View Full Version : Work experience ideas?

1st Feb 2009, 10:14
I am trying to get as much relevent work experience as possible and i believe that this will help me achieve my dream in becoming a pilot.

So far I have got work experience with A local flying school (working on ops desk,taxiing the planes for fuel uplifts, cleaning planes etc) and then ive also done work experience the schools private engineering services which was really fun, Im starting work experience with Harrods aviation soon (helping out on the learjets and learning about engineering side of that) Got work experience with Wasps London Rugby club with the conditioners, training with players (will help with RAF i believe, as they are always looking for sports enthusiasts etc)

Future: Im going to ask the World Aerobatic Championships which are hosted at silvstone this year if i could help out there.
When i turn 18 I am also going to become a volutnary firefighter

Is there anything else that i could do, that would help me?

1st Feb 2009, 10:55
You seem to have boundless energy! Quite a dazzing selection of tasks you've taken on, and you are obviously regarded as reliable and keen. You haven't mentioned Air Training Corps- is that an option where you live?

Good luck- it's good to see enthusiasm like that- I'm quite certain you will go far in your life. You will find your experiences fascinating.

1st Feb 2009, 11:09
I know I sound like an old pedant, but the fact is that if you write as though you are badly educated and a bit dim, that's how you come across.

It's your choice, and it's everyone's right to break loose from the conventional and old-fashioned way of doing things.

But I've just thrown 30/45 CV's from young people looking for a part-time job into the bin because the writers could or would not write simple, grammatical, properly spelt English. The remaining 15 are the ones from which I will select the shortlist for interview.

I may or may not be typical. But good communication can only improve your chances.

Good luck! You are clearly a go-getter, and you deserve your dream.

Afterthought; if you can, join a gliding club and make yourself useful there. If you actually learn to fly in a glider, you'll acquire sensitive handling skills and situational awareness that will stay with you all your career. You will also probably survive any forced landings you have to make, as I have.

1st Feb 2009, 11:40
The words may seem harsh about correct use of grammar and rejection, but it is one of the reasons I hammer it so hard. Your application will be viewed with others. You can make it good by writing excellent English- you will stand out. Is the school letting you down with apostrophes and spelling? A good way to spend some time in a holiday would be trying to catch up on correct grammatical English with a local course somewhere. Get your basic maths really up to scratch as well. Flying is one of those careers that requires a broad base of education rather than just enthusiasm for flying. Always watch out for your weak areas and concentrate on those.