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25th Feb 2009, 11:08
Got a no email also, not really surprised but a bit annoyed how bloody pointless some of the tests were and they did not even bother asking for a cv or any proof of education. How is knowing what river runs through certain countries... going to filter out the bad from the good pilots. Any how I'll just carry on with my career and look elsewhere.

25th Feb 2009, 11:15
How is knowing what river runs through turkey going to filter out the bad from the good pilots.

Totally agree, however some are going to see this as being bitter no doubt! Then again, the only preparation I did for the assessment was to eat a McMuffin 40 minutes before. I only have myself to blame!

25th Feb 2009, 11:22
Guys and girls -we were asked not to give anything away about content -even if we didn't make it through...Sorry to sound harsh and a killjoy, but we don't want to make things any harder for the London candidates that have got the 'maybe' email.

25th Feb 2009, 11:26
Well I received a "No" and am of course disappointed.
I felt like acing almost all the tests but still it did not work out. I have taken several assessments in the past and passed them being in the top 5 %, including PILAPT, group exercises, interviews and so on.
I think many of you who will receive a "No", donīt take too much of it, some of you will for sure be excellent pilots in the future. The Day 1 test is just a way for them to cut out a lot of people, and in my opinion the tests to do that was not professional enough, unlike the Etihad captains who were true pros. I think a lot of people that could have been scoring very high at the tests in the second round can have been cut out because of the shape of the Stage 1 test.

Iīm not going to reveal anything but Iīm wondering if Etihad even reviewed the tests before handing us them, it was hard not to laugh at some points.
I also believe that there should have been more tests to clearly show who is good and who is not, I donīt think there will be a lot of points that sepereates the best guy from the worst guy in these tests because they were too easy. That means that it all comes down to who can answer some easy questions fastest, which I donīt think should be the only decisive factor for a worldwide assessment. In my opinion there was a lot of key aptitudes that werenīt tested. Some harder questions would also help, Iīm not just saying this, itīs based on experience from different assessments I have taken and also passed with high points.

For example: "Person 1" and "Person 2", the question is 5+6, both would problaby answer the question within 1 second, but to answer 17*13 while you have to remember a number combination from the previous page for later on would more accurately show who can handle pressure, have a good memory, be good at mental calculation and at the same time answer the questions fast. These are some of the aptitudes that will be tested at later stages in Abu Dhabi for sure, but there is no guarantee that those selected for the second stage have these apptitudes because of how the Stage 1 tests are shaped.
And thatīs the problem, the Stage 1 test should be exactly about this so that 50 % donīt fail on tests like Pilapt on Stage 2 because they canīt do 3 things at the same time. That would be a lot of waste of money for tickets and hotels for Etihad. The objective for Etihad should be to guarantee as much as possible candidates pass the Stage 2 tests (not including interviews and teamwork exercises). That in itīs way will make the potential candidate pool larger for them and make the interviews and teamwork exercises more determinent of whoīs the best candidate. There are so many other things than just being an Ace on tests. Maturity, leadership and so on are all decisive factors for a good pilot. So the more people you have to choose from at the interviews the more likely it is that you will find the candidate who has all these things together. But if 50 % of the candidates invited for Stage 2 donīt even make past the Pilapt tests you have a problem. As it looks now much of this is left for random chance because of the shape of the Stage 1 tests which in my eyes only test one aptitude, answering easy questions at a high speed . And to have that aptitude only is not sufficient to pass the Stage 2. So why not shape the Stage 1 tests so that they more resemble the aptitudes you will be tested for in Stage 2? There will of course be excellent candidates out of you guys who received a "Maybe", Iīm not taking anything from you, but there could easily also be a lot of guys who are not even close to pass in Stage 2 because of the difference of the tests and aptitudes.

Iīm not writing this because I didnīt make it, itīs just my honest objective opinion.
Itīs also for all you young guys who may recieve a "No" and think that you donīt have what it takes and give up on your dreams because of these 6 tests, donīt.

Good luck to you all and congrats to those who have passed the Stage 1 :D

25th Feb 2009, 11:32
I was counting on that program to realise my dream. I have a feeling this kind of assessment is unfair though. I think they should review CVs or sumthin first. Cause anyone can attend the assessment and some probably don have that much interest in aviation or knowledge and I don know if going straight to assessments is an objective way of selecting pilots. cause you might be a rocket scientist and shoot through those assessments but that doesnt mean you can become a good pilot. Ive been flying a lil in Australia and clocked 27 hours on a 172. I went solo after 7 hours of flight only and scored on average 95% in exams.

Take it on the chin. EY are only looking for a small number of pilots and are searching the entire world so they are clearly looking for the very best of the best across a broad spectrum of skills. The people who have passed have done so on merit.

I'm sure are a great pilot and have the potential to be a great commercial pilot in the future. But the odds are against every candidate in this scheme. So don't be downhearted by not passing.

25th Feb 2009, 11:36
Oh well, Etihad's loss!

Let's all build a bridge and get over it.

How about a big hug?

25th Feb 2009, 11:39
I think you are missing out on a bigger pictute...
This was probably on of the general questions. Anybody can sit for few weeks and prepare their math and get 100% form math related questions.
Math is a massive topic, but what they gonna ask you there is just up to some sort of "level"
So you could get 100% from topics that have some sort "limit" of information, means you know what to study.
General knowledge is something much bigger (without limits) and much more important, something that you learn as you go in life.
Reading world news on daily basis, watching documetary shows and so on...
Anybody can watch prison break or lost 7 days a week, play playstation 2-3 hours a day. Re-study math and physics is easy, you cannot re-study general knowledge tho!
So if you scored 100% on math and physics questions and 50-60% on general, but other scored 80% on general and 70-80% math and physics.
Guess who they gonnna take?

25th Feb 2009, 11:49
Thats the not the point, its the irrelevance of the questions in relation to being a pilot. There were more pointless questions than those about aviation. General knowledge does not make a great pilot in any circumstances.

25th Feb 2009, 11:52

So you want o say that you know better what sort of test there should be? You mean the one that are more suitable for you?
Come on guys! Take it like a man!!!
You think that company that is going to spend $200K to train you and give you a job at the end, doesnt have smart enough people to know what sort of test to choose?
They didnt wake up yesterday, prepared tests today and are going to do their assessment tomorrow.

25th Feb 2009, 11:57
I got a No email twice, what a way to rub it in lol :p. Did anyone else get this? The emails said I was not sucessful on two different assesment days.

Dont want to be bitter but have to agree with some of the other guys about some of the tests we undertook, did they even bother to check it because there were so many duplicate questions unless this was some psychological ploy :}

25th Feb 2009, 12:01

I must interject at this point before the more "senior" members of pprune start coming here to give you their 2 cents worth - and a boll#cking.

I have been through airline sponsorship and failed at the final hurdle and stayed awake at night asking why! I got to the final interview and failed. What was wring with my morrisby profile? What the hell does drawing shaps got to do with being a pilot?

But you can not be bitter at this very embriotic stage in your career.

This is nothing compared to the pitfalls you will face. To the guy that said, at least I get to spend the spring in April. How about you get a PPL?

I did something about my dream and will be soon putting pen to paper by paying for it all myself. My training will be easy compared to finding the job.

25th Feb 2009, 12:22
GBB (http://www.pprune.org/members/173675-gbb)

I have no problem with the Stage 2 tests, those are the tests Iīve taken in assessments before and those are also the kind of tests OAA, CTC use. And as said I scored in the top 5 % in two different assessments for two different companies out of around 1000 people in each single test. You can say we all started at Stage 2 in those assessments.

The only thing that was to my concern was the Stage 1 selection and I stand for my opinion that they were not professional enough. To answer very easy questions fast in Stage 1 will not tell you who will score high in Stage 2 because of the variety of aptitudes being tested in Stage 2. Iīm only saying they could have focused more on testing different aptitudes in Stage 1 rather than just testing one, being fast.

25th Feb 2009, 12:33
To the guy that said, at least I get to spend the spring in April. How about you get a PPL?

Did you mean 'the guy who gets to spend April in Spain'? Because if you did, he already has his PPL thanks!


25th Feb 2009, 12:37
Always look at everything with a positive view. Try to think that everything happens for a reason, you'll end up slitting your wrists otherwise!

25th Feb 2009, 12:40

Maybe next time when you decide to go for any Airline cadet assessment yous should ask them first something...
Ask if their assessments are the same one as CTC and OAA!
Seems like their stuff is much "better" coz your scores where top 5%.
Did you get a job with any of them since you were one of the best on a day?
Let me ask you one more thing... Did you have to pay for it?? (OAA and CTC)
You should be glad that theres an Airline somwhere out there that makes such assessments for free, give a CHANCE to get what others can only dream of! (in this times of crises in a aviation) Would even pay for everything if u made it to stage 2!
Dont you think you asking for a bit too much.
Come on re-think it!

Wake up, wake up people!

25th Feb 2009, 13:04
Calculating relatively basic sums quickly and accurately in the cockpit is a pretty essential task no?

I would rather calculate how much fuel i have available to me 10 times out of 10, than be able to divide by Pi to 20 d.p.s, but only establish how much fuel i have 9 times out of 10.

25th Feb 2009, 13:10
Calculating relatively basic sums quickly and accurately in the cockpit is a pretty essential task no?

I would rather calculate how much fuel i have available to me 10 times out of 10, than be able to divide by Pi to 20 d.p.s, but only establish how much fuel i have 9 times out of 10.

I definately agree, but knowing where a certain place of interest in a certain place in the world is not...

Leading Edge 7e7
25th Feb 2009, 13:13
MAN thats tough luck everyone but hay good experiance in the end of the day as someone said not the end of the world, but where are the guys who made it through havent spotted a single one yet. question is are there any going to stage 2 or the whole of London has left it on Frankfurt's shoulders.
It scare me the most seeing you guys not made it through since i have been putting so much effort into this been preparing every single day for the last three months God i dont want to c that e-mail.
im everyone going to Frankfurt must be in for a big shock with those tests.
Good Luck to all with whatever they do i wish them the best
And Good Luck to Frankfurt

25th Feb 2009, 13:17
Most math used in the cockpit is easy basic mental arithmetic - doing this under pressure within a time limit is actually fairly essential and is a learned skill. PILAPT style tests which I'm sure successful candidates will undertake are more a test of inherent ability.

Both skills are necessary and I think that is what these combined phases will assess.

As for the name of the river running through a particular country - I suppose they would argue that the Capital of that country is one of the routes operated by EY and that the GK test also aimed to assess your knowledge of the route network and a bit about Etihad itself - ie to see if you have taken an interest in the airline you will be working for if selected.

Congrats to those that got through - and as has been rightly said to those that were unsuccessful do keep trying - if it's your dream and you want it enough you will get there and stumbling at this point does not mean you won't still be an excellent pilot one day.

25th Feb 2009, 13:46
I got the "no" email, twice as well. When i realised the first said the 17th I thoguht the second one might have better news but it wasn't to be this year...

To those of you revealing clues as to the content of the exams, i'd edit your posts ASAP!

You might not have got through, but theres always next year!
Never give up, theres always a way :)

GL to everyone

25th Feb 2009, 13:55

Hey guys just chill and relax... think positive! Maybe this is the start to a new beginning???

I know it is for me!

I never went to one of those assessments and I have learned a lot!

I have about 30hours PPL training on C152 however, as many with flying experience may agree, this is not an advantage in the assessment as these are made for people with zero experience.

Its always best to think of the worst to prepare yourself for the actual e-mail as I am sooo surprised that I now feel nothing of the rejection e-mail!
Its just made me even more motivated and determined to fly a commercial aircraft one day!

Take this away: "Everything happens for the best" and I'm sure you will all get over it! lol

25th Feb 2009, 13:55
hi i am attending to johannasburg.. r u prepared for it ? though thers time .... wonder what will happen??

25th Feb 2009, 14:10
LOL I got the e-mail twice as well lol!:) Damn I hoped it was a mistake but when I opened the second one, same story. Well I guess its a good experience. Although I have to agree with some of the things you guys have said: Stage 1 definetely is a bit light to weed out 100s if not 1000s of people. Im not saying i scored 100%, i probably got pretty crap scores, but some of the tests were so easy that it would be really hard for them to choose people, so a person being selected or not could depend on only a couple of points difference, which is rather unfair. Also the fact that they didnt ask for a CV or education certificates is rather odd. What if they find out one of the guys they selected is a criminal or sumthin lol! Im exaggerating but you get my point. Some of the general knowledge questions were tricky...when I read some of them I was like..how the...:mad: am i supposed to know that. Anyway im probably still bitter and disappointed. They probably have their reasons and I assume theyre professional enough and they know what theyre doing. Good luck to the other guys who are still waiting for a response. I might go and apply for a Cabin Crew position in the meantime.....just to get some experience in the field! CHEERZ!

25th Feb 2009, 14:33
hey guys,
Hard luck to guys who couldnt clear this time i am preety sure you must have learnt somthing from this experience and will surely put it to a good use to prepare yourself for the future...and as for the guys going to frankfurt lets not forget them and wish them loadz of luck......

25th Feb 2009, 15:13
Ah, i got the big fat unsuccessful as well! :(

Oh well, i'm off to my PPL theory lecture in London :}

25th Feb 2009, 15:21
hello guys,

I received the email and didn't make it! Congratulations to the guys that made it, wish you best of luck for stage 2 :ok:

So I am back to my training, I will finish before September and then hopefully I'll find a job. Don't be angry at this experience, I think it will pay off later. For some, it was the first time doing some psycho motors tests, so now they know what it's like and will do better at their next airline interview. I was very disappointed for 15 minutes but at the end, I am happy I went there and tried my best.

25th Feb 2009, 15:25
Hi mate im sorry to hear tht! I am yet to receive my e-mail? How was your flight back??

25th Feb 2009, 15:37
Hi man, sorry to hear that you were unsuccessful...but I think we are much more focussed today & know what we have to do, as for me...my country's airline will be receiving 14 aircrafts by the end of 2010 & I'm pretty sure that I'll be on one of them...if not I'll be on the other 40 coming by the end of 2016!!! & if not :yuk:...I'll find a place for sure :ok:

For the guys who made it through Stage 1 & are coming to Abu Dhabi, you'll be more than welcomed & I'll provide any kind of help you need. Even if one of the PPRUNERS are coming to the UAE...I'll be more than happy to welcome him/her...:)

I'm out now to the US then back LHR then to Abu Dhabi (in 1 week)

25th Feb 2009, 15:55
thanks guys! well said malirm, we have to stay focused.

Slawler, actually I flew from LHR to Bahrain where I am now. My brother is a pilot on the A330 for Gulf Air and it was him flying the plane, it was really cool. I'm coming back to LHR on the 28 just for a few hours then I'll fly back to Canada. Let me know as soon as you get a answer, positive I hope.

25th Feb 2009, 16:19
maybe they are writing more personal emails to the winners? thats why we wouldnt have heard anything from the chosen ones?

25th Feb 2009, 16:41
Just so that you are aware chaps & chapesses:

I did the tests on the 19th and have just received the "We regret to inform.." e-mail.

I enjoyed the tests, had a good trip to London, and will carry on! :ok:

25th Feb 2009, 16:56
I attended london on the 18th and am still waiting to hear, not sure what to think!!! I gave them a new email on the day so I hope they got it right!

25th Feb 2009, 17:02
Apparently the force is not strong with me. This calls for a round of beers. Nothin' like a depressant to chase the blues away! :}

25th Feb 2009, 17:10
hey guys!
Got the no email this morning but I think something is wrong! Have you spotted a single maybe e mail? The answer is NO! Let's do a little bit a math: they planned to send 70 candidates to AD (including London and francfurt) so basically they should send the maybe email to 70/350 * 100 = 20% of us!
It doesn't make sense !! We can always hope for a miss click from etihad! Just imagine they sent a no email to everybody!
Anyway good luck to everybody

25th Feb 2009, 17:28
I think you got it worng,
I would say that they do have specific minimum scores that you have to get.
So if there only 5 out of 350 that passed the minimums, only 5 will go to auh. I do Not think that they will take.. "best" 35 from london and "best" 35 from frankfurt, as "best" might be not the same % for different locations.
Theres one more scenario... If theres so many that passed their minimums, they will go from top and choose the number of people that they can invite to AUH.
I cant imagine this working any other way... They want the best so they can choose.

25th Feb 2009, 17:52
I am just saying that as we were the first to be tested they should send a maybe email to 70 of us. I don't believe that only 5/340 have passed the minimums! Then it makes more sense to send a no email according to franckfurt's results!

25th Feb 2009, 17:57
This thing has a higher attrition rate than D-day. :eek:

25th Feb 2009, 17:58
I just got my rejection email, took the test on the 19th. I agree that some questions were pointless especially in the first test but lets not discuss questions as this will ruin it for the people that have not yet taken them and the ones on the maybe list, Best of luck to you all ..

25th Feb 2009, 17:59
hey i am attending the assessment in johannesburg tooo, any plans...

25th Feb 2009, 18:02
i haven't recieved any email yet but waiting for one soon

25th Feb 2009, 18:42
Just got the 'no' e-mail:{ Onward and upward!!! Back to the drawing board!!!!:D;)

25th Feb 2009, 18:47
I just recieved my e-mail notifying that i was unsuccessful by reading the forums untill this point it looks like alot of people have not passed whilst i was at he test i had taken 6 peoples mobile numbers rang them up today and they said they were unsuccessful !!! and some people said they recieved a no e-mail twice do you think theres some sort of error? but anyone never give up hope i guess im going to oaa!

good luck to anyone who passsed dont know if anyone passed.

25th Feb 2009, 19:20
I got no too :{ Same time next year lads? :}

25th Feb 2009, 19:36
I've also recieved a big " NO " :( i was on the 17th 9:00AM test!

I feel bad, but we can do nothing! anyway, Good luck everybody..

25th Feb 2009, 19:37
~19 nos - incredible. And not a single 'maybe' yet. Though that may be due to a delay in Email time for the maybes.

25th Feb 2009, 19:38
Severe PPRUNE discrimination if you ask me :ok:

That's it - never admitting to being a member of this site again lol.

25th Feb 2009, 19:39
I think they are waiting to finish form FRA 1st then they will send the " Maybe "

25th Feb 2009, 20:00
any chance that we are way to smart for EY? :}

25th Feb 2009, 21:04
I guess they are waiting until they are sure that everyone that will be receiving a 'no' has received one because can you imagine how people would feel if a 'maybe' email had been sent to someone whilst another person from the same day hasn't received anything...thinking it is a no. it has happened before with other similar programmes. it may lead to people topping themselves....I have had a similar experience with other jobs finding out that others have gotten through and I had no news and not knowing - and then finding out it was a NO. It's a horrible feeling. I believe in the UK, outside the aviation industry, it's common practice to send the 'no's' out first.

25th Feb 2009, 21:33
I'll be in Frankfurt on the 24th at 9.00am...
I hope I'll be able to pursue my dream, and I just completed my PPL today.

The more I fly, the longer the flights, the more I love it...and I hope that I get in the program, and what I can tell is:

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE PASSING THE EXAM, it would be nice that the motivation shown here by everyone could allow everyone to go in, but unfortunately its not enough.
From what I understood, what they are looking for, is for future captains within the airline. I just finished my PPL, and got to fly some passenger flights as a passenger, while having the controls, and what I understood a good pilot must be able to do, is not land an aircraft in all types of airfield. You don't measure the quality of the pilots by the quality of their landings, but you measure the quality of a pilot with the ability he has to make proper decisions when a emergency comes up.
Imagine an engine failure, you are worried with the failure, but your priority will first be to control the airplane and get a gliding attitude, and then you'll look for the source of the failure, but never forget to control the airplane, look outside for collision avoidance etc...
You have to decide, sticking to the appropriate procedures what to do and when, taking in mind that you have to do many things at the same time. This is called multitasking. They are looking for persons that are able to cope with the pressure associated to the multitasking in the critical phases of flight (TO, FINAL APP and LANDING)...
They are looking for leaders. A captain has to be a good leader, and has to be a good listener as well. In case of emergency they are responsible to take the airplane into the ground safely, or trying to avoid a lesser number of casualties. We must be honest here, a severe emergency may happen, and pilots will not be able to have everyone alive in the final outcome...
They are looking for persons with a fast numerical understanding, because in some situations you'll have to do fast inflight calculations, to make sure the flight is acompplished safely...
They are looking for people with good spacial orientation. When you are flying, you must always know where you were, where you are and where you are going, just looking at charts and imagining the graphical countours of the terrain around when flying at low altitude. When you look at charts you must visualize the terrain in a 3 dimensional horizontal plane.

I know what they are looking for, what I have as capabilities (I never knew I had them before I started my flight training, and finished the PPL with an average grade of 98%), but this doesn't mean I'll join Etihad. When taking the exams I'll be just like everyone else, but i'll be preparing myself like mad from next Thursday until the 23rd so that my possibilities are increased. My possibilities now, at the worst case are 70 out of 850 (8.23%) in case all the 600 for the Frankfurt assessment show up. If I prepare myself like mad for the assessment I may increase my possibilities to 15%, assuming that not everyone will be going to exam prepared.If everyone will undergo the same preparation I'll be doing, I'll keep basically my 8.23% and will have exactly the same chances as everyone else...

To those who received the NO email, I wish you luck for the exam next year. Because I'm 26, its the last year I'll be able to make my chances pay, but to those less than 26, don't forget your dream and if you have a chance next year to pass the exam again, just go, you have nothing to lose and a carreer opportunity...

But anyway,

And just as a small comment about the people who didn't show up for London. When I applied to the program, my girlfriend said to me, was not to lose motivation, because some people just applied to have an application somewhere and didn't care about it. Out of 250 people who didn't show up, some of them may have had valid reasons not to show up, but some of them just applied to apply for something, didn't care anything about others. There might have been people who could have applied that were as motivated as I am, or even more than I am (my instructors say it's very unlikely, because I think and breathe airplanes every second, but I still believe that around the world that there are people more fanatic about airplanes than I am)...Anyway, even though you may think about other people who could have been present in the exam, you have to be slightly egocentric, and think that less people showing up for the assessments will increase your possibilities of joining the airline...Everyone may want to help others, myself I help everyone I can the way I can to see them succeed, but sometimes you cannot think of others and think only about yourself. Speaking openly, I liked the fact that many people didn't show up because it increases mine, and everyone elses possibilities of joining the airline, but at the same time it got me sad because many people that could really have great chances of joining the airline didn't have the chance because many people just sent an application.
I already have my airplane tickets booked and the hotel room is already booked as well. I'm in Ethiopia, will be flying to my home country, Portugal on Friday, where I'll be staying and preparing myself for the exam. I'll be flying to Frankfurt from Lisbon on the 23rd, and flying back to Ethiopia on 24th at night. Irony of the destiny, the Addis Ababa Frankfurt route will be made with Emirates...It couldn't fly Etihad because they simply don't fly to Ethiopia...

Repeating myself,

Miguel Coelho

25th Feb 2009, 21:43
Having a son on the LHR day who incidently also failed let me say that reading some of your comments Etihad got lucky, one thing is for sure the selection process has removed many that I would hate to find sat along side me. I am told that they are not looking to take on hundreds yet hundreds wish to be taken on. It is clear, always was clear that most would fail, why, because and I quote, they were unable to demonstrate enough ability and knowledge at stage one to answer "SILLY" questions. I am also told some saw fit to attend what amounts to a first step in what is a great career dressed as if they had come from the circus. As one from the front end let me advise you young lads and lassies that dress IS important. Your passengers do not take comfort from pilots who are unable to dress in an appropriate manner.
In line with the majority of your comments I believe my lad will also have benefitted from the experience, he most certainly is in step with those amongst you that accept that Etihad offer a chance that is not available elsewhere and he has taken the set back on the chin but determined to try again. I hope that the initial reactions of the critics of what seems to be a first class selection procedure take time out to change their attitude of sour grapes to one of "let me try again" I wish son and all other failures success in the world of aviation it is a great career, just keep trying. Finished a nine hour leg, read the mail so to the bar for a quick one, good luck all.

25th Feb 2009, 22:28
Count another recipient of the dreaded "regret to inform you" mail! :(
Good experience though..

well well, see you again next year!

26th Feb 2009, 02:48
Did the captain tell when would NY be tested... i know that its august, but there could be some schedule changes...

26th Feb 2009, 03:25
I would like to say one more thing...
For all of you that think this is not fair, I would make a great pilot, I hade grade passing mark in this and that...
The selection is unfair, and the tests are "easy, stupid, silly".
Stop crying for God sake!
Somebody said above that EY is lucky NOT to take this sort of guys and he is DAMN RIGHT! Maybe not lucky, probably just smarter than you thought.
Anybody can be a pilot, like anybody can be a soccer player, or a doctor! Its just a matter of time, money, and commitment. Some people will get there faster and will be better at what they do, but dont u lie to ur self saying.. "ohh, im sure i will make a better pilot coz i took some sort of tests with fancy Flight school, paid for it XXX pounds and they told me I would be great, even better if I come to train with them".
I also dont know why almost everybody thought they gonna get it.
I was just the one that use to read at the beginning and didnt want to post before assessments to make you feel bad or anything, but...
You gotta be on top of your game to make it all the way, and not only aviation wise. Its about you as an overall person and many of you might of scored good enough at tests but if you were the same way as you here on pprune they would of be ABLE TO SEE THIS and that why you got rejected. They will never tell you what was the reason!
The 1st selection is NOT just about the tests, its much more!

26th Feb 2009, 05:56
Hello everyone its benn a few days since my last post , but i follow thhe threads everyday, and i think i wil until my assessment in YYZ (Does anybody know which day of August is the assessment?),
First of all, i want to say to evvryone getting a no, to cheer up and cotinue, i've always said to myself that, if things happen or don't happen, is for a reason, good or bad things, most of them are for learning and grow up,so, have in mind that if you get a disappointing NO even if you've prepared for months, there should be a good reason. The only satisfaction you'll have is the expereience of attending to a worldwide assessment and if you get a NO at least you know you prepared and studied a lot, some others thought that studying was useless.

So, this might be the opportunity to learn of this experience and be more prepared for future assessments, be aware of future cadet pilot schemes, try to identify your weaknesses and prepare, this experience is an advantage when you guys attend to other assessments.


As we say in my country
"Lo que es para ti lo es y lo que no no"

26th Feb 2009, 06:45
Well, ive had a 'good' short night's sleep and ive calmed down a bit now. i can think a bit more objectively. I think the tests were actually ok. I mean the psychologists know what theyre doing and every wrong or right answer or the pattern of wrong or right answers actually can indicate a certain personality...go figure. I studied pyschology in high school and you cant imagine what they can deduct from very simple information. Also it happened to me while I was practising psychometric tests that I was absolutely sure of the answer but when I checked the answers it was actually wrong and then i realised how stupid a mistake it was. That probably was the case for us guys not getting through. However one thing still bothers me and id be glad if someone could shed some light on the matter. How can EY select cadidates to go to Abu Dhabi without knowing anything whatsoever about the people, no CV, resume, educational records..nothing!... I mean the only thing we gave away was our name and thats all. How does this work? there must be a good reason, i mean EY isnt that stupid that they'd blindly take people because they passed a test.:confused:

Leading Edge 7e7
26th Feb 2009, 08:38
So even if 600 were to turn up i dont know it would have changed anything as very very very few of the guys have made it through stage1 and if the same number would make it through from Frankfurt, june batch might not even be 12 guys.
So why everyone keeps on saying tests were very easy or most of it was easy or even silly as some said.
I am sure that little number i know which made it through must have something different in them than the rest, well guess i will find out for myself once i turn up for Frankfurt.
Not long now 24 days to go.:ugh:

26th Feb 2009, 09:45
hehe just got my second regret-to-inform-you-mail, aka the rub-it-in-your-face-mail..:confused:

Kidding aside, so nobody hasn't heard of anyone getting a "maybe"?

26th Feb 2009, 11:49
When exactly did anyone do Psychomotor tests? Was I at the same assessment?:eek:

26th Feb 2009, 12:07
I have a maybe...really can`t believe it!

26th Feb 2009, 12:16
Yeh, I just got a maybe through too! Shocked but now we have to wait until after FRA to find out for sure!

Good luck to everyone!!!

26th Feb 2009, 12:16
Nor can I. No I'm kidding. Well done mate, congratulations.

Mike Whiskey Romeo
26th Feb 2009, 12:41
I'm on the maybe list too. Such a good feeling. :-)

Congrats to everyone else who got over the first hurdle!


26th Feb 2009, 12:47
Congrats for first second and third 'maybe' :D
You guys cheered me a little...
So, Mike Whiskey Romeo,citation89 and glider12000 what do you think about tests?
Was it hard?

26th Feb 2009, 13:02
So it's about 20:3 ration now.

There is hope!

Congrats to those that made it.

david tharwat
26th Feb 2009, 13:35
Hi everybody,

Hard luck for those who didn't make it and congrats for the successful ones!!!

I hope if anybody overhere could guide me to specific sources and texts to prepare for math, physics and aptittude tests?!

I thank you in advance and looking forward for a reply

best of luck to all!!!!

26th Feb 2009, 18:18
haha just got my rejection email AGAIN!! Good luck to those who got the maybe wish you good luck with stage 2 ......

26th Feb 2009, 20:09
Im another recipient of the "we regret to inform...." email. Congrats for the successful guys... Have fun

26th Feb 2009, 20:23
Congratulations guys!

You can be proud of your performance :ok:

Leading Edge 7e7
26th Feb 2009, 20:48
Yes congratulations to three of you and the rest of the guys i am positive you will be heading for abu dhabi as soon as Frankfurt is done and stage 2 is going to be really easy n fun.
you guys got through the most difficult part congrats once again.:ok:

26th Feb 2009, 22:41
Hi Guys,
First of all, congratulations to those who made it through phase one. I didnt make it also but feel i have gained great experience. Remember guys that didnt make it like myself that there many future pilots among us who genuinely slipped the net. There is no shame in not making it through, only shame in not trying.

I met many people on the day, which itself made the four hour drive and overnight stay worth it. I did feel that i could have done better myself but this was my first aptitude test so im just going to take it on the chin. I do feel a little frustrated that we didnt get a little detailed feedback of where we went wrong but we were made aware of this. Would have been nice to know though! . I thought i have travelled quite far only to discover that there was a guy there from Sweden, one from Abu Dhabi as well as many other places.

Just out of interest, are there any people who didnt make it through that have passed the Pilapt test? or any other tests?

Once again congratulations to the maybe guys! I wish you all a prosperous career with Etihad!


27th Feb 2009, 06:27
Hey man,

ur right, no shame in failing. You can be damn sure ill be there again next year as determined as can be. yea my parents had to scrape money off the bottom of their bank accounts and credit cards to send me to London, a 15 hour flight with 1 stopover( there is a direct 11h30min flight but its more expensive:)) Plus having to pay for the hotel and food and stuff. Seemed like an immense waste of money at first but, in the end its not so bad. As u said its experience, vital experience in my book. Im sure we will have a better chance next year! Courage to the people like me who got a no....(or 2 lol) and Congrats to the mayB people, hope u get there and we meet next year in Al Ain!!:ok:

27th Feb 2009, 11:49
Just out of interest, are there any people who didnt make it through that have passed the Pilapt test? or any other tests?

Yeah myself and one or two others I know have passed the RAF computer aptitude test (myself applying for the Fleet Air Arm-but didn't make it past officer, after that.)

I'll take it as a good experience, even if I'll be too old for next year though.

Congratulations to the guys who did get through, hope you all make it to Abu Dhabi -don't forget to let us know how you get on!

27th Feb 2009, 22:43
Hello To All
First Congrats For Those Who Got It Right !
Guys I'm Going To Tell I Lil About My Self Right Now I'm Working For Ek In Dxb Ive Tried Last Year And Got The No!!!
I Sucked Yes It Did But Didnt Be So Harsh On You Either
My Current Situation Is The Worst Ive Ever Been And If I Didnt Pass In This Prog In ****** For Life!!!
Ive Been Around The Globe For A Opportunity Like This....
I Know This Is Not Good To Say It I'm Only 24 My Wife Is Pregnant I Hate My Job The Only Thing I Ever Wanted Is To Be A Pilot In Life And Like The Others I Do Have Some Hours In The Logbook But Didnt Have Much Money To Keep On Going I'm From Brazil Used To Live Many Years In Vegas Working In All Kinds Of Jobs (beside Go-go Boy) Hahaha My Friend Got The Yes Yes Yes Email And Today He Is One Of The Cadets In Al Ain I Just Been There And It's Really Nice I'm Basically Got One Shot One Chance Like Shady Said Once In 8 Mile I Just Hope I Make It In This Stuff For Every One Good Luck Keep On Trying For Those Whom Got The No Go To Your Last Chance Never Give Up Form Your Dreams!!!!!!!!
When You Think You Suck Or They Didnt Give You A Chance And Bla Bla Bla Think About People Like Me Whom Got The No Now I Have My Wife And Kid And I'm Wondering How I'm Going To Fly In South Africa Coz Its Really Cheap There Actually Affordable
So Cheer Up Every One !!!!!!!!!!
Live Life As Best ,fast,high As You Can And Regret Only What You Haven't Done And Always Have A Backup Plan!!!!
Hahahah By The Way Does Anyone Heard About Sa Flight Academy ???? Are They Good?
I Will Be In Johannesburg In May !!!!! Anyone Else????
Lets Meet!!! Hotel Prices Etc Pass It On!!!!

27th Feb 2009, 22:46
Grammar Errors Above Are Due The Freaking Spelling Correction Stuff Heheheheheehe

28th Feb 2009, 01:07
It would be nice if you didnt start every single word with capital letter...
Whats your point...

28th Feb 2009, 14:51
Dont forget to fill up whatever papers you will need for EY the same way you write here... Please Do It And Im Sure You Are Going To Get A Job Without Even Having The Tests

28th Feb 2009, 15:57
No need for that....did you recently fail the assessment??? :D

28th Feb 2009, 16:21
God that musnt be easy man. yea life's a bitch but we get better with those experiences. When we get through we will enjoy life much more than others who had everything handed to them on a platter. Some are born silver spoon in hand but some like us have to sweat to get things done. I know what you mean man, i myself have a couple of hours, same story, no money lol! so like you I pretty much depend on a cadetship program so im pretty much screwed. Im from Mauritius and Theres only 1 airline here with very little opportunity at the moment. Some people have so many possible ways to get stuff done like in Europe or America where there are tons and tons and tons of airlines and flying schools. Some like me are stuck and depend on one cadetsihp program a year to get my career started so lets say its not gonna be easy. And GBB whats ur problem, when someone sends u a msg saying : I WIll Killed Myself....do u answer, 'duuude..whats with the captial letters, theyre annoying....and whats with the grammar!!...'.:suspect: good god!

28th Feb 2009, 16:57
Do you usually compare yourself to slim shady? Come on, you have to be kidding me right? I mean your looking for a proffesional career in Aviation and although i failed the test and im by no means perfect, I think that your post looked very unproffesional and if one of those recruiters from Etihad were to have read that then i very much doubt you would be in with much chance. Rememeber that among this Website there are many proffesionals. I belive that if i talk to these in a proffesional manner and ask for their advice then there is a good chance i might get it. If i was in their shoes and read a post like yours id seriously struggle to take you seriously. I certainly dont want to put you down and i know that English isnt your spoken language but a little effort goes a long way.

Just my two cents



28th Feb 2009, 17:21
He didn't compare himself to Slim Shady, he compared 'having one shot' to the song that he sang. Nathan, if we are going to be pedantic you may want to capitalise the letter "I" in your sentences when you are referring to yourself, spell 'professional' with one 'f' and two 's's, 'Website' without the capital letter, 'id' with an apostrophe and 'rememeber' without the extra 'e' - you may want to put that extra 'e' into 'belive'. :ooh: As you say, "...a little effort goes a long way." I could understand your 'concern' for this being a professional pilot forum if you were a professional yourself. This forum is not a place for people to impress recruiters either; it's a place where people can discuss aviation and share knowledge - and Luis already has one over both you of with regards to that if you take your last posts (your's and GBB's) into consideration. As well as that, he is not filling in his CV in this forum so why does his post need to look 'professional'? It would have been nice if it was easier to read but no need to be CV standard. Would you have preferred some 'Previous Employment' information in there?

I am sorry, but I just don't like people slamming someone when it's one of their very first posts, they are not 'english'-speaking (note no capital ;)) and they are just looking for a bit of advice - which you didn't even attempt to give...

The guy already apologised for the way the post looked, he said it had to do with some editing issue...This is not an English language group discussion forum. Leave the poor guy alone...

Just a thought...

P.S - He had less spelling errors than you! :ok:

Luis - Yes, SA Flight Academy is very good, and quite cheap. The weather in SA is ideal for training as well. Good luck!

Leading Edge 7e7
28th Feb 2009, 18:11
Stage 2 : Boys are you getting ready to take the heat?
Temperatures jumping up to 35 degrees these days here in Abu Dhabi and by the time you get here would most certainly be in it's 40s.
Lots of shorts n T-shirts
where are all the Frankfurt people any1 arranging a get together?:ugh:

28th Feb 2009, 19:21
Is it bitter to wonder why a company looking for speed and accuracy sends rejection e-mails twice to the same people, and indeed within the initial information, actually misspelt the location of the tests?

Windsor, its Windsor, not Winsor!

Fascinating, ironic, and worth a chuckle. :}

28th Feb 2009, 19:59
Ok let me see,
First of all I would like to thank all of you guys for posting all your ideas about it that's the feeling!!!!
Indeed I am not a English speaker even if I've been speaking the language for the last five years of my life I do recognize sometimes one two or few mistakes happen hihihihihihh.......
And in fact I totally agree this is not a professional assessment forum even if other members do work in airlines in the middle east like myself i dont have problem in say that i work for emirates... they have their advantages and disadvantage like every other airline in the world and believe me when I say it... I worked for few of them already !!!!!!!!
EY is definitely in "MY OPINION" the best airline in the industry today for many reasons and even if i don't make for the cadet program is really worth work for it!!!!!!!
So guy's take it easy as long as you don't lose the ethics in your phrases i don't see a problem in expressing yourself over your thought's it wont have any influence during a job interview!
However I indeed apologize for the first message i posted in the forum because yes it could be more clear but i was in the work like 3 am studying for this thing and i got "desperado" seen every one saying i got rejected god luck guys etc etc etc !!!!!
cut me some slack on that one hahahah if you guys have any questions how is to work here in Dubai etc just send me a msg i will be more than happy to clear any doubts other than that I can only say i wont use this spelling corrector anymore it caused me to much of trouble hahahahahahaha
good luck for every one!!!!!! i hope to see the JNB CREW THERE

PS: Las vegas soo far was the cheapest place i found for acft rental
but things get really messed up if you got emergency landing near Nelli's AFB
it can ruin your career for good (i know some one who got the problem)
South Florida is kinda good as well but expensive!
so far south Africa is the best place to fly so i guess i will save some money
and head down there later next year!!!!!:ugh: :D

28th Feb 2009, 22:18
Are the assessments finished now then?

You've wandered off onto thread drift and seem to have finished the conversation - so presumably no need to keep a multi million page thread open any longer?

You can all console yourselves and pat each other on the back on Facebook, no?

28th Feb 2009, 22:25
In 2009 we will be conducting initial assessments in London(February),Frankfurt(March),Johannesburg(May),Sydney(J une),Abu Dhabi(July),Toronto(August), New York (August) and Singapore(September).

Still a long way till the end of the assessments I fear...

28th Feb 2009, 22:40
Maybe someone could desrcribe how stage two looks like?

If anyone wants to meet I will be in FRA 23-25th of March (Star Hotel), please PM.
P.S. On 25th there is a plan to visit Concorde..Only few hours from FRA

1st Mar 2009, 02:06
Still a long way till the end of the assessments I fear...

.....and then, depression set in.


1st Mar 2009, 04:06
I'm also going to the Frankfurt assessment on the 24th

1st Mar 2009, 04:30
hi guys iam going to attend the assessment in frankfurt anybody knows what would be the assessment lke

1st Mar 2009, 12:39
Any one still waiting for email? (from London that is)

flying high2009
1st Mar 2009, 13:45
hey mates,
First of all the best of luck to all guys giving their assessment test in frankfurt you guys still have a couple of days in hand try to make good use of it..i am pretty sure you guys will rock it in the exam.

Secondly guys i have heard that Horizon flying club where the etihad cadets will be trainned will take in batches after every 3 months. Is it true?....if it is then i guess there is gona be around 4 batches this year and about 20 guys/girls per batch.

Thirdly guys who got a "MAYBE" email congrats and guys got "NO" one well try your best next time maybe you will rock it that time....but surely the experience which you got from this assessement is gona be priceless.


1st Mar 2009, 14:16
DON'T go drifting back to your txt spk ways - it takes no longer to write "your" instead of "ur", or "time" instead of "time".

If you don't police this yourselves, you'll lose the thread again.

1st Mar 2009, 16:30
<<Edit: You have got to be joking, zak - if you wish to *stay* in PPRuNe you had better make your posts friendlier than that.>>


2nd Mar 2009, 02:05
Its a long wait hey. Im thinking about slowing down my training so i dont get my CPL, to try for the Sydney assessments. Sounds like it'll be tough to get into though.

Im abit worrried now too as I sent the email to them with interest in London aand Sydney assessments. I havent yet received any information about the London one which has been and gone..so I hope they assume I'll be at the Sydney assessments, and will send me an information email ...If not, ill chase them up, since I have received the,
''Thank you for your interest in the Etihad Cadet Pilot Program. We write to inform you that we have received your application...'' email.:)

So who else is going to the Sydney assessments in June? I feel like the only person, ..if thats the case... then lucky me :ok:

2nd Mar 2009, 02:23
I wouldn't be so sure about that take a look into the web site ........
no more vacancies this year we got full house buddy !!!!
take care good luck!!!!!!
b the what's up with the qantas cdt program?????

2nd Mar 2009, 03:19
So guys, how many people have been at the past assessments? A few hundred or so (minus a few that might not rock up)?

Ps luis, I thought about the Qantas cadetship, but I didn't do the maths in school they require... and a bridging course is just another thing to pay for that I cannot afford.
Seeing as the the initial tests pretty much cut down the applicant number to a dozen or so... ill continue to look at other options, going outback doing charter, instructing etc. I guess in this industry we cant afford to be fussy.

Anyways ...I thought id try for this cadetship since my hearts been set on being an airline pilot since I was a lil'un. Im only young, so living and studying in another country would be a great learning/life experience.

2nd Mar 2009, 04:06
b the what's up with the qantas cdt program?????

Somebody, anybody - please explain to me the need to remove the two vowels from a five letter word when using a full keyboard.

Why are you folks NOT listening to us say "No txt spk"? Why?

All this :ugh:is starting to hurt. You're just taking the :mad:, aren't you?

2nd Mar 2009, 04:08
Don't be an idiot,I said what I had to say,I think you know why I wrote those things.Don't be a dictator because who the hell are you to decide what I should write or not.Every one has a born given right to express their views,make comments for a better difference.I think you've already took the bait because you are a selfish person.I did not use filthy words I used simple English language which could easily under stand.I've the ability to control the language in every different situation.I even could do it now,but I won't.Becase you are not the only person who read this thread,there're others too.I don't want to make others happy or to make them sad or to be friendly as you would say.But if you were gone mad and if you were unable to bare what I said then you are also a person who is selfish.I think what I wrote was successful it's reason why you;'ve deleted from the thred.Let me give you an exercise for that,count from 1-10,if it doesn't work count till infinity.Don't get mad at this point because you're a jerk.This reply is to the person who deleted my comment!!!!!!!!!!:=

2nd Mar 2009, 11:26
No - to be fair to zakzakau, he/she didn't use txt spk.

He/she simply pointed out that you should all tell him what the assessment was all about, what the questions were all about - everything that happened.....all the stuff that the staff members apparently asked you not to post.

Comments went on to suggest that they, in the Middle east were far more likely to get the jobs than you folks in the West as they had the sense and the power to work together as a group unlike you folks who keep your secrets.

He pointed out how much better they are than the rest of you - I forget *exactly* the phraseology - but none of you deserved what he said.

The unfortunate thing about all this is that he will not find out for quite some time. Not until he thinks up a new username and signs up again, then works out a way of asking you folks.

Free speech? Who the hell am I? Don't be an idiot? Born right?

You get the idea as to the quality of his first, and almost last, post (which was reported to us, in a complaint, by one of your fellow posters).

Perhaps whoever it was that reported the post will remember better - it was a rare occassion that I didn't copy it first.

2nd Mar 2009, 12:23
None of the four assessors are Middle Eastern. They aren't even from the same four Countries, so is very unlikely that they would favour any one nationality.

2nd Mar 2009, 12:27
Hey people,some of you remenber me from the last year assesments(which I didn't make it in the end..).I've been following this thread and I never read so much Crap in my life!
Supporting what the moderator said,I've read what Zakzauzakzak whatever zak said,and to him,I wont go too political,but perhaps he should visit the streets in London,or Paris,or Frankfurt and educate himself on a subject very real,very flagrant in our times,called Globalization,before coming here with his Asian pride("oh we're so much better then you in the west crap"..).
I agree,it was offensive and innapropriate,You would be eaten alive if you get a job and get to fly with some Captains I know...probaly end up with a plane up you a*** for being so arrogant!If it is really that much better,keep it for yourself..I wonder why Etihad would want western cadets if you around there are soo top notch!!!Mind you,this is not an attack on emiratis,chinese,pakistani nor anyone on that side of the world,I just think that what this "individual" said is unfair and I'm sure not all of you share his views!
and for some of you guys,I would love to be your assesor one day,can Imagine you walking in a recruitment day,shake the hand of the training captain interviewing you and say "wassup man,y'alright chief?"remenber,Airbuses and Boeings do not have massive stereo systems,nor hydraulics on its landing gears to bounce up and down,you cannot add neon lights on it,pilot uniforms dont include "NY Yankes" caps,nor bling or baggy trousers,you can't "rap" on your pa's...
This is a very serious industry and in order to be competitive you have to be professional,whatever you do,if you are a wannabe or have a long career behind you!TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!

And now,I wish good luck for those who are working hard on it,remenber guys,"the one who bites harder,gets it"

3rd Mar 2009, 01:41
Etihad has stopped the program already? I sat the Sydney tests last year but didn't get through. However I was told that I'll get another chance in Sydney after 6 months. And now they have stopped the program? Getting into the Etihad program would have been perfect for me and I've been preparing for it as well. Its back to square one now. In the current economic situation it just seems impossible to get into an airline.

3rd Mar 2009, 02:06
Dude, you should have applied again as soon as they posted that they are accepting applicants for this year. All you had to do was write an email to them saying you would like to attend.

I doubt that they have stopped the program all together. I think this program will continue in the foreseeable future (Just my opinion). They have just stopped taking in requests to attend the assessment (only for this year) because they already have too many applicants.

But good luck anyway, there is always next year.:ok:

4th Mar 2009, 03:11
So, back to my last question, where are all the Australians in this forum that may be attending the Sydney assessment in June?

And just as everyone else has probably asked, but I havent been able to find a definite number, approximately how many candidates have been going to the initial assessments?

flying high2009
4th Mar 2009, 07:31
I dont know about the australians attending the assessment. All I can say is that about 600 people were expected in london for the assessment but only 350 turned up. So ya you can about 600 people per centre approxmately.

4th Mar 2009, 09:36
Well mik757 you have found 1 person attending Sydney :) !!!

4th Mar 2009, 11:06
Hi everyone,

This is something I have been somewhat confused over and also been bothered about it. Etihad is one airline I would love to join and it would be a career airline for me. Unfortunately, they did not have any cadet schemes when I was beginning my training.

Now that I have got my fATPL, it turns out that I dont meet Etihad's entry requirement as it states on their website 1500 hours with 1000 hours jet time and neither do I meet the cadet requirement of zero experience.

Having gone through fATPL training all in the UK, I would have thought I have met the same standard as their cadets would go through. Why can they not offer a similiar cadet type rating scheme for those who have got their fATPL? Surely there is a huge cost saving on their part? I dont understand this "logic". Also, having spent tens of thousands already, from my own pocket should it not mean at least something for them.

Perhaps there is an explenation for it someone can kindly share, but for the moment, I don't know how they work and I feel slightly discriminated when someone like me wants to work just as much for Etihad having spent Ģthousands and worked just as hard and yet cant get in whereas another person with zero experience can without spending anything.

Thanks for any comments regarding this.

4th Mar 2009, 11:51
Maybe Etihad wants to have zero experienced pilots only from their home-based flight school. And don't you think you have more opportunities regarding pilot career and job than us? We currently have only one airline which is taking cadets...

4th Mar 2009, 15:20
Does anybody have any info about the vision requirements ?
Any info will be appreciated

cheers !

5th Mar 2009, 05:21
hey hows it going,
mik757 im attending the Sydney assessments in June

5th Mar 2009, 06:43
Hey mates,does any of you guys know what kind of questions that will we get at the Etihad Initial Tests?Please get back to me as soon as you get some information.Blue skies!:ok:

5th Mar 2009, 08:09
Hi PPRUNERS, just got back from London...I'm in Abu Dhabi now & going to attend flight training with another Cadet Program in RAK...hope to here some good news about Frankfurt & all others!!!

Cheers :ok:

5th Mar 2009, 08:44
As mentioned at the assessments, Etihad like to take cadets ab initio because they can then be trained up the way Etihad WANTS them to be trained and they will also be more likely to take to the Etihad culture.

5th Mar 2009, 14:13

Are you going to DAE? they have some rather shiney looking equipment if so - best of luck to you it looks great! Glad to see people are not disheartened and continue to follow the dream?


5th Mar 2009, 14:31

Yes indeed, I'll be going to DAE Flight Academy...I might then end up in a Business jet or a commercial airliner...just what I wanted, hopefully I'll get into Etihad as an experienced Pilot with at least 1500 Turbine time with international destinations...BTW, I'll fly international routes while training to Mumbai, Athens, Beirut...etc.

I just have to pay 97500 USD!!! :ugh:, thanks to my parents :)

5th Mar 2009, 14:33
Sweet! Good to see some other aussies I can chat to in the upcoming months about the assessment in June; Stefmyster, Wiblywoblywonder. :ok:
I guess Sierra youll be at the Sydney assessments too?

Vt asm - About the vision requirements, I'd assume its pretty much like all airlines. Vision can be corrected with use of glasses, contacts, etc. Airlines are usually more concerned with colour vision in pilots. Someone correct me if im wrong, but I have heard in medicals where colour vision is tested, you are allowed, one or two 'wrong answers'.

Leading Edge 7e7
5th Mar 2009, 18:31
hi malirm,
good to hear you are back, yes indeed DAE what a facility.
recently went up to RAK for a visit man that brand new shiny 737NG sim for a MCC part of the course is impressive, instructors were very friendly and professional, they still havent decided which jet type will be used for the last phase of the course but no doubt they will figure it out. 97 grand is a hefty price to pay mate, for CPL with 50 hours on jet?
Hay definitely cheaper than going to oxford.:ok:

5th Mar 2009, 20:32
hi marlim, hope everythings fine for u, i was reading your post about RAK cadet program, can u tell me more about it, because i've been to RAK 3days ago to visit DAE flight academy, so i thought it might have something to do with.
looking forward to read from u asap. take care:O

5th Mar 2009, 22:52
Hi guys, I would really like to speak about DAE Flight Academy, but some people wouldn't really like us to go off the subject (Etihad Cadet Pilot), so, you can just send me an email (not PMs) & I'll be more than happy to answer all your questions...you can visit www.daeflightacademy.com (http://www.daeflightacademy.com), where you'll find alots of info...BTW, I think I sounded a kinda advertiser or so!!!

For the time being, I am going through the Flight Training Agreement that I have to sign at the end of next week...thus commence flight training on the 22nd of March.

If anybody of you guys are available here in AD or anywhere across the UAE, I'll be more than happy to meet up :), good luck for all the candidates.

Thanks for the :ok:thumbs up LE7e7 & EYXW...hey, mina-minou...email me with the Qs ASAP

6th Mar 2009, 01:36
I would love to join the expanding airline of Etihad someday! Reading up on their cadet program near the end of 2008, it seemed as if they were LOOKING for international applicants by going to Frankfurt, London, etc. but according to their website:
ETIHAD Airways | Emaraati Cadet Training (http://careers.etihadairways.com/ehire/english/GraduateMgmt/NationalJobList.aspx)
they are only accepting UAE nationals.

please tell me I'm looking at the wrong program here..
I'm going to be finishing up my degree at Purdue then apply in a couple of years here, but that would be no fun if they restrict applicants to UAE NATIONALS! --what happened to the mix?? ;)

6th Mar 2009, 10:46
Hi everyone,

How many of us are going to Abu Dhabi for the assessment.

calvin & holmes.

6th Mar 2009, 12:37
by the way anuone attending frankfurt assessment???

7th Mar 2009, 13:24
I've applied for the Abu Dhabi assessment...


7th Mar 2009, 17:15
Hi, anyone going to Johannesburg assessment, pilot_pro are you still here?

8th Mar 2009, 15:25
Hey welcome to PPRuNe - piece of advice before the mods have you - text speak is not allowed and if you read over the two massive threads on the EY assessment you will find the info that is available and will also hear that people are specifically requested not to post any info they have on the scheme screening here. Best of Luck.

8th Mar 2009, 19:38
Hi EYXW...check this Alpha Aviation Academy (UAE) (http://www.uae.alphagroup.aero/) , just got a call from them...they have one of the best programs too, but I already paid to DAE FA...what do you say. They mentioned Air Arabia to interview you after graduation!!!

8th Mar 2009, 20:58
I'm heading to the Johanesburg assessment. Any idea what date it's actually on?

9th Mar 2009, 06:40
Hello everyone, good luck for everyone going to FrankFurt assessments these days.
Anyone knows what date the YYZ assessment is on?

9th Mar 2009, 11:46
calvin.&.holmes (http://www.pprune.org/members/281759-calvin-and-holmes) & VT-ASM

We are now 3 to AUH I think ?

did you guys start preparations for the assesments ?

9th Mar 2009, 13:50
aceman18 I’m also going to Johannesburg but still I didn't received any information regarding date and time... As they wrote they will inform us one month before assessment day so I think it will be something like end of march – beginning of april.

Best wishes to all of you!

10th Mar 2009, 16:04
long time writing here.....my name is adnan, and I am attending the AUH assessment too. see you guys there!!! and you guys if you have any info regarding the preparation stuff....please let us know. thanks
safe landings :D

10th Mar 2009, 16:55
Hello everybody,
My name is Bilo, and you probably know me from my brother movie "Borat".
He is very very BIG liar, and I dont have very funny retardation.
I just broke out of my cage and Im coming to Abu Dhabi. I will be coming by train as Borat didnt recive his salary from National Television of Kazakhstan for past 15 monts so we cannot buy a plane ticket.
Please do not fear me when I will approch any of you to give a kiss!
I just want to know one thing, please...
Is there alot of Jews in this far away land? I ask you so I know if I should bring my jar full of gypsy tears.
I want to drive one of these BIG birds all the way to my village in Kazakhstan.
High five!


Im sorry guys! hehe (hope i didnt disrespect anybody) :D
I was just reading whats happeing here and I see that all the posts are simmilar to the one I just wrote (maybe not as 'large").
Please people, only coz you didnt bother to read last 20 pages doesnt give a right to come here and post same questions that others asked already.
You all say that you want IT so much, but you dont bother to research ANYTHING!
Just to let you know, stop counting how many people will go to AUH, JNB or SYD as theres very few candidates (THANKS GOD) here on pprune that will go to these assessments (probably not even 1%).
Im sorry to be Harsh but I think theres no point of having every other post (Hey im going to ...., who else is going?)
Moderators already looked in here many times and said that if you looking for a hug or want to meet new people, you should look on facebook.
I think this thread was made to gather up IMPORTANT information about EY cadet assesment.
Respect people that created it and put some effort to give you information "on the plate", but you dont even bother to read.

Good luck to all of you :D

10th Mar 2009, 21:26
i am attending the assessment in johannesburg, got no email as of now. milosbijelic, aceman18 i hope we'll be meetin in johannesburg. lemme know of any plans if you have some...later

12th Mar 2009, 12:32
Any of the London stage 2`ers get the email today? Does that mean we are successful in going to Abu Dhabi?

Sable Knight
12th Mar 2009, 13:07
have you received a reply regarding second stage, i was under the impression that you should receive the confirmation after the Frankfurt assessment.

incidently, do you have the dates for the second stage?

12th Mar 2009, 13:13
sure did glider, says we are out there in May now, had plans that week but im sure they can change!

Sable Knight
12th Mar 2009, 13:31
I am due to attend the assessment in Frankfurt in a few weeks, could you tell me what dates in May will stage 2 take place?

12th Mar 2009, 16:04
I`m about to start cabin crew training with bmi so going to have to arrange something to get some time off.

12th Mar 2009, 21:15
Well done glider12000. I have heard from a guy at one of the London assessments who got the second email too so there are at least two guys who have got it. I don't know what dates they gave him though. I also thought they were going to only give the successful guys the 'yes' email after the Frankfurt assessments. Does anyone know how many people have gotten through to the 2nd phase for definite? I am doing the Abu Dhabi assessments later in the year so would just like to see what my chances might be. Good luck to the Frankfurt guys!!

12th Mar 2009, 23:12
Pirep, there are 2 of us on here so far that have received the second email. Then theres the guy you know and i'm guessing quite a few others?

I thought that we wouldn't get a yes until after Frankfurt too, it took me by surprise when I saw the email there today.


Mike Whiskey Romeo
12th Mar 2009, 23:28
Count me in too, got the email today. Wasn't expecting to get confirmation (or rejection) so soon, but nothing I can do about that:ok:

13th Mar 2009, 07:36
hi all, m new to pprune...i have read almost all the posts in the threads relating to EY cadet pilot scheme..............well i think m gona surely meet some of u guys in AUH in july.......evryones damn excited for sure........but how to prepare for the interview and what all is to be expected...that still remains a mystery for me................but still.........all hopes in the sky........some one was mentioning about DAE flight academys CPP...well not to divert from the topic ......just wanted to say i have my brother currently engaged in DAEFA.s CPP.....it looks good .......anyways guys.....wishing u all the best.............:ok:

13th Mar 2009, 14:43
Hey. I'm going to the Johannesburg assessment. Does any1 perhaps know where in Johannesburg the assessment will take place? Those people that are going to Abu Dhabi-does Etihad pay for your ticket or must you pay urself?

13th Mar 2009, 15:13
If successful for stage 2 Etihad will pay for flights and accommodation.

Very best of luck.

13th Mar 2009, 16:18
Any idea how tough stage 2 will be?

Best of luck for YES people :ok:

14th Mar 2009, 13:14
Out of curiosity,so it sounds like the London guys aren't in direct "competition" with the folks attending FRA?since you were selected within the London bunch....anyone care to comment their views?

So do you think out of the 300 who attended london(if these figures are correct)less than 10% made it ot 2nd stage?

14th Mar 2009, 19:29
Even less than 5% !!!, don't ask me how or from where, just heard it from a friend who works for a local newspaper. :ok:

flying high2009
15th Mar 2009, 03:51
I thought the 1st batch will consist of both london and FRA guys and thats what i read in this thread. So i guess they are in competion with eachother but I am not sure thou...with london guys getting the dates for stage 2 before FRA even began.Someone who have given these tests last year could clarify better I guess.

15th Mar 2009, 09:43
Hi malirm

I attended the london assessment and cudn make it thru. Now im looking to do my CPL, would you pls advice me on some training academies. Im from Sri Lanka and prefer a traing shool in UAE. DAE is very expensive and i m just interested in fujairah.
Looking for some advice from you


15th Mar 2009, 10:28
hy guys...see you In Frankfurt in a week!!

Good luck to all!


15th Mar 2009, 11:08
Anyone have the dates in May of the second round?

15th Mar 2009, 17:15
I think its better to get a FAA or JAA License if you are on the track for a conventional CPL program...

where FAA is the cheapest, but needs alots of security & back-up checks THEN another stories in the Embassy & the Point of entry (airport) where you will reach the point of hating yourself (I mean you can't even look at the mirror after that for a couple of days), but you'll enjoy it with the Americans (Later), because they are really helpful (almost) &...Americans:).

JAA is quiet Expensive, but apreciated by most airlines in the Middle East & doesn't need that security checks & clearances from you + high quality schools are found...

To Sum Up, get a FAA or JAA, leave about $ 50 K - $ 70 K for your training + living expenses...etc., any suggestions?? thats what I would do if I were in your place...good luck man :ok:

15th Mar 2009, 20:07
I'd tend to agree with Malirm the EY scheme gives you a GCAA licence (which is only JAA Compliant) but it also gives you a JOB here.

A GCAA licence without that job offer is not necessarily going to do you much good as airline hour requirements here in the GCC (the only place you can fly with your licence) are quite high and as a self sponsored low houred cadet you are unlikely to find work with that licence.

Also converting your GCAA licence to work outside the GCC whilst it is still frozen will likely be expensive. And getting the hours to unfreeze your ATPL nigh on impossible without a job.

The EY scheme itself is great - but I am not sure that TRAINING here alone is a great idea unless one of the schools is teaching an approved FAA/JAA course which you can use elsewhere.

JAA courses in the EU are expensive but looking at the UAE academies some are actually cheaper!

anyway this is a lot of thread drift really!

15th Mar 2009, 20:24
Offcourse EYs scheme is the best...I was just suggesting something for our friend Riqsid, who wants to get a CPL (not with Etihad), so I gave that piece of advice that someone from Etihad gave it to me...the fact is that I will be getting a GCAA license because I am in an ab-intio flight training program with DAE Flight Academy, that is going to start next week!!!

16th Mar 2009, 02:35
Its been some time since I read an entire thread with such interest. Got my Frankfurt assesment just around the corner, from what I hear the tests sound like fun with a hidden challenge. It almost sounds enjoyable or maybe those are the butterflies in my stomach and my brain trying to hide my nerves. Anyway thanks to the ppruners who posted on here and ill be sure to do the same from time to time.


16th Mar 2009, 10:41
Hi there, I would appreciate some advice. I have a son due to go to the Jhb interview in May but in the meantime I feel he should continue studying and hopefully writing some of the CPL exams just in case he is unsuccesful..As he will not have a CPL (only some of the exams) will this be a drawback.
Good luck to all those who are going for the assesment.

16th Mar 2009, 10:56

Yes absolutely. There is a large element of "lottery" in these assesments. They are most certainly worth a shot at, because the potential reward is a very good one. However I wouldn't advise your son to put life on hold over them. The first stage only involves a set of "tests." There is no interview element or qualification assessment at this stage.

Presumably he will not be in posession of a CPL prior to the notification from these assessments, so it is unlikely to have any adverse effect.

16th Mar 2009, 13:00
i am going to New york's assessment,,and i have no clue what i should study or how to get myself prepared,if anybody can help i'll really appretiate that,,,another thing,,i heard that Arabic speaking is a plus,,is that true?

16th Mar 2009, 15:10
I doubt Arabic speaking would be of any advantage. There will be no Arab supervising the assessments atleast there were none at the london assessment.

16th Mar 2009, 15:13
Thanx alot malirm

17th Mar 2009, 15:27
Hello, can anyone confirm the dates of the YYZ assessment in August?, i need to request my vacations of 2009 in the next two weeks.

Do you think i can write to cadet pilot email and ask them?

Thanks !

17th Mar 2009, 16:13
It will be on the 27th and 28th of August. Thats what I was told in the confirmation email I got.

17th Mar 2009, 19:00
It will be on the 27th and 28th of August. Thats what I was told in the confirmation email I got.

Thank you very much okees, maybe we could meet after the assessment and have a drink :ok: good luck and thanks again.

I onlsy received the email confirming my application but not details about the assessment days, did you write them asking for the assessment days?

EYZ replied to my question a few weeks ago and the days were the same, so we could confirm 27th and 28th as the assessment days.

17th Mar 2009, 21:22
hey mates...for the ones who is going to come in FRA the 23th...what do you think about a meet on sunday 22nd??

17th Mar 2009, 22:03
antes56.im going to frankfurt but i will be there on monday.but just to let you know that i live in rome too..mean always in italy.ru italian..???

17th Mar 2009, 22:39
yes,i am italian too..
so good luck for the tests!

18th Mar 2009, 14:21
I didn't receive anything other than the confirmation email, but I asked for the dates before I applied just to make sure I would be able to attend. So they sent me an email giving me the exact dates before I applied.

A drink sounds good after the assessment. Ill pm you soon.


18th Mar 2009, 15:00
just wondering any prior flying experience would be help, does it mean that you necessary to have your PPL perhaps CPL ? I know there are some peoples with some hours but without PPL, what is the chances for these people to get in the Cadetship then?

18th Mar 2009, 15:07
I think it has nothing to do with flying experience, for some this is an oppertunity and the backup is doing it modular with the flying they already have. But I have been wondering if someone holds a ICAO PPL does that mean during the training with Etihad they would have to do their PPL again or would they simply move on to the ground school for the ATPL's thus considerably shortening their training time.

18th Mar 2009, 15:31
Hello everyone please help me !!!
I wrote yesterday to the cadet pilot email [email protected]
asking them for the YYZ Assessment days before okees answered me, and i had this reply :

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in the Etihad Cadet Pilot Program. Unfortunately, we have no more seats available for assessment. Applications for the Cadet Pilot Program have been closed due to the overwhelming number of applications. We will keep your application on the wait list should there be any cancellations we would be able to invite you. This is not a guarantee that you would be invited. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We wish you the very best in all your future endeavours.

Best Regards

I'm so confused about the answer, it is obviously an auto generated reply
i already had the first email confirming my application, and telling me that i would receive further details one month before the asssessment

But with this answer i don't know what to think :bored: Will they eliminate my previous application and put me on a waiting list instead?

Or nothing will happen since i was already invited to the YYZ assessment and had my application confirmed, and i will receive further details one month before the assessment

Please HELP ME ! Any ETIHAD STAFF or anyone calm me down :eek::sad::sad:
Etihad should have an email for this enquiries:bored:

19th Mar 2009, 09:29
Hello antes56
I'm going to join the assessment of FRA too so just tell me where we can meet in 22 march?
good luck for us

19th Mar 2009, 10:46

Calm down, im sure if you were on the list before, you are still on it.
The 27th/28th August are the dates,
lots of time to study!!


19th Mar 2009, 13:57
Could anyone specify all the dates for FRA assesment?
Mine is on 24th 9 am

19th Mar 2009, 14:35
Mine is 23rd 9am.

19th Mar 2009, 15:39
Hi guys

Have any of you read through the Quantas aptitude test leaflet already?I'm using that as practice and seem to have a problem with the numerical section from number 2 onwards?Now they only give you 5 mins in which to complete 6 questions in that catagory and even with the answers provided and taking whole day I still can't figure it out!!!

If anyone has a copy of the Quantas aptitude test leaflet could you please reply or private me or email me with the calculations for that section only.This cannot be rocket science!

19th Mar 2009, 15:44
Hi guys

I'm from Cape Town and hopefully leaving for Johannesburg in May.I'm busy using any study material I can for preparation for the 1st stage.

Have any of you read through the Quantas aptitude test leaflet already?I'm using that as practice and seem to have a problem with the numerical section from number 2 onwards?Now they only give you 5 mins in which to complete 6 questions in that catagory and even with the answers provided and taking the entire day I still can't figure it out!!!

If anyone has a copy of the Quantas aptitude test leaflet could you please reply or private me or email me with the calculations for that section only.This cannot be rocket science!

19th Mar 2009, 16:32
Remind that airlines use different version of attitude test papers and update it constantly from their psychologist consultancy service. The Qantas one only giving you a overall picture of what and how the test looks like.

19th Mar 2009, 18:02
according to me the numerical test has 6 questions. my answers are.
1) D from first table Germany has a bigger population so the percentage may be lower but the number works out higher. (that confused me for a second)

2) 85thousand was the total of which 65k were standard. therefore 20k were not. therefore (20*100)/85=23.5.. hence answer is C

3) total population of italy and spain = 57.1m and 38.6m live births per 1000 =10.1 and 12.1 respectively. so for a thousand people there are so many kids born. soall you have to do is work out how many thousands make up the population of each. so eg for italy it is 57.1m/1000= 57100k people*10.1=576710 new borns for italy. therefore the answer for both of them together is-->1043770 round to the nearest thousand = C

4)just take away the births from the deaths. 56.6m/1000=56600*13.3=752780 births and 56600*11.8=667880 deaths. hence births-deaths=84900=answer B

5)Oct=100k total buttons of which 80 were standard. therefore 80000/100=800*5.70=$4560 for standard buttons and 200*$2.85=$570. the total sales for october is 4560+570=$5130. doing the same for november gives $4845+$285=5130. the answer should be no change ie E

6) total loss in sales over 6 months. so jsut take the total number of bad buttons produced for the six months in the graph. JUL-10k Aug-5k Sep-20k Oct-20k Nov-10k Dec-10k. A total of 75k bad buttons which sold for 750*2.85=$2137.5. had they been good they wouldve sold for 750*5.70=$4275. So the total loss due to bad buttons is 4275-2137.5=2137.5. ANSWER C

although i did it using the method above i couldve done them quicker by picking out small clues like they bad buttons sell for half the price of the good buttons. etc the best thing i find is to think for a second before the question to see if there are any clues. it does end up saving me a lot of mental calculation and time in the long run however long it is.

i feel like a nerd!!:sad:

19th Mar 2009, 22:23
Sorry if I missed this answer in the past....what are the dates of the New York assessment? Who's going?

Bradda G
19th Mar 2009, 23:12
You can count Bradda G in for NY! :ok:

20th Mar 2009, 02:09

Calm down, im sure if you were on the list before, you are still on it.
The 27th/28th August are the dates,
lots of time to study!!


Thank you very much for your wanswer EYZ im very calm now :8 so i'll continue studyingī, i'm pretty sure i will receive that second email with further details. Thanks again for the dates, i'll be planing my flight from LEMD to CYYZ for those days

Thank you very Much ! Thanks Thanks Thanks !! ;)

20th Mar 2009, 05:28
Any seats available in JHB? Although it wouldn't matter since they've closed applications (I waited 6 months per Etihad's instructions.)

20th Mar 2009, 22:54
hi majestic.I dont know how its possible.,but i ve' the same assessment in fra but at 2:00 pm on 24.This is pretty sure.,but how come you people have on 23 at 9:00 am.

21st Mar 2009, 02:11
well that's because they have lots of candidates. So they split us into groups. 2 days of assessments at 4 hours per group should be 4 groups of 150ish.

21st Mar 2009, 12:59
hi, going to JNB too, would be nice to meet before the assessment day, share the information we have. good luck to everyone attending the assessment.
keep in touch:cool::ok:

22nd Mar 2009, 11:34
Hi all, I'm in for the assessment too later this year. Will be following closely here.

All the best for those going for the assessment in FRA and the upcoming JNB.:ok:


23rd Mar 2009, 15:18
hi guys...what Happened with FRA tests...how did you do...I remember its the 23rd & 24th of March...hope you got a better chance than the people in the UK. :ok:

Leading Edge 7e7
23rd Mar 2009, 17:13
hay Malirm

Just came back from the assessment i was in the second session of the day.
Arround 60 turned up for the first session and the pretty much the same for the second session. you were right amaizing experience tests were really not too bad all that effort of previous months studies has paid off today, we are told there will be only No or Yes emails for the victims of frankfurt and stage two follows for everyone who makes it through the stage one and all the usual stuff which im sure you have seen during your assessment and the course starting date will be end of june/ begining of july.
all i have to say is i enjoyed it and am looking forward to next week when i get that email to see if im through, so good luck to everyone who was here today and to those coming tomorrow and dayafter tomorrow.:ok:

23rd Mar 2009, 17:39
Hi...good luck, hope you make it through...can you just remind me with the number of cadets they want to take from EU...I think I heard 20!!! is it?

Goodluck for the others

Leading Edge 7e7
23rd Mar 2009, 17:48
all i remember them saying was 12 guys for each course and frankfurt is only up against london no one else. so the guys who made it through in london and guys who will make it through from frankfurt will see eachother in Abu Dhabi next month or in may.:ok:

23rd Mar 2009, 23:43
Just got back to london. I attended the 9am slot. What ive gathered is they are expecting to only take about 25 cadets from the international sector, the rest being citizens of UAE. otherwise a wonderful day and a great experience. definetely a step in the right direction to attend, if your considering becoming a airline pilot.:ok:

23rd Mar 2009, 23:56
Just back from FRA.
I was in the morning session, and I am pretty sure there were no less than 130\140 candidates (not considering the afternoon).
Really not difficult... but the time was not much.
2nd stage the next month hopefully for successful guys.

flying high2009
24th Mar 2009, 05:56
hey fellows,
All best to the guys who gave their exams in FRA. Can anyone give excat number of people expected to be taken in for the cadet programme. I thought that this cadet programme is for internatinal students and there is a seperate cadet programme for national students of abu dabhi. But above posts are a bit confusing so someone please clarify the whole issue.


24th Mar 2009, 08:17
we would be writing together today

24th Mar 2009, 08:37
Hi all

I would like to say ''good luck'' to us all writing in frankfurt today, if we get it good!!! and if you don't remember every challenge is a preparation of wat is yet to come.......:):)

Good luck

24th Mar 2009, 13:38
first of all, I hope u guys did it well today.

its strange that i received a 2nd invitation for the assessment for today in frankfurt. unfortunately I already took the asssessment this february in London 2009. So i didnt go.


24th Mar 2009, 18:01
Hi all,

Just waiting in FRA airport for the return home after the assessment today.

Without divulging too much information about the test i would say i found most of it was fairly doable and i feel confident with 95% of my answers for 5 of the 6 tests - indeed, it was actually quite enjoyable, you just had to be quick.

The tough one was the 2nd one - or first one if you were at London. Quite a few difficult questions, very short time limit, I didn't finish all on that one so i randomly guessed a few.

I have no idea of how well or poorly i did compared to everyone else, so fingers crossed.

Good luck to all.

24th Mar 2009, 18:15
Hi everybody, i wish u all good luck, the guys from FRA, hope that you won't be disappointed. and all the best to the rest attending JNB assessment, indcluding me:E

24th Mar 2009, 21:32
applicants who have already attended ot going to attend, could yo enlighten me on how to study or prepeare for you assesment, because i have no clue how to prepeare for it.??,any suggestion woud be appretiated.


25th Mar 2009, 01:37
hey thanks aussie.:ok:

Leading Edge 7e7
25th Mar 2009, 06:44
flew back home this morning,
Just a feeling i think alot more people will pass this time around in FRA then they did in LHR as we were told at the end of the test on 23rd if you guys remember that more people have passed in one day of FRA assessment then the whole of London assessment .
which could means a tough competition at stage 2.

Kit Cloudkicker
25th Mar 2009, 07:15
Hallo PPRuNers - I am new here, but was an anonymous reader before... :rolleyes:

Therefore I first like to thank you guys (and girls!!) for all the information! It is was very helpful so far!!

I was in FRA yesterday as well. I have to say the first test was really bad for me. The time simply went out... And some questions... wow!

Even with the other tests going very well, I don't have the illusion that I have passed. But to prepare for next year already (since the program Etihad offers is just awesome) I would like to ask if anybody has been at the test last year already and is able to compare both tests?

Are the tests equally structured every year? Or are they even the same??

Would be happy for a short reply!

Thx a lot and to good times on PPRuNe!! :)

25th Mar 2009, 07:54
Leading edge,

Don't quote me on this but from what I understand from Ethiad, there are no set pass marks for the tests, except for one which must be passed. I believe from what they told us, they take top however many people from each coutries assessment. I could have understood them wrong though.

Anyone else have any ideas?


Kit Cloudkicker
25th Mar 2009, 08:30

Yesterday in FRA they told us we will receive an email telling us "Yes" or "No".

Sounds to me quite definite.

Kit Cloudkicker
25th Mar 2009, 08:35
... no "Maybe" reply as in LON...

25th Mar 2009, 12:53
they would invite everyone who passed to the second stage. I dont think its limited to the number of people. the second stage just got that much harder. good luck :uhoh:

25th Mar 2009, 13:55
Hi friends anybody please tell about assessment questions and how many are attend the assessment how ou are all guyz face the assessment

25th Mar 2009, 14:24
From what they said in London, there were no set pass marks in the tests except in one of them. From that, I understand it that they will therefore take the top however many percent in the tests.

Anyone else from London remember this?


25th Mar 2009, 14:27
Also Kit Cloudkicker,

I understand that its a definate yes or no, but I meant there is no definate pass mark, the way they make it out is the top however many percent will get a Yes, the rest a No.


25th Mar 2009, 14:27
Hello Majestic Mav

Thanks for replying to my email, I thought nobody would have. . .The time and effort taken was gladly appreciated, I think you're a genius man.I even tried posting an email to Quantas Airlines to help me with them but they didn't reply. . .

Once again your're a genius man.;):ok:

Leading Edge 7e7
25th Mar 2009, 15:19
They never mentioned anything like if there is a set pass or not but to me its a common sence to have one otherwise how would you know who did well? and as far as one particular test is concerned i dont think thats the case maybe, then what is the point of the other five tests in my view one test could never be the decisive one for the entire assessment what i understood was that there is one particular test that most people seems to have failed and if im not wrong you already know what test that might have been, for me i know for sure coz i found all the tests pretty easy as i did them one by one and said to myself that was not impossible even with the time pressure i had enough seconds left to go through the answers once again, but one of the test just blew me away i sat there dont know how many minutes after the test thinking what the hell just happened.
In the end they said overall result will be taken from all the six tests but i pretty much doubt it as to where the line will be drawn, i meant if they will consider pass in all six or pass in few of them, for instant if there are 20 guys pass all six i dont think guys with pass in five and failed the sixth one will be asked to come to abu dhabi but thats just an assumtion. nothing made the pass criteria very clear that day as they said all passed guys will be invited even if it is 50 so lets see.
as for you from london there is a small number going to abu dhabi but i wont be surprise if a big number turned up from frankfurt and competion will get tougher as someone said at the stage 2 so let there be a fight for 12 seats for june course.
Question comes to my mind is we are given a deferel option so let say 12 guys are selected and someone wants to defer it to a later date will they consider someone else who was at the stage 2 to fill the class or will they start with whatever is left ? i should have asked mathew then but with so much going on that day i didnt think about it .
Good Luck to everyone.
C89 i would probably meet you here in abu dhabi regardless i make it or not to share some thoughts.:ok:

25th Mar 2009, 17:22
yup I'm tending to believe the same as leading edge. If a lot of people did well in all but one of the tests I guess itll boil down to the last test. I would say that they would only pick people who passed all the exams from the frankfurt round. But frankly all I can do is wait and see. Also this also shows what can happen to the results even with so little information being handed out . Itll keep raising the bar and it wont be a fair test. If the london cadets were the second group they would also have done a better job. So please no one leak the test and to whoever is PM'ing me about the questions. Dont bother. Everyone should get the same oppertunity and there is plenty of information available on these forums...

ps thanks Tenacious. glad i could help.

25th Mar 2009, 18:30
I know it's hard but try and forget about it lads, you'll only drive yourself mad.

I experienced basically the same as you two but we have no idea of how they weight each exam, so who knows. These things are never perfect, but Etihad have been pretty sound offering us this chance, especially for free!

Focus on other parts of your flight training in the meantime. Maybe take an exam or whatever the next hurdle is in front of you so if the result isn't favorable, you'll still have momentum and won't get too down.

25th Mar 2009, 20:07
Hello Everyone,
I made yesterday the assessment inFRA, and I quite liked it...I felt it went ok, I managed to be quick enough to make almost all the questions, and I have to thank JobTest Prep UK to have me prepared for quickness and method of thought...
The first test, general knowledge, I think is quite impossible to finish unless you use a calculator. I made 24 questions out of 35 (I didn't make 25 because at the moment when I was going to tick the correct answer the Captain said pens down time's over)...

All the other tests were quite ok...I think everyone that went there managed to have a high average grade, but probably not high enough to achieve the objective set by them...They are right, there are so many candidates that they can let themselves choose only the best...fair enough, we were there to show them that we are better than they want us to be...only like that they can achieve the quality pilots they want us to be...I know I can be really good in this school, I know, that if I keep working hard like I did during my PPL training, I'll be the best student in the Horizon Academy...that's my objective, to be the best amongst the best of them all...but now we have a situation here, its all resumed to the 1st assessment phase...If I manage to be successful, I know where I want to reach in the end of my career...
But lets see...
Lets wait for 1 week for the yes or no email
Miguel Coelho

25th Mar 2009, 20:29
Hey C89 & LE7E7, if you wana meet...please PM me (if you don't mind), I would really like to do so...forget about the tests for now!!!, GOODLUCK :ok:

25th Mar 2009, 20:53
Cheers Malirm, that'd be great. Do you know what the day structure is like when we are out there from past experience?


26th Mar 2009, 01:12
m iam gooingto attend assessment in Jnb so please tell about the questions and how any are attend

26th Mar 2009, 02:49
I dont want to be rude but... You being very disrespectful!
Are you blind?!?
Stop asking the same question everyday! I dont think anybody will tell you what the questions are, so my advice to you is... Go hit the books, its not gonna be given to you on a silver plate!

26th Mar 2009, 03:25
The answer is.............. C!

Guys stop getting worked up over these people who ask for the answers, as you see they are mostly 1 post wonders and usually just filter out.

26th Mar 2009, 13:31
Hi there...about your Q...yes I do know what the day structure looks like :ugh:.

I just received a call from the Flight Academy telling me that they will postpone the flight training for 2 weeks or so...why, my friends' security passes are not ready yet! (I'm the ONLY one who's ready):ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

I think, I'm gonna go some where for ANOTHER Vacation!

Good Luck for FRA & JNB guys :ok:

26th Mar 2009, 14:00
I note text speak creeping back in.

You may want to go back through your messages and edit them - before we do.

26th Mar 2009, 17:04
Mission accomplished...please tell me if I have any other mistakes...:ok:

27th Mar 2009, 14:15
No Problem Majestic Mav

Can you tell me if these aptitude tests are answered on computer or on answer sheets?

27th Mar 2009, 19:52
Answer sheets..

david tharwat
28th Mar 2009, 18:55
Hi Majestic
can you tell me please the name of the aptitude tests

28th Mar 2009, 19:36
Hey David,

The names of the tests, are irrelevant to be honest about it...
but think what its important for a pilot in the middle east...
first think what is important for a pilot to have as qualities....

He needs to have good orientation, a pilot needs to know how to work with numbers, if we are going to the Middle East you need to know about what is the Middle East, and the countries that compose the middle east, which is a big list etc....

If you start using your own mind to know what a pilot needs to have as characteristics, you know what type of exams you might expect
I don't want to seem arrogant with my previous statement, because I'm not, and I intend to keep it that way...

The Captain responsible for the assessment, told us, and I completely agree with it,
that there is no gain in knowing what type of aptitude tests are going to come out...if you train yourself with aptitude tests that are free all over the internet, make IQ tests etc..., you'll be able to understand what kinds of tests are common to airlines, and you'll be able to work on them...but what matters here, this is mainly what they tested, the aptitude of the candidate to work under pressure...
In an emergency, there are over hundreds of people that will be screaming their guts out, you have to be the person upfront that leads everyone, the person that everyone will trust, and the only person aboard the airplane that will remain like if its a normal situation...
Before trying to be a pilot, try to see as well the consequences it implies, the way you'll have to start behaving yourself, because everything you'll learn, basically, is how to control the airplane in every possible condition that may occur in normal flight and emergencies...imagine that you are handflying an airplane, and suddenly you enter a huge bad looking cloud, and then when you look at the instruments you see the airplane is completely out of control, but you feel like the airplane is going straight...these are the kinds of things people need to start thinking of...


28th Mar 2009, 20:28
I'd 2nd say what Miguel said...:ok:

28th Mar 2009, 21:58
Yeah I agree too^. If you just do a little bit of research on what type of tests are common with airlines and use your common sense I'm sure you'll figure it out on your own. I understand everyone wants to get in but keep it fair.


david tharwat
29th Mar 2009, 15:40
I really appreciate your kind reply Migas and i would be pleased if you guide me to what type of general knowledge should i be aware of before my due date of assessment in july in Abu Dhabi !!


30th Mar 2009, 09:02
Hey guys.

Hope all r fine and less nervous than me. My gmail account is 24h on. :O I was in FRA on 23th.
Anybody got reply yet???

Good luck too u all :ok:

<<edit: flybug - your 1st message, so I'll leave you alone. Whilst I *do* wish to say "Welcome to PPRuNe", I must also say "NO txt spk".

"r" is written "are" and "u" is written "you".

Otherwise - hope you enjoy the forum.>>

30th Mar 2009, 12:22
well said miga..! and david if u really want to know about any aptitude test.. its easy if you google it.. just type what you are looking for and you can just click on to the web site containing it.. and theres no point on asking others about it couse it will be very unfair for those who have done the assesment earlier..

30th Mar 2009, 12:52
My bad.

I will put some effort in it. ;)
Thanks for welcome.

31st Mar 2009, 04:48
i am from Tamil Nadu how are you i read your post for you information visit the DGCA website for training academies in India but if you choose flying academies for obtain cpl you have to spend around Rs 30 laks ...

31st Mar 2009, 10:42
by the way, any one have idea this programme going to reborn?

31st Mar 2009, 11:24
Hey all, I am really saddened by this event. Did anyone else recieve this email as well?

Dear Candidate,

Due to the current economic climate Etihad Airways will be unable to conduct further cadet pilot assessments this year. We are therefore postponing the planned selections in New York, Toronto and Singapore until further notice.

We very much hope to resume the process in 2010, and will email each of you again towards the end of 2009 should this be the case to confirm your interest.

We are very sorry that the current climate has forced us into this position; however we at Etihad Airways remain optimistic about the future and look forward to hopefully resuming the assessment process in 2010.

Cadet Pilot
Recruitment Team

31st Mar 2009, 12:46
That is very bad news. So does that mean Sydney will be the last assessment for this year in June?

I have yet to receive any email about that particular assessment being cancelled, but you say 'Etihad Airways will be unable to conduct further cadet pilot assessments this year'.

Guess I'll get an email soon enough if that is the case. Sick of this economic :mad:

31st Mar 2009, 14:08

Bad news indeed, from my information JNB, SYD and AUH will still go ahead as they are very soon.
Lets hope for better things next year.

31st Mar 2009, 14:15

So as far as I can understand...Etihad has reduced the number of cadets they want to take this year...so if it was 25 cadets before...how many cadets will be taken then???

@ EYZ...when you said "as they are very soon", do you mean that Etihad is willing to advance/bring forward some of the assessment dates?...

31st Mar 2009, 14:57
Wow! This is horrible news. But I am sure I heard that they only wanted 12 candidates. I'm not too sure now. I hope this why they as taking this long releasing the Frankfurt results.


31st Mar 2009, 15:16
Hi all, indeed its a very sad news. I'm line up for the assessment this coming September in Singapore, though I have not receive the email. Looks like they are cutting out those assessment from August to October.

Well, hopefully things may get better and we shall wait for their next assessment and whether will be get recalled is another issue.

Heads up everyone.. :bored:

31st Mar 2009, 16:07
to be honest .....it sounds like a bad 1st-April joke,i mean there is sth wrong, e.g: Dear Candidate(i have NOT seen this expression in the 2 last E-mails...it was Dear applicant .... )and on the other hand ,it is not a matter of money,why??? just check this out :(according to wikipedia)

The airline has not made a profit since its inception, but expects to by 2010. Growth has never fallen below 40% a year. In its first 4 years, it doubled in size every 6 months, and has every year since. In the financial year 2008, Etihad carried 4.6 million passengers and 330,000 tonnes of cargo. International Air Transport Association (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Air_Transport_Association) (IATA) statistics indicate that in 2007 Etihad ranked among the top-ten airlines in the world in terms of growth since its inception in 2003.

so what do you think A340x?????:=:=:=

31st Mar 2009, 16:31
i did not recieve any email from them regarding postponing ny assesment, i sent them email regarding this and they sent me reply saying they will inform and give details one month before assesment. i am confused :confused:

31st Mar 2009, 16:57
The number of cadet places remains the same. I believe those that were to be looked at later this year were lined up for next years courses, as the current climate is unstable to plan for next year already is difficult I guess.
The courses for this year will be made from the 5 selections planned, as was always the plan, no changes, I am told.

31st Mar 2009, 17:31
Hi all,

Bad news. Here is the email I got from them.

Dear Candidate,

Due to the current economic climate Etihad Airways will be unable to conduct further cadet pilot assessments this year. We are therefore postponing the planned selections in New York, Toronto and Singapore until further notice.

We very much hope to resume the process in 2010, and will email each of you again towards the end of 2009 should this be the case to confirm your interest.

We are very sorry that the current climate has forced us into this position; however we at Etihad Airways remain optimistic about the future and look forward to hopefully resuming the assessment process in 2010.

Cadet Pilot
Recruitment Team

Leading Edge 7e7
31st Mar 2009, 17:52
what a blow
i didnt see that coming but lets hope for best and all those who were waiting for their turns will get a chance.
As for london and frankfurt i am still hoping things will go as planned and still could start the course this summer.
Best wishes to all.

31st Mar 2009, 18:26
Thanks EYZ for the info...I know that its a hard job to get some insider info from the sources!!!

Taking out 3 Cities will lead to less competition between the others...so, London/Frankfurt for Group 1...then, AUH/JNB/SYD (Group 2), say they are planning to take at least 12 for each group...so 24 is the Minimum No. of Cadets!!!

Now thats a goodluck for Group 2 Guys...hope you get much more lucky in the coming few months & goodluck for FRA guys...I think tomorrow is the day of results...:ok:

31st Mar 2009, 20:32
This email was "sent" suspiciously close to April's fools day. Although I've been waiting for such an email to be sent given the current economic crisis, I have a feeling it is some sort of joke. The same number cadets, but will only be chosen from 5 cities? I mean, assessments at 2 cities have been completed, why continue 3 more and then deciding that Toronto, New York and Singapore will be axed from the list? Look.. if Abu Dhabi is really affected by the crisis, they would not continue with the program altogether. Or minimize it. Having the same number of cadets that were originally planned, but taken from 3 fewer cities is somewhat suspicious. If that really is the case, and the people who completed assessments in London and Frankfurt, and the other 3 cities will indeed be enrolled in the cadet program, I find it extremely unfair. So all in all, as much as I was somewhat expecting this to happen, the timing and information given to us, or lack of information is pretty suspicious.

Please let it be an Aprils fools joke.

31st Mar 2009, 21:53
I am afraid it's not an April fools joke. Seems to be the real deal. It blows, but nonetheless it is true. Kind of unfair to the YYZ/JFK guys, but hopefully, the best you can hope for is they make sure they do the assessment in YYZ/JFK next year before they do the assessment in FRA/LHR.

Having said that, it sucks but whatcha-gonna-do :ugh:

31st Mar 2009, 23:52
Any results from FRA?