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View Full Version : 21st Century Aircrew Trade Union

22nd Nov 2008, 11:50
Two airline pilots and one retired airline pilot set up the trade union in April 2003 and entered on the list of trade unions under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. The rule book had to approved by the Certification Officer.

The maximum membership was twelve and our sole aim was to assist members, and sometimes non-members, who found themselves in difficulties with their employers and we had full right of audience at formal disciplinary hearings. We freely gave our spare time and never claimed any wages. The only outlays were for postage, web services, training courses with ACAS and mileage at 20p a mile.

The fees were £50.00 per annum and the money was held in a no interest - no charge account, requiring two signatures for every cheque. Accounts were prepared, audited at the end of every calendar year, and circulated to all members. The form AR21, the Annual Return for a Trade Union, together with a copy of the accounts and rule book, had to be sent to the Certification Office annually. This was a legal requirement.

Legislation and the passage of time has meant that our membership dwindled to the extent that we have just three left, the Chairman, Treasurer and the Secretary. We have had no enquiries or reqests for services for over a year.

Under clause 22.1 of the union rules, which can be read on our website, we have decided to close the union down. Under the rules the assets are to split equally amongst the remaining members.

We decided at the outset that our aim was to provide a service and not make money. To this end we have decided to donate the assets of the union to Cancer Research UK.

They will shortly receive a cheque for £1,355.08.

Best regards


22nd Nov 2008, 12:09

What a terrible shame. How is it that I, and I suspect thousands of others, didn't know that your organisation existed?

The UK industry has for so long needed an viable alternative to BALPA; who exploit their monopoly despicably.

Is it to late?

P.s having experienced IPA/F "representation" I don't consider it a viable alternative.

22nd Nov 2008, 15:50
I confess to knowing nothing of your efforts, which is a shame. Well done on all, however. Did you post the info here?

22nd Nov 2008, 20:32
Yes, and we had the usual c**p from certain sections of the aviation community which is why I made a completely open statement of our initial aims and objects and our decision to donate our assets to charity!


Little Blue
23rd Nov 2008, 13:13
Good on yer Pete.
You were always a pleasure to dispatch at EMA.
I admire your efforts and the donation of funds to charity.
Well done all.

25th Nov 2008, 09:54
Many thanks for those kind words
