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1st Apr 2009, 05:57
I don't know how to describe this feeling, i'm so sad, and angry at the same time, i just can't believe it, everything was in that assessment i was invited in Toronto, everything fitted so perfectly ( I was told someday last year that i would be where i've always wanted to be by August of this year,maybe it's something fool but when i was invited to YYZ assessment i was shocked) i'm so angry with those who where invited to the previous assessments such as in LHR and FRA and just din't show up. Hundreds failed to attend to those assessments !! ; now i'm looking for a chance to attend to the next last assessments, because they a have cancelled the one i was planning to attend (YYZ). I don't know if i should write to etihad asking them a chance to ANY of the following assessments, because i know that more than one will not attend !!!! , more than one will decide to leave a sit empty and maybe continue studies, look for another oportunities,decide that maybe its to hard to be selected, and finally won't attend. That's the chair i would be so happy and so delighted to sit in.
Etihad Staff reading my post: Please if you have any available slot in the next assessments please let me know ! [email protected] , i was already invited to YYZ assessment but now if you have postponed i would like to attend to any assessment left this year.

I'm pretty confident i would be an exceptional pilot for Etihad, i just need the opportunity to probe it, but now i don't see that opportunity coming, i'm so sad and dissapointed, my objective for this year was that: Becoming an Etihad Cadet Pilot, i bought books, studied hard , unless it was a long time to go until August, i wasn't just trying to pass, but i was studying to be the best !!

Now i don't know what to do, if either write to etihad and request an assessment in the next months for Grooup 2 or wait untill 2010, though i havn't receive that email about postponing the assessments yet

I just hope i could have a chance to attend to any assessment left in this year :sad:

1st Apr 2009, 07:00

As EYZ has said the number of Cadets planned for THIS YEAR has not changed the candidates who would have attended the cancelled assessments in JFK/YYZ etc. were under assessment for next year.

Whilst this is a big blow to some guys the best thing to do is hope that things pick up ASAP and the guys at EY can get back on schedule with the programme :ok:

To those who still have assessments planned the very best of luck to you! You just got an even more rare opportunity!

Grass strip basher
1st Apr 2009, 08:15
If I were you I would not place too much hope on this type of scheme opening up again any time soon. Sat here in the desert I can tell you even the mighty Ethiad and Emirates are not immune to the ferocity of this slowdown.

Times are tough, plan accordingly.

P.S. Throwing your toys out of the pram as to how unfair the world is won't help. The world (and airlines) owe young wanabees absolutely nothing.

1st Apr 2009, 09:57
GSB is right - the majority of people attending phase 1 would have been unsuccessful anyway - not because they weren't good just that on this occasion someone was that little bit better - so having a Plan B is a wise move - get on it - work hard, save lots, live like a hermit and get along to your local training approved flying school.

1st Apr 2009, 11:19
Gustavo_Nieto you make it sound like that they say shoot one of you family. Things happen get over it. Yeah it is a bit said and i do feel sorry for those who have had the email, but you said that haven't had it so what are you worrying about its not the end of the world.
Your complaining about having an interview canceled just proves that you know nothing about airlines. They change things last minute all the time at least you have had plenty of time to know. Can you imagine being a pilot for one of the bust airlines coming in to work not to have a job anymore or being down route and finding out that you can't get back.
If you react like this with the tests being canceled, how are you going to react if you don't get the job or fail the course.
As Grass strip basher said "Throwing your toys out of the pram as to how unfair the world is won't help. The world (and airlines) owe young wannabees absolutely nothing." Work for it and stop moaning that what the rest of us are doing.

david tharwat
1st Apr 2009, 13:24
Hi Everybody

I need to know if my assessment which is supposed to be held in july in Abu Dhabi have been cancelled or not?!

Any valuable information would be appreciated


1st Apr 2009, 13:50
David, read the posts, then ask questions!!

1st Apr 2009, 14:37
Received the "we regret to inform you" mail for FRA (23th).
I'm sorry, but I feel I have to thank Etihad anyway for giving me this opportunity. I wish you guys have a different feedback.

1st Apr 2009, 15:02
Just got the "we regret to inform you" reply from Etihad for FRA 24th session.

Fingers crossed it will be available again next year to re-apply.

I wasnt expecting to get through this stage, but mainly used it for the experience! I believe i gained great experience from it and hope to try again next year aswell which i will be in good stead for!

I also think this experience will stand me in good stead for assessment days in other flying schools which is a positive!

All in all i think Etihad has given us a fantastic oppertunity for all of us. And though this is sad news, fingers crossed it will be available next year!

Good luck to all those awaiting their results :ok:

1st Apr 2009, 15:57
Unlucky guys. Hopefully the other assessments will still go underway. Does anyone know what the pass rate for the FRA guys is likely to be? How many are they looking to take to the interviews? I am sure it was a tough choice for them to make!

1st Apr 2009, 16:02
Just got my rejection. Was expecting it really as the competition must have been so high i think you would have needed about 95% on everything to get through, and i doubt i got anywhere near that on the GK.

In a way it's dissapointing as i don't feel those test had a massive bearing on your potential as a pilot, I also felt there was no 'difficulty curve' in them. But i am also very grateful for the opportunity and it is fantastic that EY are offering this. Fingers crossed it will still be on next year and if so i will certainly be there (hopefully this time at London) to try again, this time a little bit wiser.

1st Apr 2009, 16:09
I got the "we regret to inform you" email as well.:{

I hope to have another chance next year.

Take care guys and all the best. :)

1st Apr 2009, 16:10
Totally agree RJ111. Did you also go to the FRA assessment after trying for London?

I tried for London, but it was "full", and so they asked me to reply for Frankfurt. After doing this i found out only 50% of people have been turning up for the assessments!

This is a fantastic oppertunity, why havnt more people been turning up, or atleast been letting Etihad know they arn't able to make it? :confused: This would allow more people to have a chance of getting a place in an assessment, surely?


1st Apr 2009, 16:18
Was it the same situation in FRA with only 50% of people turning up?

1st Apr 2009, 16:27
Yes, it certainly looked like it. I was really surprised to be honest.

1st Apr 2009, 16:28
Wow, so does anyone know how many are going to Abu Dhabi in total? Did they give figures?

1st Apr 2009, 16:40
Yeah i had to go to FRA, but it was a fun day and i had to use up some holiday before... today in fact anyway. Ultimately i would have rather gone to London as it would have been cheaper though, because of course, i spend all my cash on flying lessons.:E

But i don't really care if people aren't that enthused about a free, nothing-to-lose scheme because if they can't be bothered to do that then there's no way they're going to be bothered to pass their ATPL = less competition for me at the business end.

1st Apr 2009, 16:41
They dont give figures i dont think, im just going by what ive seen and been told by previous people taking the assessments

1st Apr 2009, 21:32
I got the no email as well...

Its not the end of the world, and it seems I'm going to continue my training with Flight Track in Austria, Salzburg...Going to have to get a loan from the bank to complete my training...


2nd Apr 2009, 02:33
this is why i am getting confused, i didnt get any email reagarding postponing jfk assesment, matter of fact i sent etihad email askking about this, and in reply i got sayin they will notify one month in advance for assesmnet in jfk detail. hope its not some sort of april fool thing :ugh:

2nd Apr 2009, 06:23
As I posted earlier, I am somewhat convinced this some April's fools joke. The evidence given to us is not convincing. I refuse to accept that Etihad would just suddenly cancel 3/8 assessment cities and what not.

Anyway, if it is indeed a joke, its a pretty good one. Otherwise, tough luck to us who were sort of booted out of the program.


2nd Apr 2009, 07:22

I have to say that you know very little the aviation industry in the middle east and EY it self... maybe not much about aviation industry in general...
I would realy love to say that this is some sort of joke but theres losts of things that would indicate its not.

I said it last year when people got very excited about these EY cadet international assessments.. First of all there are very few places at this cadet deal to be filled up, 2nd is that some of them are alredy "booked" for "prefered candidates" (so this makes it even harder to get in), and if anybody thinks its different way I have to say that live in some sort of "dream world".

My "guess" is that EY realized that for very few places that they have left to be filled they do NOT need to carry out 8 assesments this year as they will get enough of quality guys and girs for 2nd stage just from LHR, FRA, JNB, AUH, SYD. Remeber that to invite all this people to AUH for 2nd stage and pay for everything... going to be lots of cash.
Another thing is that they can save some money by not sending their people to JFK, YYZ nad SIN and not splashing cash on hotels so only HALF of people that applied will show up.
Another "guess" is that this all is a part of much bigger picture!
As time goes by and market is not at its best, JH will do anything is needed to get his MASSIVE bonus by the end of his contract! And if this means that he has to shut down the cadet programme to save up some, he will.

Many would probably ask but why now?!? and why didnt they cancel SYD and AUH, since they are still far ahead... I would say because JH got special "love" for OZ and "his" people (when it comes to SYD assesment), JNB is just way to close to cancel it and AUH just have to remain there, as it would look very "bad" to carry on with JNB and SYD but not AUH.

My last "guess" is that this EY cadet programme started because JH and some "high ranked EY people" wanted to get free pilot trainning for their "close ones". Of course there are few (know one my self) that got in beacuse they passed all the exams and are going to make great pilots in the future, they just have to take some "not connected" people so it doesnt look too bad.
I dont say that its impossible to get in but im sure that its much harder than one would think!
The truth is that there was never a need for this cadet programme as EY got PILE of applications from pilots from all over the world, that meet their requirements!
Just look around you and see whats happening in aviation industry all over the world and you will (maybe) understand whats going on.
What EY cadet programme has to offer is really great as I dont think theres anybody else out there with such a "deal" for wannabes.
I just think too many people thought that getting into this programee would be like a walk in the park.
When they say that one batch would have 12 cadets and you want to calculate your chances, you will have to assume that theres actually 8-9 places.
I know that there will be lots of people bashing me for what I wrote but "wasta" does work everywhere, they just call it different in other parts of the world.
But what do I know, Im just guessing! :E

2nd Apr 2009, 08:27
Nail on the head there GBB.

red gaint
2nd Apr 2009, 08:39
My friend just inquired [email protected] and here is what he received, (he forwarded the mail to me that's why am posting here)

Dear Etihad,
I recently heared a rumour that the assessments for New york, Toronto, Singapore have been defered to 2010. Is it true? I anticipate it shouldn't be.



Dear Candidate,

Due to the current economic climate Etihad Airways will be unable to conduct further cadet pilot assessments this year. We are therefore postponing the planned selections in New York, Toronto and Singapore until further notice.

We very much hope to resume the process in 2010, and will email each of you again towards the end of 2009 should this be the case to confirm your interest.

We are very sorry that the current climate has forced us into this position; however we at Etihad Airways remain optimistic about the future and look forward to hopefully resuming the assessment process in 2010.

Cadet Pilot
Recruitment Team:{

Who so ever still reluctant :=to accept the truth, inquire [email protected] ([email protected]) and it's time to switch to "Plan B". :ugh::ugh:

2nd Apr 2009, 10:03

Where are you geting your info from?
Who on the first two courses of international cadets was from the reserved list?
Where is the reserved list, does it exist only in JH secret draw?

The truth is the cadet pilot programme odds are small, but for the people from london and Frankfurt who are coming to AUH for second round selection, the odds are increasing.

I dont understand your negative view, at which point is this a bad scheme? Etihad does offer something nobody else does, its a chance, a real chance to get on a programme that is the dream of many.

Tell me the names of the special few already selected, please.


Leading Edge 7e7
2nd Apr 2009, 10:56
Guys no reply for me yet...
i wonder if everybody got the results for FRA
still waiting.:ugh:

2nd Apr 2009, 11:09

First of all... I said that I was guessing, didnt I?
2nd: I said in my last post that I think EY cadet programme is probably one of a kind offer out there and great way for wannabes to become pilots, if the can get in.
So you want to tell me that all the selection is fair and nobody got upper hand, inside information, "wasta"? and everybody was selected just because they were the best at all the tests?
Oh, this wouldnt happen even in Vatican City if they were to have such a scheme!
I didnt say that you cant get in as only "prefered one" will get the places.
I said that if theres 12 in the batch, few will be there thanks to some sort of "wasta"!
How about you tell us all why did EY cadet programme started in the first place and why are they canceling 3 of 8 assessments this year?

Leading Edge 7e7
2nd Apr 2009, 11:55

Dont see the point of your argument, there are probably hundreds here who dont even know what <wasta> is to begin with, besides we all know what goes on and please lets not forget there are so many out there who have worked their guts out to prepare for this assessment like i did every evening after long shift at work and every lunch break and tell you what, those guys marking our exams could clearly identify who has done so, they are real proffessionals at what they do, even if someone got into the programme through preferences it will not be easy to justify how the ones which deserve the most didnt get it.
i believe in working hard for something you need real bad.

Leading Edge 7e7
2nd Apr 2009, 11:57
p.s. Still waiting for that e-mail.:ugh:

2nd Apr 2009, 12:15
Attended the assessment on the 24th @2pm and still waiting for a reply... Seeing people getting their replies already makes it even harder to wait...

2nd Apr 2009, 12:21
I worked very hard too and i did not pass.

If you haven't got your results back yet i would relax. If anything that's a good sign.

2nd Apr 2009, 12:27

Lets clarify things, are you talking about the International or UAE scheme?
The UAE scheme, may of had some wasta moments in the beginning, however there is nothing like this now, if you do not pass you do not get in.
Now, the internationals, I heard the rumours that it was set up for JH, RH and PCW sons to join, again simply not true, do you knowwhat JH and PCW son's actually do? I dont thik they want to give it up to be pilots!! Yes RH son is there, but only on merrit.
I think the cadet pilot programme for internationals started because at GF they did not have one and it lead to an imbalance situation in the flight deck of too many of one nationality and this in turn caused its own problems. I assume they did not want to make the same mistake twice, simple.
I know the other theory sounds more spectacular but i'm afraid it just ain't true.
The cancellations are due to simply not being sure how many cadet will be required next year, 2010 is EY quietest year in terms of deliveries since it founded, however the next selections to be held will be in YYZ, JFK and SIN. Those that were invited, will be given preference, if they still wish to come.

2nd Apr 2009, 13:37
I haven't got any reply either... :ugh: Was in FRA on the 23rd @ 2pm... Let's hope that it's a good sign!! :sad:

2nd Apr 2009, 13:53
Just got my reply and am through to the second stage!!!!

2nd Apr 2009, 14:22
Congrats to MMav...& to all the People who got the replies...so MM is the 1st one...whos Next :)

2nd Apr 2009, 14:41
Well done!:ok:

I'm very jealous. :*

2nd Apr 2009, 14:51
Congratulations MMav

I am still waiting for the response.. hopefully it will be positive

2nd Apr 2009, 14:54
I told you that I believe that you can make it through!!!, hope you will, see you back here in Abu Dhabi...:ok:

2nd Apr 2009, 14:55
Congrats buddy!:ok:
Still waiting for a reply here...

2nd Apr 2009, 15:22

First off, being from the middle east, I know a bit more than you think. But, if indeed what you say is true, I know you are just guessing, I have lost some respect for EY.
1- If they really want to position themselves as a leader in the area, and probably the world, having half assed schemes that are poorly set up, and poorly managed is quite surprising. Suddenly, they realized that they have too few seats to fill? What about planning? What about setting quotas for each city? What about more aggressive eliminations? I did not apply for a position in Toronto thinking its a walk in the park. Frankly, getting accepted to the next round is almost like winning the lottery. But, from an internationally acclaimed organization, that is marketing itself, and repositioning itself to actively compete with giants such as EK, and to be a worldwide hub, actions such as improperly calculating the number of seats required to fill, and how many from each city is frankly surprising.

2- How can they decide that they can get enough quality from JNB, AUH, and SYD without even conducting the assessments? You really think that in YYZ, JFK, and SIN they wont find enough qualified people of high calibre?

3- Life tends to be very unfair, I know and accept that. I have no problems with the whole issue of the unfairness in life. Yes it is unfair that the assessments got canceled in the last 3 cities, but I do still expect to recieve a notice regarding the issue. Reading about it on PPRUNE, and only knowing what is going on with the assessments through PPRUNE is quite dissapointing. And I find it unbelievable, that EY would have trouble in sending out a mass email to the 2400 people who applied for spots in YYZ, JFK and SIN.

4- About your "wasta". I have been screwed, royally screwed from this "wasta" many times. I know how it works, I know what it does. But, if upper management wanted to get their sons and daughters into the cadet program, what are the chances they would actually set up an international search, travel to cities around the world, spend lots of money just so they can put their loved ones in the preferred spots? Why not just do it in the local Emarati scheme? I know for a fact they are having very difficulty encouraging Emarati's to join the program. Dont forget we're talking about pilots here. Regardless of what "wasta" someone has, if someone is not cut out of being a pilot, he/she will simply not be trained.

And dont you insinuate that I have no idea what is going on with the aviation industry, or any industry for that matter. Being fired from jobs because of the economy, having close family and friends get the axe because of the economy, and living in a country that is so affected by the economy makes me know first hand what the hell is going on. Had EY canceled all other assessments as well, I would believe the economic downturn played a major role, but just canceling some, and not immediately, I find it hard to believe.

Honestly, I always had a plan B. Figuring out that one has about a 1% of a chance of getting in, no one in their right mind would consider this the ultimate plan, and the only one.

To close this rant of mine, we are talking about EY here. With 45 aircraft on hand, and another 115 on order, its a big, going onto being a huge airline. Anything less than a professional approach to dealing with candidates, especially those who have been affected be the what seems to be a random cancelation. And so far, I have not felt the professionalism, and so do many others.


Leading Edge 7e7
2nd Apr 2009, 15:30
Congrates MM i shall see you in Abu Dhabi....
got my reply twice just seen it and guess what is it???

Thanks God a million times.:ok:

Congrates to everyone else who is through im sure there are alot around this time.:D

2nd Apr 2009, 15:41
Congrats 7e7

Told you not to worry.

2nd Apr 2009, 15:42
Congrats man...just got a call from a friend...& he got in tooo...see u here in Abu Dhabi!!!:ok:

2nd Apr 2009, 15:43
thanks everyone and congrats 7e7. Ill keep you guys updated on the next stage for everyone applying next year.


2nd Apr 2009, 16:28
Congratulations 7e7:ok:, congratulations to all that got through:D, and good luck to those still awaiting a reply!!

2nd Apr 2009, 17:21
Hi Okees,
Your speech was mind blowing.I went through every word and I really understood the logic behind the Cadet Pilot Programme.We cannot change future but we can change the present.I hope someday you'll be a professional pilot in this industry.It's not because I read your post because my instincts tell that you are born to be apilot.That's in your blood.Never Giver Up & Never Back Down,Fight for your Goal!With all my best regads Sierra1:ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:

Leading Edge 7e7
2nd Apr 2009, 18:46
Thanx everyone for the support and all the information shared by everyone here, part of my success at the stage 1 goes to all of you guys who cared to share what everyone went through during their times at the assessments:D, i will keep you updated on the stage 2 to come which is first week of May i guess around 2% of the guys from LHR and FRA been through to stage 2 well done to all i enjoyed every minute of it, tough compitition but things just got tougher for coming days.:ok:
Will see you in Abu Dhabi.
By the way it is really hot here these days
more chillies than that of etihad's seminar graph.

2nd Apr 2009, 18:53
Is there anyone out there still waiting for the "yes" or "no" email from the FRA assessment like me?

2nd Apr 2009, 18:55
Sierra1, thank you very much for your kind comments. I will continue fighting, till I achieve my goal. And you should too. Everyone should. With enough determination, anyone can become a pilot, or a doctor, or a lawyer, or anything one desires. All you need is motivation and dedication, and you will discover that things will start moving your way. As you said, we cannot change the future, but we are in control of our lives. A million congratulations to all of you who passed on to the next round. Keep us posted with how things develop with you, as I would love to hear of your successes. I am sure that one day we will all cross paths up there between the clouds.


2nd Apr 2009, 21:14
One more time, Congrads to everybody who got into the stage2. :D
It's a HUGE thing!! Great to see when great things happens to the awesome people.

All the luck in AUH. :ok:

Take care

Sable Knight
2nd Apr 2009, 22:02
I am also anxiously awaiting a reply, i attended the assessment on 23rd. Don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but will see

Sable Knight

3rd Apr 2009, 00:08
Hi everyone.
Congratulations to all the guys and girls who have been invited for stage 2!!!

I also took the assessment in FRA but still have no e-mail!?!? I can see that I'm not alone!! Do you, guys and girls, think that those of us who haven't gotten anything still have a chance to make it to Abu Dhabi? Please let me know!!!

Thanks and congratulations to everyone!!

3rd Apr 2009, 01:06
Malirm, thank you so much for the valuable information:ok:!!! Than, I guess, some of us have some more to hope for!

Let's hope for the best!!!

3rd Apr 2009, 08:51
I'm also still waiting for a reply reg the FRA assessment... But hey... hope springs eternal!! :ok:

3rd Apr 2009, 09:37
Hi, me too applied for SIN, but yet to receive any emails regarding the cancellation. Do update here if there's any mailer from the recruitment team.


3rd Apr 2009, 21:04
NOOOOOOO! :( Why are they skipping North America all together?

Is that their way of "punishing" us for this economic crisis (climate)?

Im not gonna waste a year waiting for a "maybe" we'll start back again.
I guess I'm looking for another way. :cool:

4th Apr 2009, 11:44
I did nt recieve any e-mails regarding cancellation of the program in singapore. those who recieved kindly post as o wat was written.....:bored:

Sable Knight
4th Apr 2009, 17:18
Is there anyone else still waiting for a reply from the Frankfurt assessment or am i alone?

4th Apr 2009, 17:30
I think you may find out tomorrow because it is the last day of the weekend in AUH.

4th Apr 2009, 18:11
Count me in, too... hopefully tomorrow...

4th Apr 2009, 19:21
I am also waiting for an e-mail!! Let's hope for some good news guys!!!

4th Apr 2009, 19:52
I am in the same boat... hoping for tomorrow...

4th Apr 2009, 23:39
sorry to change the subjett here a bit but deos anyone one know if etihad will re-open its scheme next year ?

5th Apr 2009, 06:40
Well... I just can't believe about the scrapping up the assessments for the three cities..
It so much seems to be a joke..because if such had been the plans of etihad they must have made sure that each single applicant on the rolls receive the mail and not just a handful of them..
So i request you all not to panic or believe just anybody until you receive any mail from the recruitment team itself..

@ lloyd_dsouza
me too for the singapore assessments.. no mail about the postponement yet..
so keeping my fingers crossed!!

5th Apr 2009, 17:10
I should imagine it will be on next year. This might sound cynical but i suspect they cancelled the remaining ones, as they probably got enough good scores from the first assessments. As far as we know they are still taking on 12 cadets, so i don't see what the recession has to do with the remaing assessment days apart from for saving a couple of pennies on hosting events.

Kit Cloudkicker
5th Apr 2009, 18:37
I was in FRA on the 24th at 9:00 - and I am out too :(

6th Apr 2009, 07:41
Nooo, I've also just received the cancellation notice of the assessment in Singapore, like 5 mins ago... I'm so disappointed right now. Hopefully they will reopen the assessment again in the future. :(

6th Apr 2009, 10:57
hey guys any body got email for Jnb

6th Apr 2009, 11:01
Anything about FRA? Are there some more people waiting for a reply?

6th Apr 2009, 11:40
Hi guys I had applied for the singapore session and I have recieved an e-mail from them that the assessments at New york,Singapore and Toronto stands cancelled....good luck to all those who will be attending interviews ahead for etihad....

6th Apr 2009, 12:27
Yup there's more of us still waiting for a response. I was at the 1400 assessment on 24th at FRA and still not had an email from Etihad yet. Been checking my email constantly for the last few days!

6th Apr 2009, 12:35
I just got a second rejection email.

But they sent it to many. So i basically have a list of all the people who got rejected's emails in the 'To' part of the email.

Not very professional.

6th Apr 2009, 12:48
congrats to everyone who cleared part 1 at FRA , and best of luck for stage 2:ok:
i was there on 24 morning but got the negative reply.

6th Apr 2009, 12:52
I would like to know if anybody can post the mail that etihad has send to cancel assessment of Toronto, New york ... Thanks.

6th Apr 2009, 13:06
Heres the email, just received it today. I'm one of the applicants who applied for the Singapore Assessment, I know that its a longshot but no harm in trying... HTH

Dear Candidate,

Due to the current economic climate Etihad Airways will be unable to conduct further cadet pilot assessments this year. We are therefore postponing the planned selections in New York, Toronto and Singapore until further notice.

We very much hope to resume the process in 2010, and will email each of you again towards the end of 2009 should this be the case to confirm your interest.

We are very sorry that the current climate has forced us into this position; however we at Etihad Airways remain optimistic about the future and look forward to hopefully resuming the assessment process in 2010.


Cadet Pilot
Recruitment Team
Etihad Airways
PO Box 35566,
Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
www.etihadairways.com (http://www.etihadairways.com/)
The National Airline of the United Arab Emirates


This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Etihad airways or its employees are not responsible for any auto-generated spurious messages that you may receive from Etihad email addresses.
Etihad Airways (http://www.etihadairways.com/)

6th Apr 2009, 13:12
I received the same email too.I was pretty upset when i first read it but lets just hope they will resume the assessment in 2010.Good luck to those who made it to round two!:)

6th Apr 2009, 16:55
Hi all, my turn has come to receive the cancellation of the assessment here in SIN. So this ain't any April Fool's joke. Well, hopefully we do get a place for the next assessment like mentioned.

All the best for to those who had move through to the second stage and the rest of the assessment.

Cheers! :ok:

6th Apr 2009, 18:14
Got the rejection email just after posting on here. Theres 102 recipients in my email. Feeling a bit dissappointed, somehow managed to get my hopes up, its such an amazing deal they're offering.
Well done and good luck to all those who made it to stage 2.

red gaint
6th Apr 2009, 22:13
To frankfurt attendees who got "regret" mail...when are you eligible to re-appear for the assessment i.e after how long?? as per your mail

6th Apr 2009, 22:24
We were told at the assessment in Frankfurt, that you can apply after one year. Good luck to you guys.

7th Apr 2009, 02:00
this is in lieu of my previous post after reading the last page on this forum:

is it really true that all assessment dates have been postponed for toronto and other intended locations too? am i yet to receive this email ? :eek: :ugh:

7th Apr 2009, 03:04
An ignorance on my part : i did find out about this forum today(yes i know too little too late).
any help would be appreciated ,as in the preparation required to get through the 'hypothetical' assessment at toronto august 2009? i`ll be grateful if u guys gimme pointers on what to look into and study about. i've been in training at a local flight school right here in canada, am bound to earn my private pilot lisc any time soon this month (just an example to prove that this post of mine is no intended joke to waste your time).
do help out a brutha. peace out.

Sable Knight
7th Apr 2009, 08:11
The only pointer i can give you is learn how to work very fast and very accuratly, you have more questions than minutes available, therefore you need to work very fast and still accuratly.

In terms of the content of the tests, it is stuff either you know or you don't know. The e-mail from etihad indicates the subjects you need to concentrate on. The remainder of the tests you CANNOT prepare for. They are there to assess your natural ability.

Hope this helps

7th Apr 2009, 13:26

Congrats to all who made it to the interview!

A few pages back, someone said that the interview dates have been moved to May instead of April. Is this true, or is it just a rumour? Perhaps the people who got the "yes" e-mail in the past few days could shed some light on the matter.

Thanks :ok:,

7th Apr 2009, 16:02
Yup the second stage is in the first week of may.


8th Apr 2009, 02:58
Any suggestions when we might get the invitation e-mail for the Sydney Assessment? Or are the dates somehow already available?

8th Apr 2009, 23:48
I was browsing around when I found this article that kicked me to my senses. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but UAE is a dictatorship and even though I like to see things for myself. I wonder if anyone from the UAE could clarify this article for me.
heres the link -- The dark side of Dubai - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/the-dark-side-of-dubai-1664368.html)

...and I know this is about Dubai and not Abu Dhabi but I wonder how different can one be from the other.


9th Apr 2009, 01:45
if dictatorship is the case in dubai then i think usa will be first to go and start invading there ahahaha:mad::ugh:

9th Apr 2009, 04:39
Yeah, it would be useful to know when the Sydney assessment is. Heard rumours it would be around 26th June, but I would prefer it early June, because I need to get back to the UK. Any other rumours would be helpful?

9th Apr 2009, 05:06
Dear ......,

The assessment is tentatively planned for 25th & 26th June. You will receive an invitation from our side one month prior the assessment.


Cadet Pilot Program
Etihad Airways
The National Airline of the United Arab Emirates
Office +971 (2) 5018100
Fax: +971 (2) 6772721
Email: [email protected]
www.etihadairways.com (https://webmail.etihad.ae/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.etihadairways.com/)

9th Apr 2009, 09:57
Hi !

Congrats to everyone who made it to stage 2..
Did any AUH applicants get any mail from Etihad ?

I tried googling GCAA medical requirements but could not come across anything useful. Does anybody know what are the eyesight requirements ?

Any info. will be appreciated.


9th Apr 2009, 10:16
just got the mail for jnb... any1 els got it? pilot_pro?? its on the 15th of may..

9th Apr 2009, 10:30
About the GCAA, it is identical to the JAA class one medicals, I also heard that they have some a little bit tougher standards (GCAA), I got a GCAA class one & got it within approx. 2.5 hours of testing/Examination.

I got through exactly what is mentioned in this link :

initial medical examination (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49&pagetype=90&pageid=2188)


JAR Class 1 and 2 medicals | Medical | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49&pagetype=68&gid=211)

except for the EEG test :)

Since I haven't got through Etihad...what do you know guys about the MPL?, I might go for it :ok:

9th Apr 2009, 10:41
@ Malirm

Thanks mate....

The MPL program at alpha aero academy looks like a good one...
But I'm not sure how many airlines accept MPL cadets..
Better check that out from reliable resources before putting in those monies....(And let me know as well :ok:)


9th Apr 2009, 11:20
I just got the JHB email too. 15th it is.... I'm flying up and the hotel isn't too close to the airport. Guess I have to take a cab.

9th Apr 2009, 11:25
Hy...anyone know who is going to be the various test in ABU DHABI for the second stage??


9th Apr 2009, 11:28
Hi der,

I just read ur post...cud u enlighten me as to wat does MPL cadet in alpha aero academy mean...ur reply is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Lloyd D'souza

9th Apr 2009, 12:19
Just got this (sorry havnt backread this thread so hope im not repeating someone!)

Dear Candidate,

Due to the current economic climate Etihad Airways will be unable to conduct further cadet pilot assessments this year. We are therefore postponing the planned selections in New York, Toronto and Singapore until further notice.

We very much hope to resume the process in 2010, and will email each of you again towards the end of 2009 should this be the case to confirm your interest.

We are very sorry that the current climate has forced us into this position; however we at Etihad Airways remain optimistic about the future and look forward to hopefully resuming the assessment process in 2010.


Cadet Pilot
Recruitment Team
Etihad Airways
PO Box 35566,
Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
www.etihadairways.com (http://www.etihadairways.com/)
The National Airline of the United Arab Emirates

9th Apr 2009, 13:25
I tried googling GCAA medical requirements but could not come across anything useful. Does anybody know what are the eyesight requirements ?

I have searched for the same and have been unable to find any official documents on the Internet. Please note that the copy, in post #6 in the link below, from January 2008 states that there is no limit, except 20/200 without correction, as long as the vision can be corrected to 6/6.

UAE Eyesight Requirement (http://www.pprune.org/middle-east/365539-uae-medical-eyesight-requirements.html)

I wrote GCAA and received no reply. I got a reply from a doctor at the Infinity Clinic in Dubai. For your information I have -7.00 on both eyes.:

Being minus 7 is not the issue. Anyone can be short-sighted. What matters is the uncorrected vision level and also that you correct normally. The GCAA requires that you are not worse than 20:200 (twenty:two hundred) with no correction and that you correct to 20:20. It is allowed to be 20:30 in one eye with correction but the other has to correct to 20:20.

The requirement without correction means that you at 20ft have to be able to see what you with a normal vision can see at 200ft. (6/60 if in meters)

I have not seen any indications that UAE should have the JAR eyesight requirements other than people saying it here on Pprune.

9th Apr 2009, 14:29
Anybody know the best way to get to the hotel form the airport? How many of you are gonna be there?

Let me know..Thanks

9th Apr 2009, 16:46
eycommercialpilot are you talking about the JHB assesment?
Is there anyone that got a date other than the 15th and if there's anyone staying in jozi that knows how the transport system works, are there any taxi's that go that way, Airport to Bartlett,

9th Apr 2009, 17:04
dear friends,

just recieved the e-mail from etihad. Got my assessment on the 15. Please let me know when you all will be arriving in jnb and some information about the hotels and the way to the centre. please keep me informed. Will meet you soon.

9th Apr 2009, 17:07
Thank you amhur. I recieved the e-mail today. Lets make some plans as to when to rech there.
waiting for your reply.

9th Apr 2009, 17:10
i am going to be there so lets meet up

9th Apr 2009, 20:56
I got the invitation email to JNB, my assessment will be on 14th
I'll post more information about the hotel soon
Good luck everyone:ok:, and hopefully we'll meet there

10th Apr 2009, 03:10
I got the cancellation email today. I am absolutely confused as to why they decided to go with JNB, and SYD, leaving JFK, YYZ and SIN in the dark. If they are having financial difficulty, or decided that now is not the best time to spend on such a program, it would only make sense to a logical person that the entire program be cancelled, rather than following through with 3 more cities, and cancelling the last 3. I'm having serious issues with the logic behind Etihads decisions and behaviour. And I would love to hear from them as to why they decided to do what they did. Just sending an email professing the cancellation of 3 cities without any decent reason (financial downturn is not good enough when they cancel less than 50% of the program) is not what I expected.

Just my 2 cents...

10th Apr 2009, 10:25
I'm not sure why are you confused here.:confused:
Whole batch in June is going with people who were seected just in LHR and FRA.
The one from November will go with JNB and SYD applicants.
They are taking around 12 people for each batch, and two towns for a batch is more than enough.
The batch from North America should have started in Jan 2010, so I guess they will not do it atleast for begining of 2010, but these thing like everything in aviation might change.

Stop crying,take a book,find flying school like the rest of us,start your PPL and hope they will call you for an assesment next year. :cool:

I am!!!
Take care

10th Apr 2009, 11:40
Etihad dejected candidates,

You have mentioned that due to economic climate Etihad had posponded assessment in three locations. First i want you to define what is economic climate? till now i have heard only about economic crises. For improvement of your vocabulary the meaning of climate is regular weather condition of an area and i dont think to appear for any test we need to see the weather conditions.

I think you are the most unfortunate dejected candidate of Etihad, you are still 23 so keep on trying till your memory lasts and till the climate is favourable.

Just one piece of advice that change your psyco mentality and you will reach some where.

10th Apr 2009, 12:04
Hey guys,

I wish everyone luck for this year of assessments. May we all be as lucky as the successful ones before us.

One question though.....have we heard when the assessments for Australia are going to be? Has anyone began assessment yet.....in Europe or the Middle East?

10th Apr 2009, 18:11
To Flybug:

LHR and FRA have been completed right? good..
LHR and FRA candidates have been selected? yes
LHR and FRA candidates will start their program in June? right

SYD and JNB have been completed? no
SYD and JNB candidates have NOT been selected.
Yet somehow SYD and JNB candidates will start their program in November.

JFK and YYZ got canceled. I dont care when they should have started, I dont care if it is this year, next year or the year after. My whole issue is that EY decided to go on with 2 more cities after declaring they are affected by the economic downturn. SYD and JNB did not start, and wont start till mid May. The candidates have not been selected since they did not complete the assessment, and yet will have a chance to participate in the freaking program. JFK and YYZ candidates, as well as SIN candidates will not get a chance because of the economic downturn. Explain to me how it is logical for an economic downturn to affect events that will happen next year, but not events that will happen this year? The crisis is screwing up economies and companies this year. By next year, forcasts indicate that at the very least the slowdown will stop, if not seeing economic growth. This is what is confusing me.

If i decide to go on with the PPL as you have mentioned, I wont be eligible for the EY program, as they want people WITH NO FLYING EXPERIENCE. And if I had the money to go ahead with the PPL, you think I wouldnt have started it? For people outside your area, money is somewhat of an issue. We dont have the government of the Emirates spend insane amounts of money on undeserving individuals who spend it blindly. Some of us have to work to pay for education, and other professional career programs. I'm not implying you are like that, but I see how a lot of people from Dubai live here in Montreal, and I know for a fact that many of them are on government funded sponsorships, driving Ferraris, and buying 10-20 bottles of alcohol a night at clubs. To them money is not an issue.

To shppatelsa,
I have no idea what you meant by the whole economic climate business and what not. And I have no idea why you assumed i have a "psyco mentality".

My whole bitching and ranting isnt because I wont be admitted into the program; I knew the chances of success before applying, and I knew that hard work is required to achieve something. I know all about working hard for things. Hardly anything I got came easy. My whole rant is because something doesnt add up with this program, and how things are conducted. And I know that EY will never explain the reason behind their actions, so I have to live with it and move on. All I saw in the EY cadet program is a decent chance to bypass the hassle of going through the modular training, and all the extra expenses and loans one could and probably would incur. I never thought of it as the only way.


(If i offended anyone, it was not my intention, unlike some others.)

10th Apr 2009, 18:12
Has JFK been cancelled? I haven't had any notice of this - I'm due to have an assessment in August... :bored:

10th Apr 2009, 18:42
llbanx, yes its canceled. You may get a email notice this week, next week, or the week after. With EY, no one knows.

10th Apr 2009, 21:15

How can you say that it doesn't add up? Have you got EY's financial records to go by? As someone has already said, they can't forecast (accurately enough) for next year so they don't know (now) if it would be feasable to carry on with the program then. What other reason do you think they would have? What do you think could be another reason? They still have MANY aeroplanes that are going to be delivered and that costs money! New routes have been (and continue to be) added which is a financial risk too! There are so many variables to take into consideration you couldn't just fixate on ONE reason; unless you call that reason MONEY!

Do you know how much it costs Etihad to fill a course as opposed to recruiting already-type-rated and experienced pilots? I don't know exactly, but I am sure they would save millions of Dirhams!! Yes millions!! Etihad was started by royal decree but the government doesn't actively participate in the running of the airline therfore it isn't (even though it could if it wanted to) going to inject massive amounts of money into it just to keep a Cadet Scheme running. The probable reason for them NOT cancelling JHB is that they have already budgeted for this year, last year. Now they are budgeting for next year. Etihad is doing ALL us budding pilots a favour here so I don't think you are in a position to judge their reasons for cancelling a few assessments. They said it's not definitely closing forever, just postponed (for the time being).

I just want to add that I have no idea if any of my theories above are correct but that is how I perceive the situation...

By the way, you CAN apply with a PPL!

11th Apr 2009, 04:48
Why the hostile attitude?

11th Apr 2009, 07:04
Hostility is a bit of an exaggeration, but since you are asking why I challenged your comments I thought I would select a few of your 'gems' in the last 3 posts of yours:

I am absolutely confused as to why they decided to go with JNB, and SYD, leaving JFK, YYZ and SIN in the dark. If they are having financial difficulty, or decided that now is not the best time to spend on such a program, it would only make sense to a logical person that the entire program be cancelled

So Etihad is not logical?

I'm having serious issues with the logic behind Etihads decisions and behaviour.


financial downturn is not good enough when they cancel less than 50% of the program

How do you know?

JFK and YYZ got canceled. I dont care when they should have started, I dont care if it is this year, next year or the year after. My whole issue is that EY decided to go on with 2 more cities after declaring they are affected by the economic downturn

And who's choice is that?

The candidates have not been selected since they did not complete the assessment, and yet will have a chance to participate in the freaking program. JFK and YYZ candidates, as well as SIN candidates will not get a chance because of the economic downturn. Explain to me how it is logical for an economic downturn to affect events that will happen next year, but not events that will happen this year?

Read my last post....

And if I had the money to go ahead with the PPL, you think I wouldnt have started it? For people outside your area, money is somewhat of an issue. We dont have the government of the Emirates spend insane amounts of money on undeserving individuals who spend it blindly. Some of us have to work to pay for education, and other professional career programs. I'm not implying you are like that, but I see how a lot of people from Dubai live here in Montreal, and I know for a fact that many of them are on government funded sponsorships, driving Ferraris, and buying 10-20 bottles of alcohol a night at clubs. To them money is not an issue.

Generalising massively...

My whole rant is because something doesnt add up with this program, and how things are conducted. And I know that EY will never explain the reason behind their actions

They don't need to explain a thing, but they did.

All I saw in the EY cadet program is a decent chance to bypass the hassle of going through the modular training, and all the extra expenses and loans one could and probably would incur.

All you saw is a chance to be debt free. All a lot of other people see is a chance to be with an excellent airline, without being in debt (because they can't afford it!!! not because it would just be nicer!!!) and being guaranteed a job...Not just because the other route is a hassle.

11th Apr 2009, 09:50
Hey, I got email for Joburg. Will be attending assessment on 14 May. Cant wait...

Anyone else that will be doing it on 14 May?

11th Apr 2009, 10:32
hello buddy, i'll be attending the JNB assessment on 14th, hope to see ya there!

11th Apr 2009, 11:01
Hy guys...

just looking on the pprune site-mideast forum- I see lots of badthings about etihad (and other airlines around there)...

I feel quite confused about that fact...

I know,the perfect airline doesn't exist, but....

some can say something about?? (better if know etihad from inside)


11th Apr 2009, 17:16
To EYZ or EYX....
I got a email from the Etihad that they will advise the exact location and time prior one month of the assesment date...
would you be able to advise the assement dates in Abu Dhabi for 1st stage ???:confused:

11th Apr 2009, 18:25
When will you be arriving in JNB?

11th Apr 2009, 20:13
The AUH dates are not finalised just yet, so no, I think JNB and SYD are the focus right now, although AUH is quite big in terms of numbers. (if everyone turns up!!)
For those of you who are annoyed with EY for delaying the JFK, YYZ and SIN selections, dont worry, there are no plans to stop the programme, its a slow down, not a cancellation.
If you look at EY order book, 2009 is busy, 2010 is quite as it 2011, but 2012 gets crazy, so maybe they are pacing themselves for this..maybe the first few groups of cadets that are graduating are taking longer to come through the system, so things are backing up and the only way to slow it down is to stop the selections for a while?
As EY said, when it starts again, it will be North America first, followed by SIN.
Okees, if you want further explanations send me your email address or number on PM and i'll fill you in as much as I know..which is limited!!
Oh one last thing, you can have flying experiance for this programme, you just cannot have a CPL of any type, you can be doing your CPL training but no have it in your hand.
This is not the end of the programme!!!:ok:

13th Apr 2009, 10:49
Hi everybody,

I would like to know if there is somebody who has applied for the assessment in Abu Dhabi and ultimately could not get there? Thanks.

13th Apr 2009, 19:59
Anyone going to the second phase received their flight details and/or further info yet? I guess Etihad is waiting until everyone has emailed in the required documents...

14th Apr 2009, 09:46
Nope not received any details as yet, but that is understandable. I did have to send in my documents twice though, I think they didn`t receive them the first time.

Grass strip basher
14th Apr 2009, 12:39
I would caution on looking at aircraft delivery dates as a driver of low houred pilot recruitment.... aircraft orders can always be delayed/cancelled.

The environment in the Middle East at the moment is tough... in fact very tough. EY is not immune.

okees suck it up life isn't fair and EY does not owe you a living. The UAE is not a democracy and your rights mean diddly squat over here (.... no taxation without representation etc etc).

15th Apr 2009, 01:57
I've had to send my documents two times aswell because for some reason they wouldn't get through. but hopefully its gone through this time. Anyway still waiting on the flight details and stuff. Cheers:cool:


15th Apr 2009, 04:35
I've stayed quiet while reading all your posts for the past month or too. And now I've had enough.
I was scheduled for Toronto, got the email. Its canceled, ok, my bad luck.
I've listened to a lot of people on this forum who are obviously desperate to get into this program and have not, because it is very competitive and tough to get in. But I think most of you are over thinking things because of your desire to get in and now you are trying to come to terms with the rejection. That's fair enough, I've done it myself, I'm not going to try and be patronizing or condesending.
However, I don't think many of you understand the reality of the business world, especially in the Middle East and how it works. Firstly, life is not fair. Secondly, as much as you think you are special and deserve a fair chance, no one in Etihad really cares. When the boss says, "Cancel the program we aren't taking any more after Jo'burg", that's it its canceled. Stop romanticizing about Etihad and flying in general.
Just a bit about me, I grew up in the Middle East. My father is a pilot at an airline in the Middle East and has been one for 20 years. He is very senior, and I have spent my life meeting people in the airline industry, specifically the Middle East Airline Industry. I think a lot of you are clinging on to romanticized versions of these airlines and the Middle East in general. Companies in the Middle East are less professional than the West and most other places with regard to almost ALL industries, not just the airline industry. Also, there is a lot of racism and favoritism in the Middle East, no doubts about it. And it is all about who you know, not what you know. This part of the world has not heard about Equal rights, racial profiling is everywhere and people will be racist and just not give a damn. Secondly, if you are a good, innocent person, maybe a little naive, and not that worldly wise, the Middle East is not for you. I have seen many people move to the Middle East, and then leave immediately, this place is fairly ruthless, and if you don't know how to handle it you will not have a good time here. I went to British Private school and most of our teachers were in and out within 2 to 3 years, most of them couldn't handle the place. Same with a number of Canadian pilots that arrived here a while back. Most of them left immediately too, within a year or two. Like I said, there is just a giant lack of professionalism, and I don't know if it will ever change, but if you don't know how to handle it you will find this part of the world hard to work in. And sorry to those who didn't make it.
Ok, that's all I have to say. I'm going to leave it there.

Mike Whiskey Romeo
15th Apr 2009, 09:22
Ah glad to see other people were having problems with the documents too. Took me until the third attempt, felt like a bit of a twit to be honest but cheered up now!

15th Apr 2009, 09:43
most of the things what Airmann has mentioned is true..I totaly agree on it since I have been living in Abu Dhabi for the last 3 years...I could add one more point for that,,,one of the qualifications to get in to a realy good Job, is the colour of your skin....(menas the difference between asians and europeans,americans)....I have a doubt whether there are any asian cadet pilots undergoing training at the moment in Etihad ??? can some one advise whether there are any cadet pilots under going training from origins such as India,Pakistan,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh,Philipino ??? or else already finshed the cadet pilot programme and flying for etihad ??? :confused:

15th Apr 2009, 10:48
I couldn't agree more to Airmann & dreampilot83's post. I've been there only for a few weeks or a month (Abu Dhabi & Dubai) to attend an application interview on a couple of flight schools & visited a couple of my friends from college who've been working there for 2-3yrs now.

You can really see how some are very unprofessional not only on the airline industry but in other industries as well. bottomline is you have to suck it up! be a bit insensitive & learn to ignore the little details in life if you want to fit in, & if you can't take the beating leave... you can always go to a different country or back to your motherland.

oh and by the way about an asian cadet pilot being accepted on any flight school, they haven't had any asian cadets yet (don't know about Etihad). i was told by one of the pilots i was communicating with during the process of my application on one of the schools there that i will be there first asian cadet. (unfortunately I've decline the offer & didn't push through with my enrollment as they cancelled or stop offering their scholarship programme a month before i applied).

But all is ok for me, i just enjoyed the sights... :ok:

Grass strip basher
15th Apr 2009, 12:18
To be fair 80% of the UAE's population are expats. The locals I meet are very welcoming and so to brand them all as arrogant racists is a bit unfair. Most of those that make the recruitment decisions at the airlines are unlikely to be locals anyway.

But the UAE is not the UK/US/Europe. Employment law is different. You do not pay any tax so your rights are very very different to the local citizens which is readily apparent before you turn up. The UAE is however very safe with very little/no tax and in many areas much higher moral standards than what is expected in the West. ie. adultery, drunkeness/disorderly, public nudity, defaulting on debt will all land you in hot water. BUT this is clearly stated in the laws of the land so you get caught bonking on the beach you can't moan how unfair it is. The penalties are a lot harsher as well... no slap on the wrist namby pamby new labour approach.... jail time for "small" offences is not uncommon.

There are many advantages to living in the middle east but for those that applying for the cadet scheme that are still living with mum and dad be aware that this is not like moving to uni..... the weather is much better... well at least till it get to May-August when it is too hot to go outside. :ooh:

flying high2009
15th Apr 2009, 14:00
I have a doubt whether there are any asian cadet pilots undergoing training at the moment in Etihad ??? can some one advise whether there are any cadet pilots under going training from origins such as India,Pakistan,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh,Philipino ??? or else already finshed the cadet pilot programme and flying for etihad ??? http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/confused.gif
Sorry but i couldnt your comment above could you please explain it in other words if you dont mind!
Thanks a Lot

15th Apr 2009, 14:53

My point is.......I want to know, whether there are any asian nationalities who has been slected already and undergoing the cadet pilot programme also any asian nationalities who has already completed the programme and flying for Etihad as first officers ??? (asian nationalities=india,pakistan,sri lanka,bangladesh,phillipines)....:hmm:....

15th Apr 2009, 23:50
hey guys dont go on to racisim as this is a bad thing, and no etihad is not racist as my own cousin has got into last years sponsorship, by the way i am an indian, i applied this year but i did not get in. he was 24 years last year and in this industry sometimes they look at age and experience. i only have 16 hours of experience but he has sim 100 hours on a320, plus he also passed all his aptitute tests in one go unlike me. but he discussed the questions with me on monday. so now i know where i went wrong and I will have a better luck next time.
at present he is getting trained and will be fully trained by next year to fly the a320 for real.
so guys this airline is deffinetly not racist. lets get off the topic shall we.

16th Apr 2009, 10:34
Thank you very mcuh for the clarification Punit...appreciate it !! so it appears that, it is open for all nationalities.... yes definately we should stop rasicm !!

16th Apr 2009, 20:28
i live in london im hoping to apply next year just a few questions that buzzing in my head deos anyone know what thier flight sectors are like 5 on 3 off and also is it possible to fly back to london on your off days not a huge concern for me ill fly for the airline anyday just these little questions i would love to know.

Thank you if anyone could answer them.

18th Apr 2009, 01:21
I was never saying that the Airline is racist. Or has any racist policies, I just mean that people in the region in general look down on some races, no company would be openly racist. Not everyone is like this of course, I don't want to stereotype the entire region, but its fairly prevalent. I live in North America now, and the degree to which it exists there is far greater than the degree to which it exists here.

19th Apr 2009, 13:22
i cant beleive that some people are saying etihad will not chose some nationalities ... i went to the assessment last year and i didnt make it but i enjoyed the experience .. they were professional people who gave a chance to anyone who excelled in the assessements regardelss of nationality i saw asians , arabs , europeans and americans in the assesement ... common people who else in the world would give you such a chance in the first place ???

flying high2009
19th Apr 2009, 14:49
As you can see xxTS-IQQxx post:
check this out :Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - First international cadet pilots join Etihad programme - News, analysis, reports (http://www.bi-me.com/main.php?id=26173&t=1&c=129&cg=4&mset=1011)
i do not see any indian :=:=
In the link it clearly mentions that the first international cadet batch were not from any of the asian countries.
I read your previous posts and what I can understand is that you want to say that etihad airways is racist and asian country people are being targeted.Thats what could I understand from your posts or maybe I am wrong.

But if you really think about it Aviation has recently picked up in Asian countries in about couple of years ago.Thats one of the reasons there are lot of expat pilots in almost every Asian country.About 10 years ago an average middle class Asian child who use to have a dream to be a pilot couldnt become one because he/she didnt have the resources to become one until unless he/she joined the military.But now times have changed people in asian countries have the aptitude and resources and they have been trying to put it in best use to acheive their dreams.
But again there is a major setback for them. That is almost 90% of asian countries have commercial aviation in their skies and general flying is minmum almost none.I stayed in a couple of non-asian and i could make out the differece that general flying is compartively more.Hence people from non-asian countries have a bit more knowledge in terms of flying and aptitude compared to asian guys.Knowing that i can assure you asian guys work real hard to get their level upto non asian guys and surprisingly they hav been successful in doing so in the past few years.

In the first International cadet programme the sucessful cadet were from about from 8 different countries and ya there are no asian guy among them.In this world there are about 195 countries.In that about say people from 80-90 countries might have tried for this programme(its just my guess) but out of which people from only 8 countries have been selected.So now is etihad airline been racist against the rest of the countries?I dont think so......

You have been living in Abu Dabhi for three years you might have faced racisim a lot I dont deny that but the same thing would happen to an asian or a person from gulf he goes to any other non-asian country.This happens only because of some unwanted elements in our society and best thing to do according to me is to ignore such people and move on with lyf and pursue your dream!!!!

Maybe who knows in the next batch of cadets you would find a couple of asian cadets:) studying with you.............since its an open competition anything can happen;)!!!!!!

I tried to explain you what i thought and I dont mean to hurt you or anyone in this community.The above statements are the things what i think off and i dont really think skin color really matters if you have the aptitude and the resources to match any company's requirements.
And I hope to believe atleast some of the ppurners would agree with me on this thinking of min;)!!!!!lol


20th Apr 2009, 15:43
Hy everyone...

Someone get the e-mail from etihad with the details for the SECOND STAGE of assesment in Abu dhabi??


20th Apr 2009, 15:45
Someone get the e-mail from etihad with the details for the SECOND STAGE of assesment in Abu dhabi??

Still waiting to hear more details... I've sent off the required documents twice now.

20th Apr 2009, 18:13
Still waiting...:bored:


22nd Apr 2009, 08:51
Hello everyone.
I have been choosen for the JNB assessment for Etihad.
Now since i am not anywhere near South Africa I need some help with accommodation around there.
Can some one give me some tips to some cheap places where i can stay, maybe we could also exchange some information and meet up over there.

Looking forward to hear from you.

22nd Apr 2009, 14:37

There is a hotel at the airport called City Lodge. The prices there are reasonable.

When is your assessment date? Mine is on the 14th.

Leading Edge 7e7
22nd Apr 2009, 15:03
12 days to go for stage 2 has anyone got any info yet???:ugh:

22nd Apr 2009, 15:03

I wish you good luck for the assesment!!:ok:
It's a long way travel from italy to JNB...

22nd Apr 2009, 15:14
...every day I checK the e-mail...

we only have to wait :ok:

22nd Apr 2009, 23:14
guys anybody got email that assesments been cancelled at new york,toronto and singapore... anybody going to johanesburg for assesments...????/

23rd Apr 2009, 00:08
i have my assesment on 14th as well.. any suggestions are welcomed..

23rd Apr 2009, 05:48
Hello evryone, i'm attending to AUH on July, i have no idea about hotels, public transportation, etc. Could any resident of AUH please get in touch with me? Does anybody have any idea about the hotel where the assesment will be conducted?
Anyone who could show me the city arpund after the assesmentt? Or we could meet all of us after the assesment and visit around AUH i wouil like to know Dubai , i hope we could do a list of the ones attending to AUH on July and go out while we're there.

I'm planning to arive somedays before, and stay for an entire week

Is anyone famliarized with the VISA procedures? I was told that once you have booked an hotel, they are in charge of this..and then they send you a copy of the VISA to your email and once you arrive to the aiport you just pick it up and that's it, could anyone please give me more information?

I'd really appreciate any information

23rd Apr 2009, 19:24
Hi TXWB, I can help you if you want !, PM me & I'll get you the info you need.

Good Luck for you all :ok:

24th Apr 2009, 15:40
...news from etihad????

-11 days...:ok:

24th Apr 2009, 20:29
Yes, im talking about stage one asessment, no i havent received an invitation but i want to know about the visa process,hotels, and that stuff , i've never been that far from home :S hehe so i want to get as much information as i can. !

Leading Edge 7e7
26th Apr 2009, 16:26
8-DAYS to second and final stage, keep you hats on second stagers time is up pencils down stop preparing i will most definitely see you in AUH. LETS DO THIS.:ok:

26th Apr 2009, 17:27
Can't wait to get to Abu Dhabi. Any news? I guess we'll meet there :}

26th Apr 2009, 17:35
Does anybody know the days for the 1st Stage in AUH in July? :)

26th Apr 2009, 17:52
So close and still no ticket!! This is getting a bit too close for comfort.


26th Apr 2009, 18:59
Yes, a little bit too close for comfort. Plus I have to buy tickets for connections:suspect::8

Leading Edge 7e7
26th Apr 2009, 20:38
Nothing to worry boys once you get your mails youll have plenty of time to get you connections sorted and im sure tickets will be included.
Time to relax now.:cool:

26th Apr 2009, 22:47
Looking forward to meeting everyone, and quite scared it's now a week away..:)

27th Apr 2009, 09:43
Hey all,

Anyone else received their email? I got mine through this morning, anyone else flying from Manchester? Think there's 4 of us.

Getting nervous now but excited at same time.

Good luck to everyone coming next week and good luck to everyone who have their 1st stage assessments to come!


27th Apr 2009, 10:01
I got my tickets and Itinerary through this morning. I am travelling from London Heathrow. Anyone else joining me?

27th Apr 2009, 10:07
Yup just got my ticket and stuff through aswell! yay
Im going from Heathrow aswell.

PS just noticed if you click the link at the absolute bottom of the email it gives the other candidates names who are departing from the same airport.

27th Apr 2009, 18:22
Wow, there are quite a few new guys here now...

28th Apr 2009, 08:43
hey guyswhy do we need to bring our passport with to stage one of the testing?

28th Apr 2009, 09:30
just to make sure that you are viper88 and not viper89:}

28th Apr 2009, 09:37
Hi everybody,

this message is addressed to the people who have their assessment in Abu Dhabi next July,
I'm facing a problem and I need help from anyone that can actually help me. I was invited by EY to JNB for assessment (which is on 14th at 9am), but finally I couldn't get 4 days off next month to travel and go for my assessment, my company refuses to grant me these days off, and I'm still fighting with them to get my request, but honestly I don't think they'd help me, so I'm turning to you guys assessing in Abu Dhabi next July, if it's possible for anyone of you to swap assessments, I already emailed EY to see if there is a possibility to do this. You cannot imagine how sad I feel, after months of preparation for this, finally I don't even get a chance to get there. please, someone help me.I will really appreciate it, if anyone has some advice regarding this issue, please don't hestitate to PM me.
good luck to everyone for their assessments.

Best regards


28th Apr 2009, 19:15
Anyone know if stage 2 features a face to face interview? Anyone from last year's scheme care to comment?

28th Apr 2009, 19:20
Oh yes, there will be a face to face interview...guys, it'll be great if I had the opportunity to meet you, hang out for sometime (give you a tour of Abu Dhabi) :ok:...goodluck with the assessments!

28th Apr 2009, 19:33
I`m looking forward to meeting everyone, and those at Heathrow, might be nice to meet up in the airport and maybe have a bite of breakfast before we leave. :ok:

28th Apr 2009, 20:12
yeah should meet up at heathrow. also a tour of abu dhabi would be great malirm.

thanks in advance

29th Apr 2009, 06:29
Believe it or not .there is a girl in the FRA group

29th Apr 2009, 07:27
Ahh i got less than 2 weeks for my first assessment in JNB. Really excited and wondering for what i should expect. Wish you all the best of luck for those like me going for their first assessment and for those in the second stage.

29th Apr 2009, 08:18
@ coldblood, see you in johannesburg!

Leading Edge 7e7
30th Apr 2009, 14:04
Has anyone else also received changes to the second stage or is it just me ?
i was asked to show up at noon but suddenly changed to morning hope i wont be alone there by myself. :ok:
See you in AUH its lovely these days 43 degrees C today.
4 days to go best of luck to all.

Yes there is one girl at the second stage whom i know very well i wonder if there are anymore. Does anyone know?

30th Apr 2009, 15:48
...i wonder if there are anymore. Does anyone know?

Ill let ya know after I've done Sydney's assessments in June ;)

30th Apr 2009, 15:50
I received the same email..they changed the time of last day...from 10.30 to 7!!

A woman?..:ok: not only guys fortunately...

30th Apr 2009, 16:51
I too have received the changes to the 1st and 3rd days,

see you guys in a few days!


30th Apr 2009, 17:33
Yes, I got the changes as well. I wonder how they are going to structure the interviews with so many of us there...

30th Apr 2009, 18:01
ATCNoob:I wonder how they are going to structure the interviews with so many of us there...

Any idea on how many people will be in AUH altogether? There's 4 flying from LHR.

30th Apr 2009, 18:26
....and theres 4 of us from MAN so that would be 8 + all frankfurt participants and london participants living outside UK.

I expected more than 4 from LHR, im quite surprised really.

30th Apr 2009, 18:38
there are 30 candidates on the whole,so you can imagine how tough the competion will be :ugh::ugh:

30th Apr 2009, 19:11

Where do you get that figure of 30 from? Got a source?

30th Apr 2009, 19:28
actually 31 but that guy can not attend the second stage ...no!!! there is no source ...i know the majority of the LOndon guys .....as to FRa the job was easy, just take a look at the CC session and Voila 30 guys ahh sorry 29 guys and 1 lady :eek::eek:

30th Apr 2009, 19:31

Good point, confirmed as 30 by me too ;)

Leading Edge 7e7
30th Apr 2009, 20:34
i still dont get it how 30 i can confirm 22 only
something doesnt add up anyways we will find out soon.
see ya all here.

30th Apr 2009, 20:46
Hey guys;

anyone has an idea as to what days in June the SYD assessment will be held??
I just got my university exam timetable and I have exams on the 24th, 25th and 29th of June so I need to organize my exams as well as the assessment and Etihad hasn't yet replied to me...

Any info' would be most appreciated!

30th Apr 2009, 20:47
how many cadets will they be taking on next week???? .... ,considering the fact that 3 first assessements has been cancelled,which might enhance the prospects of hiring ........wondering if anybody could clarify this point :sad:

30th Apr 2009, 20:58
I heard it was 12, not sure where I heard it, could have imagined it :confused:

How did you work out 30 people are coming? I bet its obvious how and I'm just being slow isn't it?

30th Apr 2009, 21:08
I got the impression from the initial assessments that they didn't have a fixed number in mind, and "if you're good they'll take you", so unless you have a major screw-up at stage 2, then you're more or less guaranteed a place on the scheme. But I'm not sure, there's only one way to find out and that's to attend next week. Good luck everyone!

30th Apr 2009, 21:14
Oh, I really hope that is true! Guess we will know in a weeks time.


30th Apr 2009, 22:57
I think the number of cadets they want depends on the number of nationals they get. Less nationals more place for us:ok:. Anyhow just trying to figure out what the first day entails... any ideas. I think its gonna be the psycho-motor test.

30th Apr 2009, 23:04
From what I heard before, I thought it was:
1st day - Psycho-motor testing
2nd day - Interview / Group task
3rd day - Medical etc

However, on the newest itinerary, it says we are at medical centre on the 2nd day. Also, on the third day, I think some of us have different finishing times but the same start time of 7am. This makes me think that we will have the group task followed by the interview on the 3rd day.

Who knows though, your guess is as god as mine.


30th Apr 2009, 23:11
thats what I thought. So presumably they're going to check all our documents on the first day and get through the Psycho-motor test. Since they stated that if we don't get through the first day we wont move onto the second.
Aha so they do have group tests. This sounds a lot like the BA interview layout. I guess Ive got more reading to do.. Cheers


30th Apr 2009, 23:29

Any idea on how many people will be in AUH altogether? There's 4 flying from LHR.

I don't know, sorry. I have heard so many rumours that I don't know. I first thought it was 23 - 7 from LON and 16 from FRA but if they have sent 30 emails out then I guess that's the number. I am leaving from LHR.

3rd May 2009, 07:56
did anyone else get that Email this morning ????

3rd May 2009, 10:46
no, what email?

Mike Whiskey Romeo
3rd May 2009, 12:30
Hi All,

Good luck to everyone flying out tomorrow! I can't be there as I have University exams this week, but don't worry I have rescheduled to attend phase 2 in September with the JNB and SYD candidates.

Once again, Good Luck, Viel Gluck!


3rd May 2009, 12:34
Cheers Mike, pity you cannot attend! Good luck to you in September too!


3rd May 2009, 19:17
Can`t wait to meet up with everyone tomorrow, whether at Heathrow or in Abu Dhabi.

4th May 2009, 11:31
hey guys, i'm attending stage one of selections next week. What documents must i take with me? passport,CV?,school and university results? thanks!

Sable Knight
4th May 2009, 13:30
Good like with stage 2 guys.

Viper just take yourself there. You will need just your passport; so they can confirm you are who you say you are. NO other documentation is required.

Leading Edge 7e7
5th May 2009, 22:49
hello to everyone at stage 2 today what a day.
so going back to the list we were given today there were 27 of us in three groups and at the end of the day following those painful tests what i can understand is most of us going back home and 10 stay behind and keep fighting and number might even reduce from 10 to something else.:ugh:

6th May 2009, 04:31
Hi everyone, does anyone have any idea about whether the Etihad Airlines is going to keep any Indian city as one of its test centers for the year 2010??:uhoh::uhoh: :uhoh:
How should i contact the Etihad officials to consult about the same??? :ugh::rolleyes::ooh:

pls reply soon.. mates!!! :):):)

6th May 2009, 11:23
Leading Edge 7e7, I wish you all the luck :ok:
When you know the answer?
Still left any tests?


6th May 2009, 14:02
Leading Edge...

Yes, lets hope everyone made it through all of the medicals today. I guess tomorrow we will all find out!

Good luck everyone!

8th May 2009, 10:56
Did etihad pay for your 2nd stage assesment tickets and accomodation?

Mike Whiskey Romeo
9th May 2009, 14:44
So what is the news?

How did everyone get on?
It must have been draining if no one has managed to post here yet!:\

9th May 2009, 18:22
Got back from AUH yesterday and had an amazing time. It was nice to meet the other 26 candidates from right around the world. AUH is a really nice place, lots to see and do there.

So... 27 candidates at the start but only 11 got through to the final interview... now we just have to wait and see who gets a place... I'm hoping I do :)

@zainhasan15: Yes, everything was paid for. Flights, accommodation and transfers/taxis.

9th May 2009, 18:39
So originally around 600 reserved their seats for the first assesments in London and Frankfurt
Around 200-300 Showed up at the assesment centers
26 Passed First Stage and Showed up at AUH for the 2nd Stage
11 Reached the Final Interview

Can someone confirm how many seats do we have this year for all of the world applicants ?!!

Mike Whiskey Romeo
9th May 2009, 20:04
So have the final interviews and medicals been conducted? Are people just waiting for an email now or is there a stage 3???


9th May 2009, 20:07

The 11 who of us who were selected for the final interview all did a GCAA medical and passed. No more stages - just waiting for the yes/no email now!

10th May 2009, 10:33
hey all;
did any one else who is going to the SYD initial assessment receive 3 emails confirming the dates???
I just got 3 emails and each of them tells me a different time! I'm so confused and I don't know what session I have to attend!!

10th May 2009, 10:51
I just received my email of acceptance for 26th June at 9 am, i only received 1 email so not sure what happened with you.
I can't wait

10th May 2009, 11:14
I received 3 e-mails as well. I'll probably be attending the 2:00pm session on the 26th.

10th May 2009, 11:29
Mate, Can you let us know how were the GCAA medicals like ?Thanks and regards,VT-ASM

10th May 2009, 13:42
GCAA Medicals were very similar to CAA Class 1 Medicals. You have eye, hearing, ECG and lung tests. You have the usual meeting with a doctor to discuss any medical conditions. You then have to have a blood test, urine test and chest x-ray which is normal for ANYONE entering the UAE to live and work. As long as you are in good health there should be no reason why you won't pass. The medical we went through is only a class 2 GCAA which will be for training. I guess when training is finished they will need us to upgrade to a Class 1.

11th May 2009, 02:08
Hey guys,

Is Etihad still running it's international cadet programme? I've tried looking for it on the careers section of their webpage, but I couldn't find it.

Good luck to you all!
Take care.

11th May 2009, 02:36
Hey Guys,

I also have received three e mails from etihad regarding my Sydney assessment, kind of confused though whether I am able to choose my preferred date or was it some kind of error from their end.

Happy Landings...

11th May 2009, 04:13
some received three and i received none so far, great work there!
lets hope something will come soon, have to book my flight...

11th May 2009, 07:43
I received 3 emails. Two had an attachment, one did not. Two said come in at 09:00hr on the 25th, the other 14:00hr on the 26th.

Unless I hear from them in the next couple of days, I will be sending them an email to clarify before the end of the week.

11th May 2009, 07:44
anyone going to the SYD assessment from MEL?? if so wanna meet up sometime to go through some practice tests etc?? PM me!


11th May 2009, 11:07
might I suggest anyone who has either 3 emails or no emails should contact [email protected] as soon as possible.
would be a shame to miss out because of an admin error!!

11th May 2009, 12:29
Hey EYZ... thanks for the reply...
Personally, i got an email from EY not long ago clarifying that there was a system error and they confirmed my real assessment date. I'm not sure about the others though!!
once again thanks for the reply and good luck to those who are awaiting the results for their 2nd stage assessment!!


Sable Knight
11th May 2009, 21:38
Your post indicates they may shelve the programme.
Is that the vibe you were getting when they announced this?

11th May 2009, 22:55
Received the confirmation mail from EY stating my date for the Sydney assessment which will be on 26th at 2 pm. Now it's all down to hard work and a lots of luck...:ok:

11th May 2009, 23:10
Received the confirmation mail from EY stating my date for the Sydney assessment which will be on 26th at 2 pm. Now it's all down to hard work and a lots of luck...http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/thumbs.gif

I would say it's down to hard work, motivation, determination and will! Not much luck involved... :P :)

12th May 2009, 05:27
Hmm i got one email for the SYD asses and it said it was on the 25th at 9am, anyone else get this time :confused:

12th May 2009, 08:10
I don't know what you've been thinking but there's no chance that the scheme will be scrapped, trust me. See link (http://www.pprune.org/interviews-jobs-sponsorship/357555-etihad-cadet-pilot-training-assessment-2009-a-32.html#post4854906)

Hard work and determination all the way! I hope you realise that EY can afford to only take the very best. In the LON/FRA group they had close to 8000 initial applications, approx. 1000 were invited for initial assessments and then only 27 taken to AUH for further testing...

13th May 2009, 06:58
hey one day left for jnb assesments..best of luck to everybody whose coming...hope to see u all there.

13th May 2009, 11:19
No, I didn't miss it.

Sharmatanoo - no txt spk pls.

13th May 2009, 20:43
tomorrows the big day pplz! :ok:good luck to those attending stage one in jhb. see you all there!!!

13th May 2009, 23:58
Good luck all! Just remember, don't stress, keep relaxed and you will do your best! Make sure you know how long you have to answer each question, keep track of it and move on to the next if appropriate. Start each new test as if it were the first and don't get bogged down if you don't feel you didn't do well on the previous one.

14th May 2009, 05:56
Good Luck For evryone taking the assessments in JHB:ok:
Good Luck For evryone taking the assessments in JHB:ok:
Good Luck For evryone taking the assessments in JHB:ok:
Good Luck For evryone taking the assessments in JHB:)

Enjoy JHB i haven't been there, but they say it awesome, enjoy it !!, go out in a Safari after the exams to relax, don't stress and try not to study just befroe the exam that way you will only stress and block

FACT Pilot
16th May 2009, 20:23
The assessment in JHB was great. From the challenge of the tests to the proffesionalism of the recruitment team. All I will say is if you are going to be attending any future assessments don't post asking what to expect. I would be surprised if anyone who has attended will give out information. Obviously you personally want to be one of the lucky cadets. If you go and hand out information to others, that diminishes your chances as the other person will have a better understanding of what to expect! Especially now knowing what you can expect to recieve on becoming a cadet for Etihad!

Overall it was a great experience and those who attended will know a bit more in 2 - 3 weeks. I won't say good luck, as in this instance I'm backing myself and I'm sure others are aswell. To be lucky enough to make it to the next stage would be an honour. Through experiencing the assessment I would call Etihad Airlines one of the worlds leaders in airline travel! :ok:

Cheers... FACT Pilot (also known as J06 during the assessment)

17th May 2009, 08:02
Good luck to everybody that sat the assessments (in JHB and upcoming Sydney).

May the best of the best go on to joining the best airline in the world!:ok:

PS. Stay positive guys & girls!!

17th May 2009, 12:25
Any news from the european guys that attended 2nd stage in AUH?

17th May 2009, 18:02
No, there hasn't been any news yet. I imagine it will come some time this week.

17th May 2009, 18:31
From my limited information I dont think EY will ever go back to JNB again, 400+ invited and about 120 turn up.
I dont get it, there are people really keen to get on the programme and others who book a place and stop someone else going and then no-show.
I think going to the states might have been a better bet!!:ugh:

17th May 2009, 19:50
I totally agree:eek:

JFK or YYZ would have been a better bet:ugh: If I remember correctly, there was 70 something invitations to JFK last year and I think close to 50 showed up. That's a hell of a lot better attendance than JNB. The way the seating arrangement was at the assessment, it almost had appeared to be a full house at JFK.

Damn you JNB applicants who didn't show up to the assessment :mad::mad::mad:, (lol)

17th May 2009, 20:53
That is downright disgusting...even worse than the London turnout! So anxious about the results for the AUH stage 2!!!

18th May 2009, 06:17
It is disheartening to hear of the slim chances of EY returning to JHB for further assessments (and thus great reason to get past Stage 1 this time around!)

May I hazard a guess that most of the absentees where candidates from abroad, that were "trigger-happy" with sending the email to attend JHB, but later changed their minds because of those cost of flying down.

South Africa presents a good pool of highly talented individuals, many of whom (locals) attended the assessments.

I am disgusted by the no-shows who almost stopped some people who truly wanted to attend from attending the assessment. I think the application process should revert to the website form, where it's not just a simple email to send through.

Besides, JHB is pretty close to AUH and I think the conference centre costs are cheaper than at other destinations.

One of the cadets from last years batch was a South African.:ok:

Don't give up on us EY.

18th May 2009, 14:30
Received my invitation for the SYD assessment to be held at 14:00 on the 25th. Is anyone else in this sitting?

I'm going into this with sheer anticipation, it is undoubtedly a great experience and indeed a great opportunity, and that alone is worth the airfare.

Anything beyond that, is exactly that - way beyond expectation. I maintain a content (but focused) attitude to ensure that I don't enter the assessment as a great big ball of stress. Just relax, and relish that fact that we are lucky enough to have such an experience.

Good luck to all the future captains.

18th May 2009, 20:28
hey one day left for jnb assesments..best of luck to everybody whose coming...hope to see u all there

keygrip...what is text spk in that...????

18th May 2009, 23:37
The letter "u" to represent the word "You".

19th May 2009, 02:09
Keygrip I know sometimes its bad....but thats a bit petty...:zzz: think in 2009 everyone knows u = you..
Even my granny...:ok:
Next thing you know it will be required to type"equals" not =!!!

Will not be long before u is in the dictionary as a valid spelling of you anyway:}

19th May 2009, 02:14
Hey just a question i really need an answer for, does anybody know of how long Etihad proposes to continue its scheme?

19th May 2009, 03:01
I only answered his question, Irish.

Note that his post is still there.

Now - what was this thread about?

20th May 2009, 12:50
were calculators allowed in 1st assessment test?

20th May 2009, 12:57
Yes, very funny.

Five posts of crap from "First Officer" and an equally nonsensical Private Message to my e-mail. I "suspect" it was a "wind up".

All the crap was removed - along with the now irrelevant responses. No growl at those who replied in good faith and "Thanks" to FACTPILOT for the support of my quest for English language. As long as you policed the thread yourselves I was leaving you alone.

However, it would appear that this thread has run its course. You have all specifically agreed NOT to give out any information. You have all learned what you can from the assessments.

Perhaps it's time to move to Facebook or MySpace to continue your "When can we meet for coffee?" questions. There is no longer an apparent value for "Professional Training" in this ridiculously long thread.

I'm going to invite other PPRuNe staff to comment - you may do the same. Has this thread now reached retirement and is ready for closing?