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View Full Version : Tip off FBI, not FAA

23rd Dec 2001, 22:41
Today's St. Louis Post Dispatch has a Scripps Howard News Service article that is titled "Flight school was more alert than officials".

The article is mainly about how a flight instructor alerted the FBI about a terrorist student last August. It resulted in an immediate arrest. The suspect was charged last week.

Also in the article is something to raise one's blood pressure. The same school's Phoenix office "called the Federal Aviation Administration early this year about another student - Hani Hanjour, who was believed to be the pilot of the plane that flew into the Pentagon on Sept. 11. The school raised questions about Hanjour's limited ability to speak English, the universal language of aviation."

So far so good. Now we get to the FAA response.

"An FAA representative sat in on a class to observe Hanjour, who was from Saudi Arabia, and discussed with school officials finding an Arabic-speaking person to help him with his English."

Another fine job by our FAA. Is it conceivable that 9 11 may have been prevented had the school contacted the FBI instead of the FAA?

The link to the complete article is below. It probably will wrap. If so, then I will edit this post.

<a href="http://home.post-dispatch.com/channel\pdweb.nsf/TodaySunday/86256A0E0068FE5086256B2B003B4040?OpenDocument&PubWrapper=A-section" target="_blank">http://home.post-dispatch.com/channel\pdweb.nsf/TodaySunday/86256A0E0068FE5086256B2B003B4040?OpenDocument&PubWrapper=A-section</a>