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View Full Version : Closed Threads Complaint.

7th Sep 2001, 14:44
Why have the following threads been closed:

Gatwick go around
Hijackers Trial in Saudi
ATR 72 emr landing in BOH
Thai Airways resignations?

They do not seem to have been moved, are not derogatory and seem appropriate for the Rumours and News forum.

Are our moderators geting trigger happy?

[ 07 September 2001: Message edited by: autobrakemedium ]

Crosswind Limits
7th Sep 2001, 14:52
Yes very valid point Autobrakemedium! I am more curious than most as I started one of the topics mentioned that was then abruptly closed. On the face of it I can't think of a good reason either!!??

7th Sep 2001, 15:06
I think you will notice, if you look, that in the case of the Thai Airways resignations, there were TWO threads identically worded on the same subject. They WILL ALWAYS get closed. Quite right too.

The others were probably moved to an appropriate forum. You can check that out by opening them to see where they have been moved to.

Wasting space on an already over stretched server is not good for it - you, me or Danny.
He pays the massive bill!

7th Sep 2001, 17:48
I take your point on the Thai thread if that is the case, but the others have no indication that they have been moved.

7th Sep 2001, 18:10
You're right, autobrake medium ... give me a little while to communicate with some of the other admins/moderators, and I'll find out what happened with those threads. If they've been closed in error, I'll see about getting them re-opened. If they've been moved, we'll edit the locked post to show where they went.

7th Sep 2001, 19:00

I'm not sure who closed the threads but I would comment as follows:

Saudi Hijacker thread is probably relevent and should be left open unless it degenerates into Xenophobia or racist comments

Go-around in Gatwick is certainly not rumours or news and is just a waste of space

ATR in Bournmouth is over a year old

The Thai resignations is covered on another thread.


7th Sep 2001, 19:10
I was one of the posters of the Thai Airways Thread, as happens in a busy forum such as this, someone else (SLF in this case) posted the same news from the same source at the same time. I didn't realise until later otherwise I would have deleted mine.

Having said that, it does appear to me that there are a lot of threads being closed/moved although this is probably a result of PPRUNE being so successful rather than 'content control' by the various moderators.

Raw Data
8th Sep 2001, 02:49
You can't help but smile, can you... :rolleyes:

The next time you feel moved to complain, take a moment to consider how much you pay for this service, and how much effort you put into running it. If the answer to those two questions is "nothing" and "none", I can't really see what you are "complaining" about...

Capt PPRuNe
8th Sep 2001, 03:10
I closed some of the threads yesterday because of the reasons mentioned by some of the other moderators. I have editorial contro of this website and I have to decide what stays and what gets moved elsewhere or deleted. I very rarely delete a thread and even then we retain a copy in our admin forum.

GO-around threads are invariable boring and a waste of time unless there was something exceptional about it. Too many spotters want to know and this is not a spotters website.

I have been running PPRuNe for over six years and grown it from a single forum to what it is now and without that kind of editorial control it would just be like so many other forums where everything just degenerates and nothing makes any sense. I will continue to take editorial control and some of you will not like all the decisions that I make but someone has to make them if you want to continue using PPRuNe as it is.

If anyone is not happy with an editorial control there is a 'contact us' link at the bottom of every page and you can use that to contact us. We do reply to EVERY query eventually. WHat I will not let happen is have this forum used as a sounding board for anyone who can't be bothered to make their complaint directly to me. It is a Rumours & News forum and this thread like many others is going to be moved. In this case to the Aircrew Notices forum.

After a long day on the flight deck I do not need to come back to this kind of thread.