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View Full Version : is this too ambitious??? possible 5 airfields in 1 day on south coast

23rd Oct 2008, 23:22
Continuing with the hours or shall I say experience building, I'm currently thinking of a 3 day trip with 2 friends down from Scotland to the south coast in the following few weeks.

current plan for the friday:

EGPK - Gloucestershire
Gloucestershire - Compton Abbas
Compton Abbas - Old Sarum

the headache really comes when I think about where we want to go on the saturday and this is where any advice/help is greatly appreciated!

Is it too ambitious, if we had decent weather, early departure from Old Sarum to go to:

Old Sarum - Bembridge (quick turn round)
Bembridge - Chichester/Goodwood (again quick turn round)
Chichester/Goodwood - Shoreham (is it poss to do customs here???)
Shoreham - Lydd or L2K
Lydd/L2K - Rochester

If it is too ambitious, I might be able to add an extra day on to the trip, but would really like to log the above mentioned airfields.

Cheers to all replies that follow. :ok:

24th Oct 2008, 05:51
Try five major airports in one day..........

YouTube - 5 Airports 1 Flight (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5eY2oEg0Rw)

24th Oct 2008, 06:29
I'd have thought lack of daylight might be more a factor!! It's going to be dark at 1730 now!



24th Oct 2008, 09:50
Not too ambitious....at PA28 speeds.....

Compton Abbas to Old Sarum is < 15 mins
Old Sarum to Bembridge is 30 mins
Bembridge to Goodwood would be about 15 mins
Goodwood to Shoreham would be about 15 mins
30 mins to Lydd ?

24th Oct 2008, 14:22
It is too ambitious!

Well it is if you are trying to get anything out of it other than the names in your logbook.

From memory some of these fields have some pretty interesting aircraft based at them - but you will have no time to look. One has a have decent cafe - but you will have no time for a cup of tea.

Several have busy circuits which will double the time to land and get airborne.

None are particularly quick in terms of parking, paying, fuelling and launching off again.

So it can be done, but you'll miss a lot of the fun.

24th Oct 2008, 15:53
thanks for the replies guys,

I understand there is a lot to see at these airfields, I'll try my hardest to get an extra day off to make it a 4 day trip. After reading reviews in pilot and flyer about these airfields I'd love to visit them before I depart with the life savings for the CPL and I.R

If I do make it a 4 day trip - can I do customs at shoreham or proceed to Lydd to do it from there?


24th Oct 2008, 18:11
You can certainly 'do' customs from Shoreham, or indeed from any UK airfield (including farm strips) for a trip to France. Just fill in the GAR, fax it off, then go fly. Dont forget to file your flight plan and activate with London Info if departing from a non-ATC airfield/airstrip though!

24th Oct 2008, 18:26
Well, it's probably a bit ambitious in a Vulcan...sorry, get me coat...

Why not have a go for Le Touq , then up to Calais, back to Goodwood perhaps, then decide depending on time/light?

24th Oct 2008, 18:27
In other words - and I think Mariner is saying this - you don't need to let UK customs know when you're going to France. But you will need to clear French customs on arrival in France. However, UK Customs will be quite devastated if you don't let them know when you're returning. So if returning to Rochester, which I don't think is a customs airfield (but do check, as my memory may be at fault), you'll need to fill in a GAR and give 4 hours notice.
So it's actually easier to leave from Rochester and return to a customs airport, ie Manston or Lydd. But not that big a deal either way.

Check the above as I wrote it from memory...and my memory is crap, and I haven't been to France for a couple of years or so.

28th Aug 2011, 19:07
I know its a totally different bag, but I just like posting this because its so bloomin awesome........... Steve Slade, 114 airfields in a day............

.............BMAA Forum (http://forums.bmaa.org/default.aspx?f=24&m=34042&g=101100)

28th Aug 2011, 20:32
Blimey!! :eek: Whirls and Whirly both in the same thread - must be a first for years! :}

29th Aug 2011, 18:14
Look at the dates :)

29th Aug 2011, 22:20
.............Oh - yep. :O

30th Aug 2011, 16:54
But I'm still around, and Whirls certainly is, so...it might even happen again. Glad you all even remember who I am.:ok:

30th Aug 2011, 17:14
Could we ever forget? :) Nice to see you back! :ok:

1st Sep 2011, 12:19
I never really left. I just got a life and stopped posting non-stop :) Now I just check in from time to time.