View Full Version : What would you do?

17th Oct 2008, 20:55

Remember those job adverts to join NATS en-route?

If a job was offered at TC, would I be mad to turn it down?

I have a final salary pension, what precisely is happening with yours (short version please)? I wish to know whether new employees would be offered the same or similar benefits you all enjoy?

This is a serious post and I think NATS employees might be interested in whether non-NATS experienced controllers would even bother to apply in the future?

18th Oct 2008, 16:52
Pension - NATS is proposing that new entrants are placed on a defined contributions scheme which will be comparable with the best in the country. Provided it is voted for by the staff, new entrants will mean those starting either after Jan 1st 2009 or 1st Apr 2009 - I can't remember but I'm sure someone will confirm. Those that join prior to the effective date will join the current defined benefit scheme. The new proposals to change this scheme are quite complicated and I suggest you get the guide book on it before you make your decision - the most controversial element is to limit future pensionable pay to RPI + 0.5%.

As for everything else I suppose it depends where you are now and what you get. There's no doubt that it's a nice working environment, a good area to live in, is paid well and an interesting and exciting place to work.

18th Oct 2008, 17:07
1st April is the cut off in the present proposal.