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View Full Version : Alex Henshaw Commemorative Banquet - Please Read.

14th Dec 2008, 13:46
In February next year, the Guild of Air Pilots is holding a Banquet to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Alex Henshaw's 1939 record-breaking Cape Flights.

A pioneer from the golden age of flying, Henshaw flew his tiny Mew Gull from London to Cape Town and back (over West Africa including 1300 miles across the Sahara) with no radio and no navigation aids except a compass.
His solo/single-engine records to and from Cape Town, and for the round trip, are still unbroken after 70 years!

Henshaw went on to become one of the most famous Spitfire Test Pilots - who also barrel-rolled a Lancaster for fun! - but he was always a civvy.

Date: 5th February 2009
Venue: 'Milestones of Flight' gallery, RAF Museum (Hendon)
Guests of Honour -
Richard Noble OBE: Former world land speed record holder
Wg Cdr Andy Green OBE: Current world land speed record holder

The Banquet is a fund-raising event – the theme being 'Youth in Aviation'. There will be a charity Auction and Raffle of various exciting 'aviation experiences that money can't (normally) buy'.

Guild members and guests: £95.65 (£110.00 incl Vat) per head.

Non-Guild members: £126.09 (£145.00 incl Vat) per head.

It's not cheap - but it is for a lavish Banquet rather than a Dinner and includes a champagne reception beforehand and wine & vintage port with dinner.

Who is up for a table for ten from pprune?

19th Dec 2008, 09:02
Doubt I'll be able to go due home commitments :{; though I really think people should, who can.

C'mon guys, how about it? :ok: I'd really love to go but I can't and we need someone there to do a report for us saddos stuck at home.

19th Dec 2008, 15:08
Sounds a great idea - am up for it but where's the venue?

Alex Henshaw's books well worth reading!

19th Dec 2008, 15:38
Venue: 'Milestones of Flight' gallery, RAF Museum (Hendon)

19th Dec 2008, 21:36
I was planning on going anyway so could I join your table BRL?



PS - since the VAT cannot be reclaimed, the costs shouldn't be quoted ex VAT - and I promise not to bore you with any more tax!

24th Dec 2008, 13:13
I would like to attend this. If pprune are doing a table please PM me with details of how I can sign up and pay. I live in Europe so have no UK cheque book etc, perhaps bank transfer ?


p.s. What about the navigators ? ;)

24th Dec 2008, 13:36
p.s. What about the navigators ?

.......more than welcome but they have to make their own way there!

Not sure regarding a pprune table, it's not worth it unless there are 10 people going but I will make some inquiries.

13th Jan 2009, 14:33
The dinner has now been cancelled by the organisers, GAPAN, due to lack of interest (other than PPruners, presumably). Shame, as I was looking forward to it.


13th Jan 2009, 14:55
The dinner has now been cancelled by the organisers, GAPAN, due to lack of interest (other than PPruners, presumably). Shame, as I was looking forward to it.

Pity, perhaps they should have another go with more lead time - or we could organise one ourselves - why not a PPrune Dinner/Dance ? Sounds like we could have a great party - invite a guest speaker etc!

14th Jan 2009, 11:56
we have - they were called the Gatbashm:)


Flying Lawyer
15th Mar 2009, 18:38
A number of reasons unfortunately made it impossible to proceed with the Hendon banquet.
However, the Guild's Cape Town commemoration was an outstanding success.

I've posted a report and pictures on the Alex Henshaw thread in the AH&N forum:

Henshaw Commemoration Cape Town (http://www.pprune.org/aviation-history-nostalgia/265662-alex-henshaw-rip-2.html)


15th Mar 2009, 19:49
we have - they were called the Gatbashm

Yes but what about us lot north of Watford..or even the River Trent?