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View Full Version : MUAC versus FABEC

george C.
20th Dec 2008, 18:30

Can anyone explain me what is happening in Europe ... or at least the skies over europe...

MUAC is controlling upper area, I presume... but what 's FABEC then ... ( six states ...)



20th Dec 2008, 19:57
muac is working in present. fabec will be started in the near future.

as i understood

21st Dec 2008, 11:13
well,it's very simple.

MUAC is responsible for ATC above FL250 on the airspace of belgium netherlands,luxembourg and a part of northern germany.

Fabec is a project that involves also france and switzerland (plus the remaining oart of germany) to improve ATC and ATM (i.e. shorter routes,less delays,common systems and so on...)

u can always have a look at FABEC - Home (http://www.fab-europe-central.eu/fab/english/home/index.html)

21st Dec 2008, 11:43

what's not clear from the site is where Eurocontrol fits in once FABEC gets implemented. Is it just a strong collaboration, will it mean an expansion of MUAC's responsabilities, will it be absorbed by a larger organisation ... ?

21st Dec 2008, 13:50
honestly,I have no idea....:eek:

23rd Dec 2008, 20:54
Isn't Maastricht is a type of FAB already? My guess is the Maastricht area will grow in the future.

24th Dec 2008, 19:39
Put very roughly, FABEC is about blobbing up civil ACCs and sectors without recourse to sovereign borders or the existing plethora of sectors/coordinations and equipments currently needed. So, I guess MUAC controls something akin to a FAB today. Whether or not FABs are a driver for SES or vice versa is a bit of a moot point but Maastrict's AOR will be subsumed or expanded to meet the future requirement. Hope it works..............

Spuds McKenzie
25th Dec 2008, 16:36
fabec will be started in the near future


Near...don't think so.
