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5th Feb 2009, 14:28
Does anyone know the exact details of the water/swimming pool training that one does in indoc?

8th Feb 2009, 07:51
It depends on what type you fly and what your company decides.

Some chuck you in the pool with a life jacket on and a pair of trunks and you inflate it and swim around abit. Jobs done in 10mins.

Others make you wear a boilersuit and gave you a series of tasks to do.

The bigger types with slides and liferafts you get to do all the raft drills and such like.

Mine was in a 4ft deep pool and lasted 15mins. Other pilots on the same type but different operator it was 2 hours in boilersuits and they were knackard afterwards.

8th Feb 2009, 15:45
I'll report back later this week for general interest, when I've done it.

Kerosene Kraut
9th Feb 2009, 10:56
And please don't forget the offshore helicopter and mil crews who do serious dunker rides. Quite different from riding the bikini chutes.

german link with pics:
Überleben auf See (http://www.marine.de/portal/a/marine/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLNzKOD3L0B8mB2d7m5vqRUJYTQtQs BCoKUhuUkqrv65Gfm6rvrR-gX5AbGlHu6KgIABxgyl4!/delta/base64xml/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS80SVVFLzZfMjNfUkFP?yw_contentURL=%2F01DB070000 000001%2FW26Z9B8E992INFODE%2Fcontent.jsp)

9th Feb 2009, 14:16
... got a fly rod in m' waders watching those tender young EK gals :eek: in their wet clothes. Ain't done the pool drill, other'n the raft for a few years now... I kinda miss it!

9th Feb 2009, 17:28
And please don't forget the offshore helicopter and mil crews who do serious dunker rides. Quite different from riding the bikini chutes.

Not just heli and mil crews. Done by all who work offshore oil and gas industry in the North Sea and elsewhere.


9th Feb 2009, 19:52
IMHO should also be done by commercial float pilots.

11th Feb 2009, 01:59
Flying the 707 years ago, the SEP water drill was a hoot.
The hosties all lined up on the side of the pool and were presented with a raft, all bundled up, as you would find it in the ceiling compartment.
Task...to unbundle same, and inflate, then launch.
The result?
Four of 'em picked up the raft bundle, and promptly threw it into the water...where it sank like a rock.:}