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View Full Version : Cessna Reims 172- Any Opinions

15th Oct 2008, 14:46

Been looking at a Cessna Reims 172 for some Private Flying, has anyone here have some opinions? It will be operated from Naiobi 5,200ft altitude and I wanted to know if the 210hp version would be suitable or of anyone has any experience with this AC at altitude airports. Am I correct in assuming that useful load is 400kg?


15th Oct 2008, 16:43
First, suggest you post the question in the African Forum. Second, I think you should be ok with the 210hp version. Only flown 182s around Africa myself, but there's probably not a huge difference in powerloading between an old 230hp 182 and the 172 you are proposing. The 182 got me out of all kind of strips (dirt, sand, etc) at similar altitudes w/o problems. Just do your DA calculations.


PS: come to think of it I did once fly a bog-standard 172 out of Midrand (I think, can't quite remember, was somewhere in the Pretoria area) on a 30C+ day. Used up a lot of rwy.... :eek: Then again, that probably was the 160hp model

Fright Level
16th Oct 2008, 10:19
I flew a 172 out of Wilson with Denise (99's Flying Club) many years ago. I asked if there was a 500 foot rule in Kenya, she said, "just don't hit any trees or giraffes" :)

Sorry can't answer your question but your post brought back memories.