having also worked as an aviation consultant until some time ago. So I can tell you I still know the BR market reasonably well. Although I see the general aviation growth (finally!!!:D:D:D) as a good thing, I still reserve the right to disagree and criticize whenever I understand it is the time to do it (after all, despite everything we are a democracy; a messy one, but still much better than some neighbour countries, needless to mention them here), whenever I see these distorted / absurd policies. The fact We (some 1,000+ brazilian pilots) decided to earn a living abroad does not mean we have to be allienated from the whole process. Moreover, we are in the XXIst Century, it is a bit too late for General Medici's motto "BRASIL, AME-O OU DEIXE-O" (* for our non portuguese-speaking colleagues: "BRAZIL, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT"; the military dictatorship used this sort of cheap propaganda to intimidate people willing to criticize the hideous regime of torture, in the early 70's; fortunately our country got rid of it long time ago).

18th Feb 2009, 13:49
Back to the subject, many accusations being traded there as well. The man who chartered the aircraft for the 17-member family accuses the agent and pilot of having sold nine extra tickets for cash. Prelim report due out this week or next.

I read somewhere last night - but can no longer trace where - that an attempt was made to land at Manacapuru but the strip was blocked by one or more parked cars, and that the rapid sinking of the aircraft was due to its having struck a submerged log.

18th Feb 2009, 16:14
I would not be surprised. :sad:You probably will remember, Broadreach, a long time ago - some 25+ yrs -, an episode (aircraft short of fuel over the Amazon, with most airports below minimums due to bad weather, if I recall correctly) where the captain of a private jet thanked - over the ATC frequency - "to the airport authotity for having killed us", just before crashing short of the runway, after a few missed approaches. He had eventually run out of fuel. Nobody survived.The airport administrator had strictly forbidden some local people from re-opening the runway and lighting it for the emergency approach & landing, under grounds it was "after hours" and he did not have a direct authorization from his "superiors". Always the 'star in the shoulder' mentality, after all...looks like - unfortunately - history keeps repeating itself, from time to time. :(:(:(

18th Feb 2009, 18:29
Flying in the Amazon can be very tricky. Lack of communications, few airfields, sudden outage of navaids and runway lighting are not uncommon and everything worsens during the "winter" (rainy season) - right now. Unfortunately many operators still push their pilots to fly above max.weight or not according to minimum equipment lists. Of course we need a much more strong enforcement action by Anac but I must agree that we are missing - after many years of military control - the opportunity to develop an an aviation authority less driven by politics and more driven to the public interest (a safe and orderly transportation system). Although the fact that the figures are increasing we need as well a government commitment to provide a reliable system and the last accidents and their outcome shows that we are - unfortunately - a long way behind.
BTW I am an ex -Varig pilot who lost 35 + years - yes, I began with the DC-3's in the Amazon - and, believe me, this is not a question of missing the boat and catching the next one...

18th Feb 2009, 23:35
A310Capt, I hadn't remembered that, thanks for reminding all of the sometimes poisounous relationship between civil aircrew and military ATC in Brazil. Perhaps we'll find out what really happened at Manacapuru - if it really was cars on the strip or if that was just spin. We may never know or may just lose interest by the time truth or near truth is established. And if you really want to go deep into the problems of regulating, consider comparing the ANAC/ATC issue with that of the US SEC trying to regulate banks. Please don't answer that! It's a subject more suitable to JetBlast.

I come from a slightly earlier generation, when there wasn't as much apparent civil/military rancour and when the town's telephone operator would call everyone she knew had a jeep to rush down to light the runway when an arrival was expected after sunset. That would even have been before CortaVento's DC-3s in the Amazon but he might remember stories about the PanAir Catalinas or YS-11s upstream beyond Tabatinga/Leticia.

19th Feb 2009, 03:53
DA7X, pilots started to leave Varig about 3 years ago... You are wrong my friend! I have worked for Varig many years in a roll and I could count on my hand fingers how many pilots left the company before the crisis. You probably know that it used to be one of the best arline company to work. Besides that, Varig lasted 80 years my friend. Please, tell the truth! Have you tried to joined us???
Well, I have successfully applied for many companies around the world and I can assure you that the most difficult was the Varig process concerning about 7 steps to be concluded, not for anyone.
Following the Varig vacuum we had 2 terrible accidents killing more than 350 people and you say that the enviroment is getting better in Brazil, are you crazy, blind or live under the govnerment shadow???
Give us a break man!

19th Feb 2009, 18:29
Well, if the airplane he currently flies really matches his nickname (DA7X = Falcon 7X), then he definitely caught a gorgeous boat, therefore I guess HE IS THE ONE inside a bubble of obliviousness:E:E:E, not us (only a few of these jobs exist within the "SDU / CGH / BHZ white collar-yuppie-money laundering triangle", and - as far as the whole BR AFA knows - they are exclusive clubs and "confrarias" far worse than Royal Brunei Darussalam). According to the manufacturer, there are only 4 DA7X's ordered (or delivered) by Dassault in BR, so far. Hence we can even guess on which pack he used to hunt:suspect::suspect::suspect::E...VP? (yess, most likely,for obvious reasons) TR? (possible, though most unlikely, they usually have better ethics) SL? NE? (hmmm, extremely unlikely!) Pure-Ex-FAB? (hmm...maybe...a "desk-commander", "embassy-ASPONE" type or maybe even a "ITA/CTA wizard-apprentice"...they used to be very "nationalists") Maybe a Pure Ex-CPOR, the-kind-which-would-have-loved-to-have-been-a-Pure-Breed-FAB-but-unfortunately-never-made-it-despite-all-his-"political"-efforts? (yes, somewhat likely; most definitely, by the way he disaproved my 'expat attitude of criticism', from "the heights of my pedestal":rolleyes:).
Anyway, let us forget it, we are loosing the focus here. Deep in their hearts these tribes still whisper the f:mad: "BRASIL AME-O OU DEIXE-O" and things of the like....they won't change:ugh::ugh::ugh:...:(:(:(

24th Feb 2009, 09:20

I`m brazilian too ,living abroad for 9 years now , but well aware of what is going on Brazil.

I left Brazil in 2000 , well before all the sh"#$ was spread out ,because in that time I had already the fixed idea that Brazil would never get better.

Politics , ANAC etc. it`s all a shame. And people who still defend all this dirty system is because belongs to it and get profits from it or is sufering of a blind nationalism.

I will never return to Brazil to fly again. I was not born to be a slave.

Brazil is a wonderful country and I will be back when I decide I have money not work anymore. I `m not going to be a slave or a "bobo da corte" anymore.

A310, I completely agree with you !!!!