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View Full Version : The second worst ATC provider - after NATS

Lon More
11th Nov 2008, 19:26
From "the world's most expensive patio" threadYou are of course very welcome to start your own thread on whatever ATC subject matter you like and around any service provider:{

ok. let's try this. Who provides the worst service / is worst employer / etc..Wonder how long before the hounds start baying for its removal?:ugh:

11th Nov 2008, 19:45
Bora Bora TWR/APP,
They do not want to give me a job,there.:E

11th Nov 2008, 22:20
ok i will say it..... provision i still think nats staff in the UK will top most pilots opinions, follwed by euro.
worst company to work for...... NATS in the last few years for so many reasons.... but the main one is forgetting what it does on the tin... AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL.

11th Nov 2008, 22:45
You're all deluded if you think NATS are the worst company to work for. We're probably one of the best off out there.

The question, however, is how long will it last?

11th Nov 2008, 23:15
they were.... its a slippery slope to the bottom and present management are seeing to that.

12th Nov 2008, 00:05
The question, however, is how long will it last?

this is a good question. i would guess not too much longer. employees are the difference between well managed average companies and well managed great companies.
nats has great employees at the moment, but we seem to be the only ats provider that is reducing our t's and c's across the globe for said great employees.
no-one in their right mind would move to the uk to work for nats right now. But we lose many every year to different countries.
When staff shortages worsen and morale drops, so will the standard of service provision. nobody gives their best when they are miserable.

12th Nov 2008, 10:12

You might be getting a great service from UK air traffic controllers (and thanks for saying so), but the title of this thread is valid.

NATS is like a swan cruising serenely along a pond. What's on top looks OK, but the crap going on under the surface is something you don't want to be thinking about.


12th Nov 2008, 10:13
Airservices Australia easily the "best" ANSP...

So altruistic they are ensuring the staff shortages around the world are solved by exporting Australia's controllers for free!.

So altruistic that the Australian public are exposed to approximately 100 TIBAs and Restricted Traffic NOTAMS a month....makes other third world airspace seem downright safe.

AsA does the initial training, invests years getting each controller well experienced then "encourages" them to work ridiculous hours and refuses to pay market rates thus ensuring "Gday Bruce" is heard the world over.

Don't believe me...Check this out!

YouTube - Crisis! (http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=tIc3_dltkvI)

But hey, what you say about NATS these days could mean they are second best??

Me Me Me Me
12th Nov 2008, 11:34
I'm afraid anyone who thinks NATS is a poor employer and feels hard done by needs to spend a little time in the real world.... absolute bull****

12th Nov 2008, 13:42
The Ministry of Defence?

12th Nov 2008, 17:13
I'm afraid anyone who thinks NATS is a poor employer and feels hard done by needs to spend a little time in the real world.... absolute bull****

if i could get a transfer to nats starbucks i might change my mind.
There is a VERY short list of things that i wouldn't do for a double mocha choca espresso with a triple shot of natsnet

throw a dyce
12th Nov 2008, 17:35
I have worked for Serco,Hong Kong CAD,and Nats in a well Cra:mad:ped on Band 2 unit,and I reckon Nats are the 3rd best.By a long way.:}
Maybe the real world is better than Nats imagines.:eek:

12th Nov 2008, 17:37
if you could get one of those willy wonka style drinks for doing a second sector, that would be more than we are paid to do it now.

12th Nov 2008, 17:45
NATS like to think they're the best because they "liberate and inspire" people...hold on, :yuk:, thats better.....the amount of people off to the Middle East says otherwise I think.

Standard Noise
12th Nov 2008, 18:08
They have liberated people. They've given them lots of lovely ratings so they can go and play in the sandpit!:}

12th Nov 2008, 19:24
Even after april 09 (big pension day) NATS will still offer the best terms and conditions/pay in the UK, I agree with MMM that anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.

I work at a UK regional airport and I earn less than I would at a comparable post within NATS, but I live in a very nice area, have a very nice house and standard of living, it's only a 20 minute hassle free journey to work and I thoroughly enjoy the job.
I could easily get a job with NATS, but I'd probably have to move or face a lengthy commute, in theory not have a choice where I worked, face a devaluation in standard of living and general lifestyle, consequently, I ain't going anywhere. the majority of non NATS atco's are probably in the same boat.

It's often been said that if ATCOs had nothing to moan about, they'd moan about it and that applies to the NATS whingers far more than any whinging ATCOs outwith NATS, largely because they know they're on to a far better thing than will ever be available outside the organisation.

12th Nov 2008, 19:33
they're on to a far better thing than will ever be available outside the organisation.

true in the uk

Tower Ranger
13th Nov 2008, 12:06
Hey Standard!

And at least Nats liberated you from the " Technically Superb " deep joy you experienced at Belfast City!!

13th Nov 2008, 12:11
Seems to me there are at least 3 different threads running in this one:

1) Who provides the best air traffic service?
2) Which ATS provider is the best run & therefore most enjoyable to work for
3) Which ATS provider has the best pay and T&C

Dances with Boffins
14th Nov 2008, 13:51
Seems to me there are at least 3 different threads running in this one:

1) Who provides the best air traffic service?
2) Which ATS provider is the best run & therefore most enjoyable to work for
3) Which ATS provider has the best pay and T&C

To which the standard reply will be:-

1) I am [ATCOs are not the most modest of people..:E]
2)Any employer apart from the one I currently work for [Throw can have 3 goes at answering this one]
3)Hopefully the one to whom I am currently applying.

Ask 3 ATCOs for an opinion - get at least 4 answers.:ok:

I'll get me coat.