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View Full Version : ppl in Czeck Republic

13th Oct 2008, 00:39
I was thinking of going to Florida to do the ppl. Unfortunately at the moment I cannot get the 3-4 weeks to go there. I was then then thinking of doing it in the uk but between working long hours and things to do and wind(+cancelled lessons) and travelling to and from the aerodrome it will take forever

I am now thinking of going to Europe for 1-2 weeks at a time

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts about learning to fly in the Czech Republic at either of these places

Fly For Fun | Letecká ?kola Fly For Fun (http://www.flyforfun.cz) or Flight school Flying Academy - professional flight training (http://www.euro-pilot.com/)

or where would be recomended to do it in Europe


13th Oct 2008, 09:12
First of all it's Czech Republic.

It is a good school. I used to live near by there, when I lived in Poland. I was there quite a few times as my cousin was studying there. He said it was a really good school, has amazing instructors and good aircrafts. The prices aren't that bad there is well. :E


Plus weather.. is reallly goood. Same as in Poland, so you won't have to cancel your lessons all the time. :8

13th Oct 2008, 17:19
heya i might be albe to help you with this one.

Im half czech and spend abt 3 months of the year there. In june i wanted to continue flying (after getting my ppl recently in the uk) whilst being abroad.

So I checked fly for fun out and flying academy. Firstly fff is based abt 30-45mins north of prague on a grass strip.They have an archer ,c150 and some "zephers"(microlights). All seemed well maintained however the instructors english was about 4/10. Now the winter months are setting in they conduct night training from the field using temporary lights.
One point id like to make is that i met an english guy on my visit there, he said that the training was good, accomodation cheap and the place really had a club feel- lots of campfire sing alongs etc etc! BUT i would add that you need a car to get supplies and get around due to its remoteness, something he neglected to budget into the overall price...... maybe the price saving wasnt as great after all:ugh:

Secondly, Academy is based in Kleby, basically Prague. They do commercial training as well and as youd expect are a little bigger. They do ppls too however you may need to book ahead as the c150s arent based there. They seemed more organised as you would hope for a com school.

Overall, academy has the cheepest price for a SEP ppl in cz, FFF has zephers which are a bit cheeper ~£85ph but hours dont count. ie you cant hour build to get additional licences.

There is another few clubs around cz , but for me based in Prague these were the closest. One final point do not be like me and expect to pay much less for a ppl in cz than the uk, unfortuanately it seems that times past.

Additionally if anyones reading this who knows of a club i missed or could point me in the direction of a reasonably priced club please get in

Hope i could be of help:ok:

SS aka Nick

13th Oct 2008, 21:39
Another very fine place in Czech Republic is DSA (http://www.dsa.cz/en/) in Hradec Kralove. This is where I converted my old Russian license to JAA. I selected them among several schools I visited or called for their very businesslike attitude - unlike many others, they are very helpful and don't expect you to prod them to get what you want. They are also relatively inexpensive - not the cheapest in the country, but they teach you in a Cessna 172 for a price other schools charge for a Cessna 150 (currently about 155 euros / 120 pounds per hour). Their fleet is in excellent condition (after all, DSA is also a Cessna distributor for Czech and Slovak Republics). The aerodrome is wonderful - it's an old Air Force base, with a 2400 m concrete runway and an 800 m grass one, with very little traffic at or around it, so you won't have to wait. They also provide quasi-free accommodation right on the aerodrome for the duration of your training. And they are wonderful people, too...
They do all types of training, PPL to ATPL, fixed wing or helicopters, and they have more types in the fleet than any other flight school in the country - Cessna 172, Zlin 226, Zlin 142, Piper Seneca, Beach King Air C90, Cessna CitationJet 525, Schweizer 300/300CB, AS355, EC120 and EC135, plus a few others mothballed.

11th Feb 2009, 19:20
Aviation business runs the same everywhere :)

IO540 (100% Czech :) )

12th Feb 2009, 02:52
daria: First of all it's Czech Republic.
Who cares? Should we fight everytime cheque is spelt/spelled as check?
Or when Americans/Brits can't say plural of French or Latin words used in English?

I better check out cheeky chatty chuckling chic Czech girls when in Czech R again. Quite a few of these in Hegre Art or Met Art portfolios :p :ok:

IO540, I wouldn't have guessed! I presumed you're native Brit from your posts and experience (that I could fathom reading your posts).

12th Feb 2009, 08:30
No, I was 12 when we came to the UK, 1969 (along with half the country :) ).

13th Feb 2009, 01:47
Only those (and few with kids) who felt like they can't live in such political oppression. You had better start. 10 years (of life) sooner than me.
My life would have been quite different. Well, well.
You're only 20ish % Czech now, having lived ~80% of your life in the UK, no? :hmm:

I think FFF advertises now for FI for branch opening in Hradec Kralove.

21st Feb 2009, 18:14
so Mr pigswillfly...u sound just like sumone i know very well...
dont **** where u used to eat...
Flying Acadamy might not be heaven on earth but theyre doin a fine job and the best argument is that im still there gettin my ATPL CPL/IR...so there..
flying in czech rep is excellent...people r very responsible and they have a great amount of flying experience even in the smallest of airfields...and there r over 100 airfields in cze...
ive chosen a school in czech rep just because of this...and their relative low traffic..relaxed controllers combined with plenty of vfr space and lots of airstrips..
Flying Academy has 2 bases..one in Letnany near Prague and second in Brno...which provides excellent training in intl airport..
and they r willing to get most students graduated with the min hours...so training is proper and fair...

and u on the other side...u got a good deal out of Flying Academy and sneaked out...ur problems catchin up with u or what?

7th Mar 2009, 05:49
you're doing your frozen ATPL or whatever, and you just happened to register on PPRuNe and post that above. Uhmm.

I gather that the said person was repeatedly below professional standards, it was known in company and was sacked only after some faux-pas and police arrest? Too much to hush, maybe. Or simply suspended/revoked licence as it should be if real.
Anyway, this is nothing compared to one 'season' of policemen driving drunk whether on or off duty and killing or maiming people on the roads in Slovakia. I remember that year, 17 'confirmed kills' in such circumstances withing 6 months or so. Members of Police Force. :ugh: That's the ones that ended up badly and made it to stats and news for that matter. Tip of iceberg. Hope things are better nowadays.

Sadly, condoning inexcusable habits and behaviour in professions where it does not belong, has been common.

7th Mar 2009, 07:05
Good old communist habits die hard, evidently ;)

10th Mar 2009, 22:19
i didnt just happen to register and post the mentioned comment...
i registered cos i wanted to get the facts straight...honestly i wouldnt have replied...im not a regular on pprune...some friends told me about this thread...this forum seems the kinda place where u could easily spend ur nights away...but im resisting temptation...

yeah so the 'instructor' were talkin bout has probably ended his short flying career...at least in czech republic...thats set..

again talkin bout Flying Academy things have been sorted out since his departure and all seems to follow a steady path of constant improving...

i can stand by the argument where 'good old communist habits die hard'...
and i can say that there r quite a number of good reasons to those habits still lingering...or i wouldnt enjoy eastern europe as much...some ppl might agree here;)..and im not czech

11th Mar 2009, 01:59
i can say that there r quite a number of good reasons to those habits still lingering...or i wouldnt enjoy eastern europe as much...
or rather, enjoying friendliness and hospitality etc, no?
I talked in general, didn't mention any names, anything as certainty etc. I can't, anyway. I'd head elsewhere in CR (hopefully, definitely maybe) later to do CPL+FI module/LST. Plus some fun flying around the world beforehand.
While we may take it with nonchalant attitude, there's no reason some practices should be condoned or even glorified.

And I thought cheap and good beer (+girls) is the main reason to head/stay over :)

Talking on subject, I find FA's rates bit too dear for my budget plans.
FFF should have a Brit or Irish guy on staff for those who want native speaker.
Coming to think of it, I'd prefer aviation English in CR. After all the past and future training/data cramming in English and soon Spanish, ehm. I'd have to get used to aviation Czech.

11th Mar 2009, 02:10
MartinCh, at DSA (and at AFIS in Hradec Kralove) almost everyone speaks good English.

11th Mar 2009, 07:44
If one is doing a PPL and one wants to fly outside ones home country then one has to do it where they (school and ATC) speak English.

12th Mar 2009, 05:10
cheers anton,
I just don't fancy aviation Czech. Not a problem for chatting about most of stuff. DSA would be nice, but I can't do much with my 50 hours in R22 from the US and funding shortfall to finish up anytime soon. I would fancy working for them as heli instructor (and having chance to do some twin turbine flying once the min hours reqs are met) or even airplane instructor - probably sooner than heli one, but at the mo my eyes are set on other school.

DSA didn't bother to answer my email enquiry either.
Sure, biggest civilian heli operator in CR with some FW flying and recent addition of CJ525.
One guy from CR doing his rotary training with Bristow Academy in the US mentioned that it's not that hard to fetch heli job in CR compared to rest of Europe - since HEMS is VFR there. I though, yeah, could be easier to get non-instructing job compared to the UK or Ireland - 1000h TT or PIC or twin heli IR rating. Even ICAO IR(H) or JAA IR(A) to that one's pretty hefty.

What really sucks is that one needs 250h TT heli to start FI(H) training, compared to airplanes. Helluva difference when considering minimums for CPL respectively. Oh, too much moaning again. off.

12th Mar 2009, 08:03
cheap and good beer + girls might be a good reason to head/stay over in czech rep..agree with u...but were not talkin bout that :p

the rates FA uses r pretty much average...i cant see much difference there...if the whole experience turns out to be good than maybe an extra dollar wont seem like it breaks the bank...and take into account that the instructor rates FA uses r lower than most;) and theres also a native speaker and i cant complain of poor communication..it hasnt been great from the beginning but its working out...

flying around the world i dunno..but u can fly pretty much anywhere from czech rep...east/west as u like...there is basically no holding back as long as u have the money to do it...and u can fly anywhere around europe and they would speak english i hope u r aware of that..

i dont know much about helis but here in brno theres a r22 and i know that FA offers training for cpl/ir(H)..also in hradec ive seen some heli training flying..

12th Mar 2009, 15:58

thanks, but I got it all covered regarding research, plans etc. I won't do much rotary training in Europe anyway. Rather fixed wing CPL conversion, IR etc. Heli flying in the USA, South Africa, maybe NZ, etc. Plus gliding wherever I can.
It's all down to time and money. Especially the latter.

OMG, people don't get me regarding the language. That's OK.

6th May 2009, 09:26
Hey guys,

i did my training back in Czech Rep. at Flying Academy in Brno. What i must say is that even though it took me a slightly longer time than expected i still enjoyed the fact that the school was always there for you when you needed them, but please just mention a school where you wont find any problems. The fact that you can fly over so many different countries in Europe is a great experience as well as having good weather in summer and being able to fly any time of the day. I must say again that i was very happy doing my training at Flying Academy and i would suggest to you to go there and if it takes you a slightly longer time than expected, then that is when you can enjoy the girls and cheap beer :)))