View Full Version : log book times-omissions

22nd Jan 2009, 11:03
Am I the only plonker out here who has been omiting to log T/off and landing times in their logbooks? How have the CAA taken it? I have to submit books in a few weeks. Any advice (bar finding out times)? Thanks.

22nd Jan 2009, 11:24
What about your totals for each type of flying, (P1, P2, P etc.), and the capacity you were in?
Has your log book been certified by your employer/flying school?

Don't think TO and Landing times are that important unless they show a huge variance between hours claimed and hours flown, chock to chock.

22nd Jan 2009, 11:57
Sorry it's not clear but are you newly qualified or experienced? Well at the end of the day TO and LDG times are not required for you to total up time, can be a bit difficult to prove night flying time though. What I'm amazed at is the amount of people who will have seen your logbook in the past and not corrected you!

Years ago, I logged all my PPL training flights without separating legs. Example, if a flight involved going from A to B, then B to A. I would log it as A-B-A with the total journey time all in one entry! This got accepted by the CAA beleive it or not.

If you have the opportunity to obtain the times from another source then do so. Otherwise a good guess should be enough.

22nd Jan 2009, 11:58
I don't believe there is a CAA requirement to log any of the times, just block totals. I have never recorded any of the actual times and have never had any troubles nor questions from those in the Belgrano. I haven't got my logbook to hand but believe there are instructions in the front of CAP XXXX (the CAA logbook) that explain the times themselves are optional.

22nd Jan 2009, 14:46
I didn't have a single TO or landing time written down for the whole of my PPL. Was never told I needed them....No problems with the CAA on licence issue.

incidentally I always jot them down these days

22nd Jan 2009, 14:49
I have received in the past a message from the Safety Department asking me to explain an infringement on a flight with a date/time. I was able to explain it was 'not me Guv!' thanks to having the times in my logbook. Discipline yourself and do it.