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View Full Version : Help! Need to hour build anywhere in the world (Mars included)

7th Nov 2001, 21:43
I have my commercial licensces, FAA and European. Anybody have any bright ideas or leads where to hourbuild? By the way, slight detail, I'm also completely out of cash.

7th Nov 2001, 21:57
Unfortunately, with all of the recent bankruptcies and aircrew reductions, I think you are asking this question at the worst time possible - a lot of aircrews looking for work...

I don't know your background, so, I would suggest you maybe look into building hours in the States - maybe look for a "cheap" package in Texas or Arizona (better flying weather). Not having cash complicates things more, but is understandable... I know there are some flight schools that offer SIC flight experience on Metroliners and King Airs (cargo operations) in addition to normal time building - maybe that would work for you.

I would ask this same question on the Wannabes forum. Perhaps WWW could recommend a course of action for you.

Good luck and keep your head up!