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View Full Version : Your ideal WRAF

20th Dec 2008, 20:30
Since some other thread has caused so much angst, I thought I'd try a more light hearted one - so, you have 10-odd billion £, you don't have to worry about 'shagging British' (although avoid straying out of NATO) and your brief is to create a good all purpose WRAF for the UK. See what you all come up with.

So, if you're bored - have a go! http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/thumbs.gif

I'll freely admit i'm no expert, but I believe a left field choice would be a particularly nice blond big breasted adminer from Conningsby for a Group shag WRAF - large breasted, capable of being refuelled by a team of five off rough carpets close to the main gate, good payload, yet with good looks and capable of looking after herself! Plus about half the cost of some nagging civvy bird from Doncaster,

20th Dec 2008, 20:56
So I guess that it would be non-PC to mention;
1. Legs
2. Walrus
3. Too lazy

20th Dec 2008, 21:19
Cheryl Cole with an imprest.

20th Dec 2008, 22:33
Any trim WRAF in flat shoes, stockings and a shapely ankle. Mmmmmmmm.

I just love 'em.

20th Dec 2008, 22:39
Shapely ankle?

So can you now get them with their legs on the right way up? :confused:

Or is that just the one shapely ankle? ;)

Laird 'o' Balmullo
20th Dec 2008, 22:49
Carlsberg don't make WRAFs but if they did......

They would not burst into tears on an ad hoc basis.
They would not write rosters to blatently suit themselves.
They would not explode upon the occasion of their twenty-fifth birthday,


on occasions, they would pitch up to work on time.

21st Dec 2008, 00:58
Just for BEags....


21st Dec 2008, 01:08
there is no such thing as they will sue for bigger tits or promotion

perfect waaf , no such thing

21st Dec 2008, 01:44
Perfect WRAF???? A divorced one. And the further away the better :}

21st Dec 2008, 07:58
My wife, I'm told. :hmm:

21st Dec 2008, 08:14
I could just give you a name but she'd be embarrassed!


22nd Dec 2008, 21:31

.....nowadays they fly as well ......


22nd Dec 2008, 21:39
Disgusting! Who showed her how to tie a Windsor knot? :rolleyes:

Was this a case of "Your office, WRAF's underwear inspection, at the double" whatever that old QR was? :E

23rd Dec 2008, 00:53

Grabbers specifically said 'flat shoes'......

And those who fly aren't WRAFs though, are they?

Aren't all of today's uniformed gals women members of the RAF, rather than members of the Women's RAF?

And if we're counting today's ladies, I have to say that the recent AFC winner ticks all the right boxes - if not as a pin up (which might well be degrading or demeaning), then surely as the 'ideal WRAF'.

She's clearly a brave and consumate professional aviator (aviatrice?), so she'd be a valued colleague and comrade, and an asset to her squadron, I'm sure. I'd like to buy her a beer and shake her by the hand.

And (this light-hearted thread aside) isn't the 'ideal WRAF' someone whose gender doesn't matter, but who gets the job done without fuss or favour?

23rd Dec 2008, 07:26

the thread is not about their flying skills.... more about their blowing skills. To that end, not bothered whether they are pilot or pen-pusher. We want someone pretty, dirty and who doesn't like eating much.

End of.

23rd Dec 2008, 07:47

Yes of course, fliers (and all females) are RAF these days, since about 1985 IIRC. For some reason lady doctors were always RAF and not WRAF, as one grumpily told me once ....

....... and MG, to whom I guess you are referring, is DFC, not AFC - can't think of a female AFC ...... yet.

...... and to complete this issue of Pedants' Corner, surely Section Officer Harvey, whom you depict, was WAAF not WRAF, which came later (and of course earlier too!).

.... but I hope nobody is too serious on this thread. ;)

23rd Dec 2008, 08:51
For what it's worth I reckon recent DFC winning 'MG' has great things in front of her.:ok:

Pilot Pacifier
23rd Dec 2008, 11:57

23rd Dec 2008, 12:49
without sounding crude and rude, any instances of the above picture worn by real life serving female personnel in the RAF!!

23rd Dec 2008, 13:00
Thought there was a post by ML;T just now?

23rd Dec 2008, 13:03
Not sure i've ever seen a good looking one. A very apt magazine title:


23rd Dec 2008, 17:39
The Cpl later received a good dressing down!



23rd Dec 2008, 18:17
Now that's one fizzer I would like to be in on :ok:

23rd Dec 2008, 19:11
The ideal WRAF/Woman (Not necessarily the same thing from my experience)

How about.....

Standard model features include:

• Around four foot tall with long shapely legs right up to the waist.
• Dispense with the torso and mount a pair of tits at the front of the arse and perch the head on top of this, so still retaining all the necessary fun features.
• To this add a flat spot on the top of the head to rest your beer whilst playing. :E

Sports model options:

• Pull-out ears
• Fold in teeth.

Works for me every time. :ok:

OK I'll get my coat.

Merry Crimbo everyone.