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View Full Version : Becoming a CRM instructor?

low n' slow
4th Sep 2008, 16:39
Hi all.
If I want to become a CRM instructor and gain some sort of proper and standardised qualification in this topic, what do I have to do and how does it work?


4th Sep 2008, 20:05
What does your regulator require? Look at CAP 737 on the UK CAA website for the UK framework. However, essentially, do a train the trainer course, maybe with a CRM slant. Gain some experience working with another CRMI, then get checked out (if you need it).

4th Sep 2008, 21:53
May I suggest you check out Global Air Training based in Cheshire, UK @ Crew Resource Management, Team Resource Management, Safety, Security Training (http://www.globalairtraining.com)

I did my course with them and gained my accreditation a few months after. The course is short, compact and to the point.

Whilst they may be UK based they give seminars all around the world and have people from all around the world attending their courses.

If you want any more info PM me.



low n' slow
5th Sep 2008, 14:36
I'm based in Sweden and I've asked our CAA about this. They have yet to answer my question. I did however find a university programme under the name human factors which might be of interest. It is however a 3 year programme and comparing that to previously mentioned "couple of months" makes me ask the question, is it overkill or is the suggested Global Air Training course insufficient?

I'll let SE-CAA answer my question before I make any decisions.


5th Sep 2008, 17:03
the reference to 'couple of months' is what is required in the UK after you have done the training and before you get the accreditation. I think only the UK requires accreditation. There are several course providers and 3 days is not uncommon; some are 5. To be honest, the length of course you really need is more than most people would be prepared to pay for - which is why they expect a period of supervised practice in the UK

Have you tried Lund University. The were doing a CRM facilitators course spread over a number of weeks. Or if you can get to Salzburg I am running a 3 day course at the end of September!

15th Oct 2011, 18:18

I see you did a CRM course.
My position that I am due to retire within three years, and an looking for work after that. I've ben flying since 1970 mostly 4 engine heavy jet, so have plenty experience.

There are several schools/establishments out there offering courses, but trying to find the prospects of earning from the qualification has been difficult,

I'm sure all these places are willing to sell courses, but asking them as to the earning potential is a bit like asking a car salesman if you need to buy a car.

May I enquire if you are finding benefit from your qualification?

I have checked various agencies eg Betts, but don't see any requirements for CRM people.

Any input would be appreciated.

Best regards,
